Minutes-PC 1945/05/10. r +'i
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Anakiei.m, Califnrnia
MaY 10, 1945.
of the
SPECIA~ A apecial meeting of the City Pl,anning Commission was
I~EETINt} ca11e7i for 2:00 o~olock P.M., thie date, by three ?~embera of the
Commiasion namely: Robert H. Bone~', E. P. Hapgood, and J. E.
gcllu~~schdr. Al1 mem~ers being notified oP the meeting, in writing,
at leas!: three houre prinr to the time aet for Lhe meeting.
PRESENT Commiseioners Boney, Boysen, Graftan, Paxks and Schumacher
and A.ea~aciate ~iembere Moeller and Summers were present.
~,ZECTIO~i The meetiutz wae called to crder bg Mr. Parksr who stated
OF that for .*.LP purpoee of the meeting it would be neseseary '~c elect
OFFICER~ a Preaident snd Secretary pro-tem.
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Mr. araftor. was duly electe3 Presidant pro-~em.
Preside:,~ : 3raf~on then nroaee~led with th~ elsction oi~ a
ge~; e.*.axy pro -tem. Mr. Schumacher was ~~lected for that oPf'tce.
ZOIv"E I~r. Grafton etated that there vras vital nesd for more
CHANaEB indu9trial and '11m~ted manutacturin~ ~re~. with3.n the ci~y and that
certain areas were ~qell euited Yor tklose p~urposea t>ut were not so
zoned. Mr. Moellerto~flndtlocationsaforncompan es~w~ chewe~edlookt
he Y~ad "cean trying
ing Yor manufacturing and ±nduatrial sites. He sa:ld that if i~ v~ore
Fossible to revieE the zoning t4 permit more indus'try in logiaal
places it should be do~ae ae soon as poesible. The 3~oretarq pro-
tem declared tk~at areas r.ear or ad~ac~nt td railror~.ds should be
available to manufaaturing and induetry wherever praoticable and
presented a resolut~±.on proposing reclaeslsioation of the propa;.^ty
bounded by Eaet 3anta An~.Street, South Atchteon Street, East Water
Street, and Kroeger Stre,et, from Zone R-1 to Zone M-2 and realassi-
°--in.~ t;:ze ~ropervy bounded by the north line of SchafYer-Oswald
Subdivie~on, the city limit line, East La Palme. Avenue, arid N!orth
O~lne Street, from Zone R-3 to Zone M-3.
t~r. Sahumacher then moved adoption of the resolution,
which is attaohed hereto and made a part hereoP. The motion was
seconded by Mr. Bonev and unaizimoua~y carried.
LEHI~ A p~~ition f.~r a variAnoe aigned Ly Peter J. Lehr and
I VARY- Aida 1~. LeY,r, dated BGay 7, 1945, anc~ affecting Luta 4S - 49 - 50
{ a n Cam o Tract whiah orapert,r ig
1~1NCE and 51, in Block B, oY Hote]. Del p :
loa~ted at the southwest an_ner of Center and Kroeger Streets~ was
read. The variance requested. use of said property for a Serviae
Station and Publia Bcales. A~ter oonbiderable diacusgion ae to the
probable effeat on the neighbarhood, it was deai8ed that a hearing
in the matter ahoulcl be held.
~ A motion sotting the ma~tter for he3xing on Frid~,y, June 1,
~ i945, at 7:30 o'alook P.M. waR earried.
„DJpURN_ By mot3.on duly deconded snd pasa~d the meeting was ad-
MENT ~ourned,
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Qity ~tall
Anaheim, Calif.
~ay 10, 1945.
WI~REAS there is need for more area within 4he Ci~y fl~
qnaheim which may be devoted to the type of uaey permitlted wi~hin
the M-2 and ~-3 Districte ~r Zones; and
WHEREAS the area bounded by South Atoie'..~on Street and
South Olive Streat, East Santa Ana 3treet and Eaet Water Street,
has railroad tracks and/or industrial and manufacturing ~ases on th~
aorth, eaat, and west, and a large part of that portion of said areA
loi.ng betw'een South A~chison Street and groeger Street is needed Por
manufacturing purp~sea at the present time and only a small peraentage
o.° saia area is devoted to dwellirtgs; an3
WHEREAS the area bciuided on the north by the north line~of
gcnaffer-Oswald Subdivision, as per map thereof recorded in Book 7,
page 41, Miscellaneoua ~apa, Records of Orange County, California; cn
the east by the City Limit Line; on the west by North plive 3treet;
on the south oy Esat La Palm~ ,~venue, ad~oins property used and zoned
for industrial purposes aad is ad~acent to two railrcads and is needed
-~'~ for industrial expanalan; and
WHEREAS neither of the two areas described above a_re being
, developed for the purposea for which they are zoned dae primarily to
~~ the types oP uses ad~aaent to them,
NOW THEREFORr. BE IT '~ESOLVED that it is the intention of
the City Pl~ing Commission to, and said ~ommisalon hereby does
in3tiate proceedinga Yor changin~ the ZQnes of the areas desoribed
be Lea as Yollows;
(a) The area bounded by South ptahison Street, Kroeger Street, East
Residence ZoneettonZoneaM-2aty,imi~edehanuPaaturl g Zoneinand ~~ily
(b) The axea bounded by the North line of said 3cha.ffer-Oswald
gubdivieion, the C1ty Limit Uine, Ptorth Olive Street and Eaet La palma
Avenue from Zone R-3, ~,iultiple Family Reaidenae Zone, to.Zone td-3,
' Industriai. Zone, snd
IT I8 FURTIiER RESOLVED that in order to determine the aenti-
,' ment o~ the people, two public hearinge in the matter will be held by -
- eaid Commission. T~e firs`c of said ~earinga will be k;eld at 2;00 o~clock
P.bi. on Friday, June 1, i945, ard said second hearin~ will be hPld at
2;00 o~clock P.N. en Fri~Y~ J+~n~ l~, i9~5, in the Council C~ber of
the City Hall, Anaheim, Cali~ornia.
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