Minutes-PC 1943/05/04 i ~:~ ~ . ;:~ . ~ ~:~ ~~r ~ , . - s., ~ .,.._._....,_....._.....__ ............. ......_.... ..~.,..._...,.. ,.J. .~,rY-...a.+~~':'~s-~^rrs..^!e!~..~.•.r.m •«.~.m_,..~~+,v.t.a:.... - .~ ._. • ~ Y ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~ . " ~ g. .: ~tO' city xaii .~esm, caisr. May 4, i943 MI~IUTEB ~JF THE 3PECIAL M~ETINa of the CITY PLANNINa COIiOiISSION i ,; : .i ~:•.,, ~t,1 ',¢ i =' ... .... SPEC'tAL Due notioe of a e eoial meetiag o~ t~a City Planniag MEETINQ Commisaion to bs held at ~j:GO P.M., thie Sate, in the City Hall, had been reaeived and signed by all mec~bere of the Com~-l.seion preaent, bsfore the xime 1.imit required by law. PRE~~NT Commiselonera Hilleary, aauer, Riutoel, Boney and ~apgood R~re presant; aleo ~tt~rne;~ Frile, and 1Qr. R. E. genne~q oi the Douglas airoraPt Compaay, Ino. q,UORTTM Chairmaa Hilleary called the meeting to ~rder at 7:15 P.M., and dealared a q~xorum preeent. SECRETARY TY~ reaigna~i.oa of a~ M. Parks as a mem'ber and eeoretary oS the 6ommiesion, da~ed April Y9, 1942, ~eae aooepted. Com- miseioner Hapgood wae appoiated seoretary, PETITION A verified petition dated May ~, ~943, eigtied by 1[artin FOR Del (3lorgio, Pmilie D. Voigta, H. A. ~enney and Paul Neubaumr, VARId1NGa owners oi Lota 5, b, 7 and ~ of the gonig 8ubdivision, request- ittg a variaaae in the zoning reatriotions tmposed ~r.pon eaid property ea as ta permit the eame to be ue~d Sor the manufaoture and assembly of airoraft parts and storage inaidental thereto, . Por the duration of the war, Aas presentod. FINDIN(~8 After a fu1Z disause~lon of the oiraumatartaes, ooa~3Stions and property rigk-ts involvea,,aad the propoes~ use of eaid premisee, it was ~ound that aonditione ,u~tiiled the varianae. R~COD~dEN- It was moved by Commiealoaer Boney, seoonded by Com- DATION aissioner itiutoel, and carrled, that the petition be approved aad that thia Commiseion reoo~en8 to ~he Oity Couaail that a ooad2tional varianoe be gs~anted in aacordanoe with the petitioa, whereby the above-deeoribed prapexty may be ue~d P~~ ~1n~ maau- faature and aesgmbly o! airoraft parte and ati~rage inoidentai ther~:~, ?or yhe duration cP the Rar. ' ADJOURet- Hotion to ad~ourn wae paesed a~ 7:38 P.1~. MENTT Fcesp~ ully eubmityed, E. P. Ha ood, Seo~. ~ ~~ s :~ ,~ >~ _~ :~ .: ~~ ~':~