Minutes-PC 1943/12/21vi~y n~ll Anaheim, Calif. December 21, 194;. MINUTEB OF BPECII~L 1t~EETING o~ the CITY PLANNING COI~1',.I38ION . ~ 6 ~~ ~ ~ I ;~ `i :i ! `~:i R:; . ~.; : `;L ~ ~PECIAL Due notice~of A special meeting oi the City Planning MEETING Commiasion to be held ir. the City Hall at 10:00 EY..~. today, ~vas received by all the Cemmiseioners on DecemUe:^ 20, 19~+3• PRESENT Commiseioners Hillear~*, Uauer, Riutcel, Schumacher, Boney and Hapgood aere present. C~UORUM Chairmfa.n Hilleary calied the meetin~; to order at 10:00 A.t:t., and declwred a auc aum present. 1ITNUTES The minutes of the rE~ular meetin~ held DHArch 16, 19~2, and of the speciAl meetings held May 4, June 2~ and August 9,~943, were read and a;~proved. FOUR Four verified petitions for vari~iices from the zoning PETITIONS restrictiona were presented, and after a full discuseion of the FOR circumstances, condition: and property rights inv~lved and the VARIANCES proposed usea of tne p:emises in each case, it was Yound that con- ditions ,justified the variances, the actionz t4k~n by the Commis- sion being as follo~va: RECOPII~IEN- l. Tt was moved by Commissioner Riutcel, aeconded 'ay Com- DATIONS nissioner Schumacher, and carried, that this Commission recommeno to the City Council that a co::ditional variar.ce be granted Anaheim Citrua Prndveta C~mnanv tn ~nntinna tha nnaratinn nf ~ r.itri~a hv_ products and dehydratin~ p'l~nt on the easterly 225.2~ feet of the nartherly a.25 ucres of Lot 39, Anaheim E.xteneion, as ahewn or, a cnap made by William Hamel and filed for record in the office of the Counety Recorcler of Los Angeles Countv, Gqlifornia, such veri- ance to be granted upon ~he following conditio;is: (a) That tre term of said Jarianoe shall e~pire December jl, 1.944. (b) That in case a final map of a subdivleion o~ any land cvithin 250 feet of the property t~.ffected by said varia;~ce is re- corded, and'i~r~provements such' as inst~llation of curb, utillty dis- tribution lines or mains, ~r street grading and aurfacing beo n in such aubdivision, said variar_ce shall become null and void 30 days after such wor'r: is be~un and said plant shall cease to oper~te ~+ithin ~~id j0 days. (c) That a eeparate sewer connection with special industrial manhole shall be provided foi~ the trade ~!~astes from the pla.nt; ~uci: ~1or~. to be consti~ucted ir, accordance with instructions from ~t>:e Oity Engineer and at the expense of the company. (d) Tl:at before Ueing dlscharged into the city sewer syster~, a].1 trane ~vaetes from tLe nlant ahall be screened to a fineness of at least 20 meah and hrau~h~ to a pH of.at least 7. (e) Thst i1o obnoxious or ob,jectionable odors be allowed to escape from the plant. (~) T;at the pra,~,lEas b~ uept in a oresentable co„di~lon. ~^,,,',~..,,~i~,~~.,,cG 2. Motion wAS made by Commissioner Boney, seconded by Com- ~,~ ~~~ missioner Schumacher, and carried, that the Commisalon reco~mend to the City Council that a conditional variance be ~ranted DdeCoy Motor Company to construct and maintain a building for general auto- motive and farm eauipment business on Ori~inal City Lo~ 6, as shol^r. on a m~zp reoorded in Book 4 oi Deeds, pagea 629 a:id 63C, Re~c~rde of L08 l~lI1R'@1.BA (i011ritv; CFi].1{~OT'171A.; ai~~i~ar_.t tn tha 4n~ l nminp ,n~~nA~ ~~~ `Q; t; - .~ ~;J: '~• V`~.~ . =.: "z'$-~~.". ~i -- ~'' ~1'~ ~ ~ REGOr~aIEN- - (a) That al'! build3ngs, fences or other atructures erected DATIONS or. said Lot 6 or on the southerly p~rtior. of ~,et , ad,~oinir_~, CQ~.ITINUED shall be set c:ack a distance of at least iifteen ~1;) feet from 1;he present northerly property line oi VJest Adele Street, ar.d ~ive and one au~rt~r (5.25) feet from the presant ~a~ecterly 13ne of North Los An~eles 3treet. (b) That before any sucii buildin~s, fer_ces or other structures are erected upon said property, plans And epecifications for the same shall be presented to this Ccr:mission for ap~roval. 3. It vras moved by Connissioner Gauer, seconded by Commis- sioner Riutcel, ~n3 carried, tha.t tlie Commiseion recomm~nd to the City Ca~xncil thut a conditional variance Ue ~r~znted the o~vners of tne r.ortherly 100 ~~et of Original City Lot 17, as sho~~n on a map recorded ir. 3ook 4 of Deed.s, pabes 629 and 6j0, Records af Los An~~eles Count,y, Califorr.ia, whereby se.id propert3~ L'!c'~~~ be used for ttie ma:~ufacture and assembly of aircraft parts and stora~;e inci- dental thereto, for the dur~ation of the war. Commisaioner Boney reauested that ne be recorded as not votin~ on the foregoing motion, on account oi interest in the property involved. ~-. Puotion tivas made by Co,:ui~lssloner Boney, seconaed by Com- missioner ^~uer, and carried, th~t the Comrnission recomrner~d to tlie City Council that a condition~l variance Ue ~ranted the owners oi the sov.therly 90.~j feet of the northerly 212 ~eet of the westerly 199.6 ieet of the easterly 209.6 ~eet of Vineyard. Lot ~-6, ae sho~:~n on a map reoorded in Boolc ~+ oi Deeds, paoes 6c9 ar.c: 6j0, Records oi Los Ar.~eles Countv, California, for the manufacture and a.saembly o~ aircraft parts and storabe inci3ental thereto, for the duration of the tivar. Or_ account of orone.rty !,~tFrPGts; C~mmiagi~n- er Schumacher reaueated that he be rerorded as noc votln~ on this motion. = PROP08E~ After a diacussion of prooosed annexations to the area ~ ANNEXA- of the city, tlie Co:nnission reconmends tY~at ~. survey and 3tudy Ue ~ TIONS made as to the possiuilitles and econor•aics of annexing the follo~v- ~ in~ areaa: (a) The area bounded by the present east city limits, Sfln1;a Ana Street, P1lcentia Avenue and Romneg; Drive and snid Drive ex- tended weatwardly. (b) The N~~14 of tne :JE4 of the SW2 of Bectior. 3, ~. ~ S, i R. 10 W., S. i3. B. & I:~. ~ (c) The eset 160 feet of the ~ti~est 190 feet of the north ' 64Q.0~ feet of the SW~ of the NE~ of the SWq of said Section j, to be placed in the Industrial Zone M-j, upon Annexation. ADJOURN- The meetin~ ad~ourned at 11:05 A.~,1. .. MENT . ,~ . . - . . , . --- - ~ -. - - .~ - ~ ~~. ~ , ~- .~ - - -.~ ' ------ Sd c tary . r 1~ _ ~' ~ ~ ~ ~ v