Minutes-PC 1944/07/21. .. 3f., .
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July 21, 1944.
' oP the
SPECIAL 'Due notice of a a~eaial meeting of tl~e Lity Planning
MEETINa eommission to be held in the City Hall at 10:00 A.M. today, was
reaelved by all of the Commissionera on July 19, 194~+.
PR~;SENT Commissionera Hilleary, Riutcel, 3chumacher, Heying
and Hapgood, and Asscciate-commissioner Summers. •
QUORUM Chairman Hilleary called meeting t~ order at 10:00 AM
and declared a quorum present.
1JIINUTEB The Minutea of the Specis7. MeQtinga heid Deoember 21,
~943, Februarv 25 and April 21, 194=E, pere read and ~pproved.
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PETITION A verified petition for a zoning varianae waa presen+~ed
FOR by General Miselonary Board of the Free Methodlst G' arrh oP Narth
~ VARIANC~, America, Clyde .T. B~arnett, RepNesentatlve, requestirtg permiselon
ti to use the churah bugldirtg and Zots at the northea,st ot-rner of
Cit^~n and La Vmrne ~treets for religious servioes by Cauoasian
people. Aftex~ a thorough disoueeion, 2t was thought bsat to
i.n`vio i,iiia maiyar pending Lae reaeipti or iegai opinion on ~ome
queations involved. ~
SLUM Further oonsideration ~as given the blighta~d a•rea
AREA nort~ of La Palma Park. In addition to the reaommendaL~one
progoeed at the meeting oP April 21, it wae moved by Chmmissioner
Hey1~3g, eeconded bp Com;~i.ssioner Riutcel, and oarried, that LhQ
Gommisaion reoommend to the ~iiy Gouncii ~'nat ~ue z~esld~ni~ af -
j this area be given three to five yeara in whiah to mqve, and
that an enabling or a3visor9 aommittee of citiseas be appointed
, xo aseist in relooating thea~ reeidents. -
; At 51:10 Commisaioner He~i.ng withdrew and Att~rney
Friis entered.
~~ Attorney Friia atgted hia views regar8.ing the above-
~i : mentioned petition for variaace.
REA7,TY Assoc2ate-Commissioner 3ummers inv5.ted ~he membera of
'~' ' BOARD the Commiasion to a Realty Eoaz•d dinner to be held at the Parlssr
~'; ;, Houae, 6:30 P.M., P~uguet 2, to hear Col. Evans of the Economq
~ Houeina Cornoration.
~ ADJOURN- Meeting ad~ourned at 12:10 P.~.
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