Minutes-PC 1941/08/12
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Auguet 12, 1941
Minutes of a 8pecial Meeting
of the
City Pianning Cammiesion
Speois]. A apecia]., caZled r-esting of the City
Meeting P].anning Commieaio~l wae held in ~he City Hall
att 7:00 P.M. The mesting was called in re-
sponse to a request from the C~.ty Council for
~ionsideration of a varianae petitiion. •
Chalrman pro-tem Commiesioner M. A. aaue: wae eleated to
Elected act as president pro-~'em. President araPton
Ras absont due to illnese.
Preeent Cammisaloaer.a Qauer, Schumaoher, Hilleary,
and Parke were ~resent.
Variance A petition for a eet-baak naxianc~ on Lot
Petition 14, Blook F, New Subdivision o~ Pineyard Lot
D-5, in said City, had been referred to the Commias~.n
miasion for reaommendation. ]~r Ted. Maeterson
was preaent to represent the owner submitting
satd petitioa. A motion to reaommend that said
petition be granted ~nd:tls~t. the eame set baaAc
be applioable to all lote in eaid bloak fronting
on ~th0 weet aide o~ N. Clementine St., between
W. Chartres St. and W. Cygreee St. was seconded
and earried. The eecretary was instruated to pre-
pare the reaommendation and a report showing the
reasons for said action.
Subdivielone Dr. Carlin, owner of s. five acre parael ly-
1ng on th-• south side oY We+et Broadway, bet~een
the aity limit and Loara Road, requeeted tenta-
tive approvsl of a prelimlilary ple.n oP a subdi-
visioa o~ eaid parael as an aid Sa preparing a
tentatiive plan to preeent to tn~ CounLy Planning
Commiesion. The plan aoneid9red mo~it =avoriable
is eketahed on the attaehad sheet.
Ad~ournment The buainess of the ~special maeting having
been soaomplishefl, the meoting was ad3ourned.
Rea~ectYully submitted
G. M. Parke, Seoy.
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Honorable Cit3r Cauaail
City oi llnaheim
~'he repor'S s.nd raeommea~ati~s oi t~e ~'~
Flanning Oommiaeion relative 'to ~ Ci#~ ~0~~l1,*s
~- ~~a'~ivn of Augue~ ?, 39~42, ~s ~~~; =~i:t~d:
Fox~ tha xe~.eone es 9E~ ~dI'63 ~ ~~ p~f~~
2or s set-baok varlance, da~ea gugrist 7, 1941, ~fi~.ct
reaaons in the o~iuion oY the ~lssiaet .~1~ ~~a~~
to e~l lota ia ths block nenrionea; ~ Sos ~53~re Yz~tT~er
reason that the requesxe3 buil3ir~ se~c~ af t~2'~~e~a
~ ,: ec~~ ~rom., the :ront pronert~ 11ne i a~ v± ~#~~
,, apeaiPied bq ordinance for the ,flr.~ 3.n ~+ ~ asi "-~o~x~tT
1e looatsd, ualess a greatzr ;a~t-bar,k il~ na~~i~~ bg
the ormere the?neelve$, ~.nd ba~,use rrs~ i~nec~i~~~h s~r~
that owneTa oY 75yb of tL.a tronza,~*e ?.r, Q~.= bloc~ fas~
ohF~..~~3ng the exist~.n~ b;;f3~,i~,g 3;.r.e _~-~=e: ~g :~ae
ownere, to eaid 2'iftesn fo~~, b~i.i~'_~ s~3-c~c~Jc 1~, ~d
sinas there i~s no app~rent ~v2~:.ae ~~ asiZ c~ a~i31
be ~a.terially detrimen~al ~o t3~ 2~e~3~;.~ ~e;4~b~:}~,.~
but• on the aontrary, mxy ~e beneiicsi~i i.i ~hf~ a~e~~i~
asse, Therefore tho Co~i.s~aon ~eco~ae~a y~t ~e t~37
vL".i:•v.'~r.ya. ~icu,V G. voTiaaTav'c G6Y~~a,.ilS~ ~~~p`.=pp~ p7~ p~ -iag
wes,erly eide oY North ClementLp @~re~~ ~n ~. ~
~'C. 8I1C1. t~. Ci9'UP889 .g~'..~ O~ $J.~ ~$8t ~ ~tiS..° ~tia O~~
oenter ].ine uY ea3d C3eser~t~e St. ~~Is,1+~ ~~aerebg e
rront y~ d~pLh in sald b2rsc~ ~s.~ ~ r., i~=~ :_.
1WOtlOVb~i ~LL3~ ~~~~~_~ ~
CI~Y PI.~.~3~ C~ISSI~
G. 3~. Pa..r3cs, S~ ~r~
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