Minutes-PC 1942/03/16~,i .._.. ;~
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City Ha11
Ananeim, Calif.
~darch 16, 1942.
of the
REGULAR A regu].ar meeting of the City Planning Commission a~as
MEETIN4 csall~d to oxder ny Chairman Hilleary at 7:20 p.m. in the City
PRESENT Chairman Hill~sary and btessera Ddartenet, Schumacsher,
Riutcel and Paxka• ~+er~e present.
MINUTES The minutea of the February I.6th. meeting were appro-
ved as writ~en.
ADMINI~- The ~act that a uaed car dealer on So.Los Angeles Street
TRATION is using his property for a.z auto wrecking yard was brought to
the attention of the commisaion. .
A building resting on temporary cribbing instead of the
required cancrete foundation,cn So.Los Angeles Street,was also
thought to be a violatlon of a city ordinanae.
Theae matters crere considered to be a reault of lax
enforcemen't ar~d were referred to A'[~. Maxtenet.
ZONING The matter of notifyin~ ownera of pro~+erty lying be-
tween Mancheater Ave., and the prc+poaed ~'freew•ay" ruute about
the contemplated change of zone in that area was discussed.
The commissi~n decided that eaid ownera should be notified of
the propoaed changea by mail, but that no amendmen~a to the
ordinance should be made at th3e time. The eeeratary was in-
atructed to send out such r~otice to said property ocvne.re.
HIGHWAY The secretary axirnounced that the Cour.ty Plann:..:~ Com-
PLANS mi~eion waa abotxt ta comm~nce serlous study of the county
highway system w3.th the idaa of preparing a Master Plan of
Highways of Orange County. It ia expectea that a county plan
will be submitted to each city for approval prior to adoption
of the plano The Anaheim Commiasion therefore apent coneider-
able time studyin~ prorosed routes tY~rough and around Anaheim.
~ast - West streeta coneidered were Orangethorpe, La Palma Ave.,
Li.ncoln Ave., and Cerrltoe Ave. The North - South atreets
etudied were Placentia Ane., Palm St., and ~uclid Ave. No
deflnite action was taken.
ADJOL'RN- A motion to ad~ourn was passed.
Res c~tfully submitted,
G. M~%~ar~Te,- e~
~ ~r
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Monday, March 1Fi, 1942.
City Ha11, ?;00 P.1~.
~ES The m~,nutee o~ tYie last meeting axe attaalied hereto.
F• ~~ A• The Sear,~f;ary wi7.l be prepared to report on lateet
deveZopmenta in F.H.A. requirements ae outlined by offi-
cia.la at a Planning Congresa meetin~ in Whittier.
The tonios are liste~ ae followa:
l. Fin~naial and Economic Policlea of F.H.A.
Z. Frooeaaing New Land Development.
3. Integration oY Community Deaign.
PIIBI+IC The pro~eats which liave been proposed to the Federal Public
W~tKB Wurk Reae~ ~e for tk~e Gity oP Anahei.m will be available fo•r
RESEAYE per~aZ by ths Com.miasion. If any ~a.ing ha,a been Porgotten,
perhaps it could e~i~.l he filed.
~~ The County Planning Commiesion Yia~ an actiae Committee
. workin~ on a Hi~hwr~,y Plan for the county. The committee was
appointed to work w3~h a eimilar group repreaenting the Santa
&aa Plannirsg Cemmiesiaa. ~he proposed enlargement of both the
Cadet Training ~enter and the militciry airport south oP Sant~.
Ana has aaused theae Comm;iss.'~.ona to r.eal3ze the nec~seity fox
a Master Highway Flan. Suggeeted rou'~ee afYectin~ the Ansheim
area should be g~.ven ooneideration iP they are to be included
in the Countq Plan.
' Dg'EN~; 2'he eearetary expects ~a a'~~end a meetiing devo~ed ~n a
AREA diea~:eeion of v~hether or not Orange Coun;y ahould bA inaluded
- in a"defense are~." arcd i;he reeultaxi.t effeot upon builcU.r.sr in
the area in either a~zee. A report on thP aub~aat will be
~iven if deeired.
?dQ getitionsof ariy ~i~d haye been received during the
past month,
The time to do constructive planni.ng Sa when th~ meetSng
. i~ not devoted to affaira of an administrative nature.
Reepeatfully eubmitted,
- G.M.Parks, Secy.
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