Minutes-PC 1941/08/18-;~ns~s
Ana~e].m~ .r.`a11P.
~,ugus•t 18,' 1841
Mee ing
~ Subd3vi-
~ aione
~ o~ the
A regular meeting of the City Pianning Ocmmtsaion
~ae held in the C.':ty Ha31 ~t 7:00 P. M.
Commiasianers 8~humacher, Heyin~, Hilleary, Mar-
tenet Jr., and Park6 were preaent.
Due ta the abaenaa of Mr. q~rafton, th9 CommisFion
eleoted Dr. Hilleary to aat as President unti:~ `,.~.
araYton raturne.
The minutee of the reguler meetin~ of Ju2y 21 and
tho special meeting of Auguet 13, ~.941, were approved
as trritten.
Bdr. Ra1ph Maae preser,ted a pxeliminary map of a
propoaed subdivielon o~ a portion of Vine~ard Lot B-5
and explained tha salient features of the plat. The
Commlesion declined to offer approval or dieapps~oval
without further study.
Mr. ~reenAOld's pZat was aleo sY.~ldied, but no ac-
t~on xas aonaidered neoesaary.
Proper aubdiviaion of ~ha land weet of N. We~st St.
and ly3,ng between Burton and Linaol.n Avenuee was con~
ei3ered a matter of particular importancR due to tYie
varioue ooureee of exie~ing etreete and l~t linee in
the area. The Rn~ineer 9vaa ~.natr-aated to draw up eome
praetical 9olutior,,e to the problem.
Secreta~y Parks preaente8 the ten~tative,building
eet-baok ordinance and mapa ohowing th~9 areas of pro-
poaed application and ite uZtimate afYsct on th9 etreet
Respoctf~~zlly Submitted
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The Seoretary also repor~ed on the progrees of the
Street-Tree Plan and propoeed ordinanae for adminietrat7:on
of eaid plan.
Tl~e mattar of automoblle parking 1r. the buainese
d1EtY'~ ~t was dl:sausbed t~om?~_~various poin~e o~ ~riew. A
pla'C of the central businese distrlot ~as presentad to
~how vaaant areae. The 9ecretar9 wae inetruoted to oe-
oure the law appliaable ~o eetabl5.ehing parking lots
and to make a e:+~dy a8 to eosts and ateans oP aoc^ompliahment.
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l[on~.ay AugueS 18, 1941
Plannir~g From all in~.csatiione thie meotiag osn be da-
voted almaet entire3.y to ~ci3.~y plsaning* work in-
stea8 oP ~,dmin9,stration of ealet3ng ordinanoea.
" The Clty Counoil now eeeme reailg inbereetad
! f~~~~s
° in what ehould be dono to provide pa~king apaoe
near the aenter of th~ei~~in:~es dietriot. Unleae
~arkiag P~'~~ faoilitie~s ar ,,, e~ aennot hope to keep o'asr
businese area Yrom epreading.
One map oY the businees area between Los
!.~.~elee aad Lemon 8treete and extending lrom Cheet~
nu~ St. to Chartre~a ~t, hae already been drawn.
A pl,an is needed and our help hae been requeeted.
Hae~ar A proaram tor preparation and adoption oi
Plarie onr DRaster Plane ahould be outllned ae they seree
for a gtxide for~ all future aork. llhen oPfioie~.].~~
paeeed Maeter. Plane Yiave a etrong influ~nae in ee-
onring pnb3.io ooogaratlon., and also provide s eound
baei~ $or our own deolaZona. One of the m4ea neaea-
eare '±a the "Streets' snd HighWa.ys plan.
subd3vi- Mr. ~Iaas wou].d like to have ue give eYther
elon~ ~etttative approval or ra~aotion to hie proposed
aulydiviel on ox the pr~~x~erty ~ue~ nagth o2 tYie
City parls. He etatee.that h3a tuture oourse
in re~,~ard t o tlxe property depende upon thg aotion
the C~~mmiesion te~ke~3, or implies thst it ~ould
taae ia oase oT a teatative map .
4.~[.P~k~, 9eoy.
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