Minutes-PC 1945/03/16~C
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Aaaheim, Cali~
March 16, 1945.
of the
REq~ULAR A regular meeting af the City Planning Comm3.saioa
DdEETINa Ras oa2led to order by C}zeirman Fii?lear~ a* 3,00 P.i., ~~ a
quorum wae declared to be present.
PREf3ENT Commissioners FTilleary, Boney, Gauer, Gra~tocs, 3~iutce5.,
Sahumaaher, Assoalate Members ~,aird and Summere, Consul~ant thit-
nall ana Searetary Parks were present. Othera a'tteading tflae me~t-
ing were Mesaers L. P. Richards, Ernest Mneller and I,eo fl~riis.
MINUTES The minutes of the Special Meeting held Feb. Sth isre
approved ae written.
TRACT A tentatice map of Tract No. 1095 involviag proper~y a~
109~. the southweei: corner of Whitak~r and Dale Avenues, near BuQna Pa~"k,
~rae eubmi~ted by the County Planning Commiasion Yor considex~tion.
As the subdivision was conaidered to be oi only 1oc83 inf"inence,
the Seoretary was instructed to return it without r~com~erdstion.
~-~: TREf: RE- A letter from the City Council, dsted Feb. 3~, 19~'j, re-
M~~VAL ferring the requeat of Misa E. Kate Rea Yor 1~?~04$1 oi severf street
~ 22~1 E. trees at 224 ~. Broaaway wae read by the 9ecrz~ar~. 4me rea_~eet
BROADWAY was also re~~. Furtl:.er explanation oi Lhe ~:oaditions ~as oi~ere~
`f f by thoae who had vis:lted the looation.
Thoae present were re~cinded that the trees had been se~
out in aacordance with a plan, sutsequent to pub3i~ hear3ngs, afld
' that ~ull benefit of ~he planting was ~uat begintcing tu lse 8chleved.
k Zt was deoided that rAmoval of the specified trees ~vould des#~ro~
tr~e balancei~ oontinuity and that r~planting pi.~h a+difierent t~
wo~;1.d destro~ the much desired uniformi~y on bo~h atree~s inval~ed.
Sinoe it was the opinion of the Commisaion that aanther aolntioA tc
; the problem of ~che pe~iti~ner aould be found, a mo~ion recosa~~'.lreg
~ that the requeat be denied, was unani~~.~usly oarried.
VARIANC~ At the request of the Chairman, a variance p~e~itio~ ~~
'~ LOTS 1& Maroh 14, i945, involving Lots 1 and 2 oY ~lary Goodma~ YrACt sa per
2, 3dAi1Y ~ap s~ecoi~de3 itt B~t~k 7, 'rage 2I ~i ~i:.acella~~~r.~ mara, ~.., ~ c~
~ GOODMAN OranBe County, Calif., and signed by A. An~on snd l~ora ~nzon, wss
' TRACT read. The etit3ott reqtieeted that a varia~;.:e 2'rom Lh~ ~~gn2atieas
; of the C-2 (Neighborhood Business) Zone suS'ficient t;o perait a
;' ~ reataurant business to be aonducted upon sa:~d lotP 7~e ~,-rs.a~ed..
~; ~ ~ihe diaauselon Ahich Pollowed b•rouE;ht ov~t, amoag ot~er
~:;~ things . that :
! ~ 1. The Commisslon had previously recom~nendgd a plaatiag
strip a3.oag tihe north eide of Los Angeles Street eatgnding psacti-
~,~, oally Prom h1'. Lemon St. tn N. Palm St. and that ~he propos~ vari~-
', anoe aould inter~ere with that pro~ecti.
~ 2. To permit a temporarv variance might i~volve consider-
~~~~ able additi~na]. oost in soquiaition of the propertp at a later tiae.
~ ~~ ~ 3. Any rehabilita~tion nro~ect involving~ th• ar~a Yri.ng
, . between N. Palffi and N. Lemon 3treets a~d betwee~ Ao~aey~ lh~i~e aa~
~~~ N. Los Angel~s Street eeould moet l.ikel9 require ~. ~la~~in~ etrip
along North Loa Angeles Street.
Mr. Richarde explained that hr had agreed iao ~cbase the
propertY for restaurant purpoeea, tl~at he might add roo~s ~or 7.iv~ag
quarters later and that the purohase price, toget3~r ~oii~ ~or~ d~sfch
had been aoaomplished since the date of pu.^ahase agreae~nt, a~umted
ta approximately ~7,000.00.
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VARIANCE Mr. Whltnal7. dealared that in hie opinion a hearing must
LOTS 1~; be held in order to aat on the petition.
2, Mi4P.5'
C~OOD~dAN It was moned ~nd eeoonded and aarried that a nuhlio $ea,r_
TRACT i~i~ ~e neid on Marah j0 relative to the varianoe petition of ~r. A.
CONTINU- Anton, et al, dated Maroh 14, ~945, with auch notice thereof as the
~ Glty Attorney may adviee:
REPOR'i ' Mr. Whitnall deolared that the OFF-BTREET PARRING atudies
BY 10R• were nearing completion and that his report on the sublPCt wou].d be
WHITNALL made in the near future. He also euggpsted ways and mPane of ear-
marking funda for the nurpose ~+f. aoquiring and improving such lota
as may be r~quired. He related the advantages of raiaing funda'
through general ta.tation rather than by bond Saeue.
Consultant Whitnall also reported on Committee Meetings
in Saoramento reZative to the Re~3enelopmettt Legislation. All pro- ~
ponants were now d~olared to be in agreement and passage oP the
bill seemed probable. Thio bill r~aA coneidered to be the only one
oontaining the neoeseary meaeures ~or re-deve?opa,ent o~ the area
:Lying direotZy north oP La Palma pari~.
STATE FUND OF ~i0,000,000
Appro~.•iation and dispoaition of the ~10,000,000 fund under terms
of the act pasaed by the legielature in ~9~4 ~as been iieaiared ootl-
stitu*lonal. In order that use af a portion of these funds may be
made available to Anaheim, it was dealared tr~at thp desire of the
Co~anail ahould be ascer~ained and a Maeter Plan provided.
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M~r. VFhitnalZ ~aid that aapiee oP the aots vahi~h he pro-
pos~d to use in connsc~ion ~tth thG pra~ecste under coneideration
in thie city would be made available to the Commission as soon as
they were reoeived by him.
ADJOURN- As there was no further busineas to be transacted, the
~IIENT' meeting was ad3ourned.
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^. la ar s, Searetary
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