Minutes-PC 1944/04/21~'
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City Hall
Anal:eim, Calif.
April 21, 1944.
SPECIAL Due noriae of s apeolal mesting of the City Planning
MEETING 4ommiesion to be held in the City Hall a~C 10:00 A.M. today, was
reoeived by all oY the Commiasionere an April 19, 1944.
PRESENT CommissionersHilleary, Schumacher, (~auer, Riutoel,
Boney and Hapgood; Aesooaate-Commissioner Laird; Attorneys Friie
and MaFadden; Police Offioera Wilder, Bowen and Wilkireon.
QUORUM Chairman HilZeary called the meeting Lo order at 10:00
A.M. and declared a quorum preaent.
PETITION An applioation dated April 19, 1944, from Fredric
VYilliams, requesting that the Commission apnrove the meat paoking
' plant on Patt Btreet as a proper loaation for slaug}ater house
purposes and for "purposes for wliich it he.s most reoently been
ueed" r was preseaiie3.
After a lengthy disousaion partiaipated in by Attorr.ey
MnFgcldw~ fqr tha nF~fitionPr and Attornev Friia for the Citv, a
motion was made by Comm:asioner Riutael and seaonded by Commis-
eionei~ Schumacher that this matter~be held over for furtkier
study; thie motion was not oarried.
~ECOMMEN- Commisaioner (3auer •~oved that thSa Commisalon approve
DATION the premises ~:nder ooneideratian ae a suitabl.e looation for the
pu~poede ~ur ~vhioh tY:e ~ia:,~ aas 3asig;~sd and aaastnuated; this
motion was aeoonded'by CommisEioner Riutael and carried.
SLU~I The Chairman presen~ed s ~~stement oP hio views on the
AREA bli~hted area north of La i~alma Park; tho Commiasion appr~ved
this statement and direoted that i~ be tranem2tted to the Coun-
ail #'or ~oneidara~ton. The statecaent reada:
"We strongly recommend to the Council that tY~e area
atarting at Lemon and Los Angeles, then west on Los Angelea to
3,oadra, north on Spadra to Romneya, east on Romneya to Lemon,
tY!,en south on Lemon to Los An~eles, be eondemned as a slum area,
an~~., together with the ed~oining Babinger Subdivisipn, be cleared
~or~ park purposes. Thie oan be done under The Park and Play-
gro~ina. Aat o~ 19d9 •
We recommend that an ssa~;~sment distriat t~ pay the
cost oP th~.e work be formed to i.nolude the entire City oP Anaheim.
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a slur~ area ia one 3n :^htch predoair.~.ta dwellings t~±~.t
either beoause of dilapidation, obsoleacsence, overcrowdino, poor
arrangement or design, lacsk of sanitation, filt:, aareleeanesa of
residents, or a oombination of these factors, are detrimen~;ai xo
the safety, health, morale, and comfort oP the inhabitanta thereof.
The area under obaervation is definitely a slum diatrict,
whioh is a disgrace and a liab?lity to the City and should be re-
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SLUM From the standpoint af the City regarding losa of
ARE.9 revenue, it really-w~l} ~+e ~ suv3ng, in-es-muah ae the ravenue
CONTINUED from taxes at the present time does not oompensate the City for
the services, which inolude garbage and trash oolleation,
eleatrio, water and sewer servioe, police and fire proteotion,
and strest improvementa with maintenance. In reality it is a
subsidized area at present."
8ET-BACI{ The Commissior, recommended a aet-back of 20 feet on
LIYE the northerly aide of I3orth Los Angeles Street from the north
line of La Palma Avenue to the east line of North Lemon Street,
and north along said east line of Lemon 8treet to the end oP
the present curb.
ADJOURN- Meeting ad~ourned at 12:10 P.M.
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