Minutes-PC 1945/04/03CS'ty Hall
Anah~im, Calif.
Aprsl 3~ ~945•
oP the
F~~C 'rhe City planning Commieeion Fiearing relative to
HEARIN(~ bdr. A. Antones varianae petition dated Maroh 14, ~945, wae
aalled to order at 2;00 P.~. Notioe of the hsaring wae pub-
liehed in the Anaheim Bu'lletin on Marah 23, ~9~+5•
Chairman Hilleary asked Mr. Anton~e attornQy to pre-
aeat his oase, but t;he prooedure w~se stopged when it vsas die-
oovered t~t a quorum ~P the Commiasion wae not present.
At 2•05 Mr. (~auer oame in. He was followed by par.
Riutcey at z;06 and by ~r. Moeller at 2:0~.
F~,~S&NT Commisaioners Hilleary, (3auer, t~rafton, Riutoel,
8ohumaaher, Boney, Seoretarq Parks, Asgoaiats Membera Summers
and ~oaller and Conaultant WY:itnal7. were then present.
A~ao in attendance wer,s Mr. A. Anton, his attorney
Mr. gaufman, s~~d ~(r. L. P. Riahards, purpoited purohaaer of the
property inv~alved.
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:;1ISCU8- A qur1r~,~m being present, ~r. Kaufm,in was $dKP.CI 't0 pre-
SION sent hie oase starti~g from the beginning.
Mr. ga.ufman stated tnat the property ha-d been trans-
Perred by deed to Mr. Richarda, but ~he deal had been held in
abeyance ainoe it was disoovered that a restaurant ia noic pe~- "
••ittec3 on the lots. He atated that both partiea wis~he~ to prooeeo.
PETITION The Chai=man saked the gacret~ y to read the three ,
qualifying oonditions far a varianoe one at a time. Anewers
aere made by ~r. gaui'man. Thia wae done in an efPort to determine
why a varianae ahould be granted. It wes brought out that the in-
dustrial ar•ea, soon to be enlarged, la near by and that workmen
in the ar~a ~rou.'!d ne~d a restaurant.
Mr. Webb, attarney for M.r. Riaharde, uame in at 2;20. ~
He stated that his client knowe how to run a restaurant and that
he oould ezplain his proposition. He asked Mr. Riaharde to give
h].s side o~ the problem. Mr. Riaharde etated th.~.t he ~ould clear,.
up and imprave the property and tha,t inetead oY being an ~eyesore"
it Rou1d be a benefit to the area. He also said that he might
build li~ing quartera on the propertq.
Mr. C4auer atatea that he thought the inveetment of pub-,
lio funde in La P~lma ~ark deserved proteotion.
Dr. giller••:ty in°roduoed ~ne mat'ter of taxes. ~he die-
porLionate amount ri~i: ~n relation to the aervioea rendered wae
pointed out. He th~ught a plan to oorrect thie oondition was
worthy and that 1t would be delayed if not prevented by granting
the varianae.
Mr. (}raPton expresaed tha beliQf that the Ae11er knew
e~hat the prQp•~rty was zoned ~or and might nave warned the purchaaer.
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A~ PETITION Mr. AauPman stated that it would be unfair to hold baok `
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NA;N- property d~velopment for publia benefiti. ~
, L
{`j. ~r. Rioharda reZated t~fi 14 t~s C? *y pe.~ts to gttrcP.ase
the property at a Puture date, he will eell without any "good will°
ohargea or reataurant equipment ooata.
~~ ~~
~ ~~~~N- Tfie Chairm~,rc invited further dieaussion, but aa those
` rdENT OF present had nothing more to present, the publio hearing was de-
IiEARINa olared ad~ourned. The Chairman then aesed the Comm~.ss~.oners to
1 d~.saues the m.etter or gropoee somE ao~ian.
~ Ml°. Ftiutbel movec3 that a aomml.ttee of three be appoir_~ad
,,, ~o me~t with the City Council to determine what the plan is to be
~ for the areae The motion was seconded and ourrl.ed. Mr. Riutoel,
~; Mr. Gauer and ~;, . Mceller were appo~.nted.
~ Mr. Whixnall waa aaked to gine hie niews. He aumararized
some of the pointe which h~d been made aad added;
a. That tlie zoning wae at ~ault partial'.ty beaause it amount-
~ ed to ^spot zoa~ingp and partially because reetaurants (eating places)
` are ueu~lly included in the neighborhood buelneas zone.
1s. That granting the variance would inorease the oost o~
; any later plan Pr,r the ares.
: .,
i: c. I~ granted, t1~e varianoe could be limited 'by eertain
- aonditiona.
=S ~ d. There la nothi~g to etop enlargement of the building for
uees which &re parmissibl~ uader preaent zoning.
M.^. Boney statew that some wzy ehou].8 be tound.to bring
the matter to a hea~~ so that the Ccuneil oould aot on iti that same
Mr. ~,4oelleW saYd that there eeemed to be no defintte plans '
for the area, but that there ~ere eeve~al ideas in the minda of var- ~
lous Commissionera an~i v;;ancilmexi.
' The Secretaxy, in order to ~et action Ahich Rould s~xit
. r~eneral plans proposed that:
`' a. If the idea o~ acquiring a pl~n~ing strip is to tse ~ar-
;,~i ried oui: without delay, the variance, be deniecl.
~ b. If the redevelopment plan ie to be undertaken in oon-
ry • ~una~tion with private developers, the varianoe be granted sub~eat
to the following oonditions; ;
~` 1. That no aloohoaio ~everages be •sold.
~1::~ 2. That there be na dancing.
~ 3. That there be no er_ter~tainment.
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4. ,
That signe be limited in ni.mber and s1ze. It is eug-
~ geated that the eigns be limited to four in number and that they
;~~ ahall aggregate not ovar 140 aq. ft. in area.
' 5. tnaz i~ zhe C.t~ desire~ i,o purohase the property ~
~Ra„ there will be na oharge Por good w,i.i1 or Por res'taurant equipment. ;;
` o. If the area ia ta be alloeed to bp developed by private '
K intereats alone, th~s varif:nae be grante~ unconditionally. ~?
~ •;
~, y:.•: ~auer moved tha* the 3ecretary~e suggeations be at- ~a
~ taoned to the report and i:hat the oombination aP the two be oP~'ered
as the reoomaiendatian of the Commla~ion
Th~ mr
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and oarried. ~
~ The~•Q baing nn fur~her bueinees `~he mee~cit~g was ad jaurned. ;;:
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