Minutes-PC 1941/09/15~.
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Anaheim, Calif.
ffiept. 15, 1941
of the
Aegular A regular meeting of the City Planning Commiealon was
I[eetiag held in the City Hall and ca~.led to order.at 7:15 p.rs. by
Dr. Hillesry, chairman pro-tem.
l[in~tea Tha minutes ai the laet meeting were approved as written.
Annval The Annual Report of the City Planning Commieeion for the
Heport 1940 - I94I fisoal year waa approved and fiZed. Copies of
eaid report were sent to the State P].e_nning Board, ar±~ ths~
Anaheim City Counail.
gnbdivi- l~. P.~:ph Ma.as preaented an alternate scheme Yor subdiv~iding
sioas the ten acre glo~ oY land at the northeast aorner of Syaamore ;..nd
and Palm S~reets. 2'he ~lan eae neither approved nor re~eoted,
but suggeations were made, and Mr. 9Saas proposes to alter the plan
before requesting an opiaion on it. ,
Var4ance A petition for a vsrianee Yrom regulations of ~he Zoning
Anaitieim i:it. Ord3~.nanae was submitted by the Anaheim C3trus Producta Co.,Ltd.,
Prod. Co. by ita Vi.ce-Preaident, Mr. Chsa. T.Taylor. Said varianae re-
quoets permission to operate the company's citrus products
phi'~ at the sauthwast corner of La Pa1ma Ane. and Citron S~treet,
elthough same is in the "R-1" Diatriat.
A letter from Mr6. Amanda Lloyd, ob~eatin~ to the location
of said bg-pro3uate plant acroea the street Yrom her property,
was preea~ted. Mr. Timmons, repreaenting Mra. Lloyd, said paat
Yailures to sell his aliants property or to finance subdivisions
thareon ~ere attributed to eaid plant.
After thorough diect3saion the C~mmiestoa voted,unanimousl~r,
tc :sca~sad th~t a variancs ba granted vnder the Yollowing con-
l. That the ter~ of aaid variance be tRO yeare.
2. That wasto dtspossl arrangements, satieiac~ory to
the City ~ngineer be m~;de prior to the granting o~' the varianoe.
3. That in aaes a final map oP a subd3vision o° any
Isuu ~~ ~3n 250 ~'ee~ oi i,he propei ~y ~tff~C~ed by gaid variance
is reeorde~, and improvementa euah ~A ~.nstallation oP curb,
utility distributic-n ~.ines or ma,ina, or etreet grading end surr
t'acing, begun, eaid variance ~a].I. beoome nu1Z and void 30 3ays
a~ter euoh a~rk wae begun, and said pl~nt ahall aeaae to oF,erate
~-±thi~ 30 d.ays oP the time en~r euoh work was begun,
In reeponse to a requeAt from the President of the Plannirig
Council of Orange County for annual me~~erehip duee, tne ~ommis-
syon authorize~i the 9earetamy to yoin said organizarion in the
name of Lhe City P7aaning CommJ~.geio~a and tc eend said duee ataount-
ing to ~2.50.
9t this point in the meeting two members took leave and so
a quorum ~rae na Ionger present. After a short dS.aoussion of tY~e
proposed set t~aok ordinanc~, eepecially regaxding Chestnut 8t.,
be~i-een Citron St. and Ohio St. and also as to Villa Place, the
meeti.ng was ad~ournec? .
ReepectPullv eubmitted
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