Minutes-PC 1944/11/29i
OI4!Y PLANHZII~~ Q4~lZS~x01~
Ror~mber 2g~ igq4.
Honor~ble O~~y Counoil
~ Oit~r o! Mabeim
- ,..., .....s. _
At a ep~oiaZ ms~tittg 0! the clity Plsaning COmmiesioa
he7+a Loda~-~ a PetZtioa for a Varieaos aad su Applioation for a
aoaditios-ai Pex~3t xere r~a6~ved. Atter a tull dieoueeion o~
the oirovmet~ano~e~ oonditione ~nd proper~y rights lavolvad.aw3
t,hs proposeQ ueea QP~Lhe premiees !.n eaoh oas~~ the CommiesSoa
mnk~es the loliowiag reoommendatioae relative tc r,hase reqr~eetet
_ 1~ That a aouditional varianoe b~ granted Anaheim
- aitrns ProBuo~s Co., Lt~l.b coatin~e ~he operation ot` a aitru~
f by-produote aad de2~,~dratittg Plant pa the ~aste~ly 225.25 lR~ti of
the nort,3~eriy 9.25 aares or Lat 3g, Anaheim ~ctAnaion~ as ah~arn
.--~ on a ma~p ma~e by 9~~1~,iaia Hame1 ~ lilecl !or reoord in t~e ol~lae
loe ~ouat~, Oalilcrniap suoh
of the QouuZy Reoord~r ~!' Los
varianoe to b~- grsa~ed upoa the olloaing ao~ditiona~
`s (a~ ~hat th~e term of eaid variaraae ahsll e~zpir~a I3~oe~ab~r
31. 7.9~5•
- ` cu~- latrd
~ eubdivisioa ot
(b) T2~at Sa oase a fi~taZ_mep of
- • _
--- ----
wz~n~.n ego seeti or r,ne ~rvDer~~ esreo~ed oy said ver~Aanae ie ~eovrdsa~
anet imprn~eaente suoh ae instiAilation vr ourb~ utl.Ii.~Cy ~tio4~ilau•C,~,~a
- lines ar~ mai~~ or stree+t grgdiag atld ~ui~faait~g begr~ ~,~ e~eth ~~xb~-
Qi~isioa, a~td rariaaoe ahal~ beoome au].1 and void t~1.r~y (30) daye
- a-2'~er s~ ~rk !,a begun an6. smi8 plant eha~.l aeaee to o~rr~te arl.th-
3,n wtld thirtY ( 30 ) daYa . ~ '
- see~r .
(o~ ghat b~fore being Qlaa2~rgsd iz~to the olLy
a~rs~sm~ all txade pae oes lrom the p].aat ehall bs eoreene~i to a
fitseaeee of a8 ~eaa~ 28 meah s~nH brought to a pH o~' at l~~~t 7.
. ~Q~ T~L J~0 (/Ui1~77G~.1.VKD G~Sl ~VVJq{itYiVi~17~Mir7 VYVaO MQ i~1iYMlIY
to esoape lrom the plau~.
,-' (e) Ttiat 9;he premise~ bR kept in a presentable aondition.
_ 2. That a vo~ditioua3, perml.t ba grant~d Ths.:Br~ldglorfs
i ~; Compat~}r 8an ~lega, Calif~, !mr th~r uea ot ~CZie p~wperty an~ bul,idi'n~t
. .
. .
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~~ .Lw ~o.~a vu rm y n Q 4i'1~~ Y&~i~ a 8a$i6s .y aZG6~ r~j ~~ ~'u3i2Z'u
` patLy, for the purpo~~ ot proomaeiag meate ~d veg~tiab`1Ra Por humatt
„;'<. ~ oansumptiou~ upeya ~n lDilowiag oanditiane; .
' ~ (a) That th~ prsnsae~ be kept ia ~ aleatx and order~,y
3 OOD¢3.tr10A.
~ db~ T'~$~ t~ butelaasa bs operat~d tn ooalarmity ~'l.~h ~-
`4-...; ... .._ ~;, ~~
•.~_~_,.a~ a z_ae. ~s_r~. ,.a ~~ ~ a ~_~..._ a..~ e~ ~
~juia-vmeyts'o Vi wcF ~u o vea ~v asair~ s vx6~ii ~f~l1RV iCiti ilC7.LA$ ~, ~u'n.waa~.i~"s ~avsa e
-~r ~ ~
= Respeo4~u1.].q submitted~ ~
- QIT'~ PLAfiVINEi OQMkiI98I01~ ~
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Cit~ Hall
= Anaheim, Calif.
No•:o;nber 29, 19~+.
aY tne
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3P~CZbL Bue notiae of a speolal meeting oP the City Planning
lS~'i~G Co~seloa to be heZd 1n the City Iiall at 10;00 A.M. today, wae
~eeei~;d by all Commissioners 6n None~ber 24, 1944.
~ Commissionera Hillear~, Boney, Riutcel, (~auer, Hapgood;
- 6sa~.~s~iate Commissionera 8ummers and Laix~d; Planning Engineer Parke,
C~asnltant ihitnall; Representatives of the Anaheim Citrub Pro-
d.ncts Co. and af The Brid~P~rd Co.
C~t~ The meeting Ras aalled to order by Chairmaf~ Hilleary
at Z0:15 A.M., a quorum being present.
MZ7~!'33 R mstioa to dispenae with the reading qf the minutea of
the 2ast meetiag ass second.:,~1 and carr.ied.
L`•OBDI- Yr. H. fi. Bridgtord, presidant of The Bridgford Company,
~":C+~: Ssa 231eg~o, Calt~., preseaL'ed a ietter requesting a permit to use
~4 ezfatiag bnildinga, Porme~ly oooupiecl by the Southern Meat Company,
on Patt StreeL, far the purpoae oY praaessiag meate and negetabl~s.
