Minutes-PC 1941/10/29~, , _ .. _ . _ _. .. - - - -- _ _ _ ____- _-- -- _
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, An~heim, Calif. .
~ October 29, 1941
of the
AdJourneri An.ad~ourned meeting of the City Planning Com-
Meeting miaelon aa~ held in thc~ City Hall and called to order
&t 7:15 p.m. by ~r. Hilleary, acting ohairman.
Preaent ' Comeiieeionera Iiilleary, Heying, Martenet Jr., ;
Boqsen and Parke were present. . i
Minutes The ml.nutes of the regula.m meeting held September
?5 th and thoee of October 20th were approved ae written.
Subdi~ieion ~
Vin. Lot. F-5 A Tentaxive ffiap of a subdivieion of the ~esterly i
half of Vineyard Lot B- 5 nae submitted by T~r. Ralph
~[aae as agent for ~he ownera, Mr J. H. 3lemers and wife. ,
The map r:ae acaompanled by a.aet of deed reatriations
and a list af propoaed improvements.
A moLion to reoommer~d. th~t the Tentative Map be
approvec~ sub~ect to the follewing.conditions, wae paseed: .
l. That the value of eaoh reaidenae on Lots
numbered 1 to 20 be not leas than $6000 and thaL xhe
value of eaoh residence on lots numbered 20 to 40 be
not 3eas than $5000.
2. That no mair~ building other than a single
family residenae be permitte3 on any lot in said sub-
3. That 10' easements be provided a3ong th~ rear ,
lot lines throughout the fu1Z length ~f eRah blook in
which Lhere hae been no prov~.sion Yor an alley.
Ad~ournment As the Commiesion did not wieh to ooneider other
maLt~ra ~t Lhis t±me, ~he me~t?ng wae ad~ourned.
Reepectfully aubm3.tted
C ~~: ~ P~B,~