Minutes-PC 1944/12/28~:'.
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C1ty Hall
Anahei;n, Calif.
Deoember 2~, 1g~+4.
of the
~PECIAL Notiae of a apecial meeting of. the Cit~ Planning
!~dEETIN(3 Commiasion to be held ir~ tlh~e Co~a ~Ren~rl~b~he~Commissionerslon
at 10:00 A.NC., Dec. 2~, 19 , -
Deoember 2Fth.
Commissionera Hilleary, Eoney, Gauer, HapBaod, Riutael
and Light~Supt. HannumarandaMre~Cortez1Hoskins and1Mr.CJess~ater
, Medaria v~ere present.
~UORU!'. 0. quoru.~n b~ing preeent, the meeting wsa called to order
by Chaiiman Hilleary at 10:15 A.M.
~p~g A motion to dispense with the reading of the minutes
uf the last meeting was seconded and aarried.
P~TITION The Chal.rman announced that a peti~ion for a varianae
FOR affeating the proper~y at 61.5 N. Olive St. h~d been received. A
~~~~E queatiag thatha massage~parlorJt getherewith1a 1~Idroeandielectre
therapy businesa be permltted ai: aaid addrees now in R-3 2one,
was read by the Secretary. It wae poiated out by the Secretary
that the petition form was na't completed in its entirety and that
it was not sYgned by the petitlon~r.
Mr. Hannum expla;ned the effeat tY,~t suoh a business se
~iesarlbed in thQ petition '_:ttb on the neighborhood in ao Yar as
electricaZ diaturbances are aor:cerned and presented 0~• No. 619
relative to electrical interYerence with wirelesa reoeiving ap-
paratus, for the information oP the Commisalon:
n mptizon co i,i7e ei~cat that action on ~he petitton be
defex~'ed as it wae not properly nor compleLeiy e~ecuted, :.as
eeconded and aarried•
~~~_ Mr, Plhiinall dieau~~eu ~ne m~t'•'-~~ e~' trpating varianaee
STRATION .amendment ~tohtheaAnaheim~2oninge0rdinanr,efbenmadenpermitting more
suitable and lese aumbersome handling of variances. Yie was as-
sured tY~at the Commission desired to make the necessa.ry chan~ee.
gL~T_ Mr. Hoakins requested Mr. Whitnall to exPlain the efPect
VISION9 northeasttcornerlof Palm andnsyaamore9~pree~ee~ gome~factorsaoon e
cerned were mentioned, liut it was deoided tha.t this matter w~uyd
~ he considered later in the day when detailed maps were available.
In responae to requests by the~subdividers present,
~ ~ir. V~hitna].7. then discuased at length the benefits of a Property
~ O~nera Associatiion io~ admiz~a~ratian o~ progosed d??3 r~strictlonu
and me~hode of °arm2.ng and opexating such an Assoalation.
- p~70Ua,N_ There being no further busiaeas to be coneidered at thia
MENT special meeting, it was ad~ourned at 11:20 A.R~.
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