An ezplaaatioa aP the iatended use of the premiaes revealed that
t*~ere Rould be no aoise, fumea, or other disagre~able features .
a`.~c~ ~ouZd be detrimental to the px~operty in the immed3ate vtainl.ty
o~ the City as a rhole. A~oti~s's reoommending ~o the City Cou.~cil
*.~at the permtt be ~anted upon the aondition that the whole premi-
~~~ ue aep~ aieau ana ordes3y ana LnaL tne ousiness tie operated in
confas~i~g nrilCh requirements of Uoth State arld ~'e~a.ra3 Ag~siY~.~.os
bav].ng ~uMsstic;l.on, was e9oonded and oarr3ed.
Q~~ Rep~esentativea c~ ~~o ~.^.~~:~±m Citrus produota Ce., Ltd.,
RaC~* i~os Mgelea, Calif., preseated a Verified Petltion for a Variance
in accordance with, th~ proviaiona of the Zoning Ordinanoe. It was
~oved, secouded and carried that the Commisalon reaommend to the
~ii7 ~ounci3 ~::nat a variance be ~anted ~Lo Maheim Ci~rue Produata
~~?: I~~. to aontinue the operation of a aitrua by-produeta
and debydratiag nlaat on the easterly 225.2~ feet of the northerly
°?_5 ~..°rao cr ~,at 3g, ;:,o.~eisn E:.tansion, as ehown on a map made by
^ill~a Hamel and filed Yar reoor3 in the of?lae of xhe County
Recorder of ~s A~geles Co~xnty, California, suah variance to be
~aated ~npon ~Che ~eZlo~vl.ng oondi~iona:
(aj 2~hat ~he tera nf said varianaa~sbN.ll expire Deoember. 31,
Q~S; ?I~t la csase a Yiaal map aP a eubcli:isiun o~ any lancl
eithfa 25C1feet af the property a~f4oted bq said eariance is re-
cordec~, aad ~mp.rovemeate such ae inatallation of ou~cb, utility d1s-
tribar~lon lines or maine, ar street grading and eurfaGing begun in
such aubd3rielon, srsid varianoe ahall beaome null ard voia 30 days
after such wna~k~4a begt~a end eaid plant shall oeaae to operate
d~hin said j0 de.ys.
_~j That before bgir.g disoharged into the aity aewer aqstem,
- a.~i ~raae ws~~es iram ~he planti ehall 'co screened to a fineness or
at least 20 ffiesh aad brought to a pH aP at leaet 7.
(d) ~at ao oonoaloue or ob~eotionable odors be allowed to
escape from the pleat. ,.
(e2 Shat the pr~mices be kept in a preeentable oQnd_tion.
~ F ~,'~p.. ir .
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CONTINU- The ~etition for a varianoe submitted by Julius T.eske,
ATION OF at the meeting h~;ld Octobe.r 26, 1944, was again c~nsidered. ~he
YARIANCE Seor~tary reported that all but one or two of the Commisalonera
REQ~JEST'" had inveatigated ±Y±e ciroumstaaoes involved and submitted informal
deaielone. It Ras moved and aeaonded that eaid petition be denied.
The motion was anaaimously carried.
gE~_ Mr. gapgr~cd atate@ that he aou2d like to be relieved of
T~'.RY t~e poaition of Secretary of the Commiseion after today, and sug-
eleotianof of laers.keMre Hapgood thenetenderedlhiaereeignatiott~
It wae moved, aeoonded ~nd carried that 3Sr. Hapgood~e
reaignation be aaaep~ed and that Mr. Parka aerve ~s Searetery of
the Commiesion until the n~xt regular eZeation oY ui~ficexs.
AUTG The Che,iraan as~ed.: Gorcion Whl~na7.1, Cansul~ant, t~
PARKIIQG disauas matters Ahich he wish~d to brin~ vo the a~tention Qf the
Commisalon. Mr. Whitnall proaeeded to take up varioua mstters
in the folloRing order:
(a) Off-Street Parking: TAO copies of a treatise were left
with ~he Commiasion.
(b) Zoning: The need f~r deaignated areas for neighborhood
busineas wae stressed.
(o) Mattera concerning the Administration of Zoning and other
items of Planniag Commiesion bustaesa ~vere disousaed and aimp].ified
prooedure explained, The Chairman authorized Mr Whitnall ~o pre-
sent drafts of his propoaed ohangea in the Ordinance.
(rl) Blighte3 Districta: Yn connection Aith the area north
oP La Palma Park, edr. er,iinaii s~r~~eu i,3-.a~ hc ~=a:~::as~a =~~
County Planning Commisaion to prescribe the limite of the groposed
flood a4ntrol channel. He aleo atated that he exgected the law
permltting rehabilitation of the area by the Citq to be passed
early next year. The matter of aecuring funda appropriated under
the State Rehabilitat~loa Aat was diaeusaed. Mr. t3eu~r sald that
the sahool was innolvAd and tha.t pre~iaration of sahool proaeets
might also be inalnded.
After some disausaion, a motion auxhorizing and direating
the Seo~etarq to wrlte to the Board oY Publio Worka Revie~ fo~ the
ao peation with thten~rojeoteAaeusecanded an~ipas~eafor studies in
(e) The effeot o~ aitrus groncs within the city limite upon
~uture expansion waa aoaatdered at same Zsngth. ?at~ detrimental
• -'.and".benef.iafal:-results were found ~e ex'1..et.
""~ There being no further bueiness to be aonsidered at thie
''~ Speolal Meeting, it was ad~ourned ati 12:0~ noon.
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