Minutes-PC 1945/06/01~_.; .A~.~: Jj • r~; S~ ~ ;~~., ~.;:. ,~~~: ,,, . ~. ~;:' ,;, ~: ti; ~~ , ~, ~. ~ : ry ^' \ ~::~ -,•~ ~ ~ .. ~ ,. ~ ~ i I I <; ; :, ~ r! :i ~~ i ~A'~.1 ,~,,i . a %.g ' A4~~~~ -u~;r::y........ wi~ :~ ~ixu~s ox ~av~ ~Tixa os the CITY Pi.'~.'.~"t's;;,Yd~• ~OD~tiSSIOH 8IIt~ PusLic x~xa ox cxaxa~~ o~ ~o~s es~t~ gaii an~etn~, c~.ttr. ~une 1, 3.9~5. REQULAR A regular meeti~ag oY the City ~1~.~3ng Commission pas T~E7~INa held in tihe Counail Chamber of the City Hall and aalled tc order by Com~.ies5.oner W. D. arr~F•~on at 2:00 P.M. T~EPQRARY Mr. arafton stated that as he a,~d Mr. Schum~aYu:r were CHA~,RMAN eleoted re~peatively ae ChaL•man and Secrexary pro~-tem a't the last m~eting, it would be neaesse,ry to eleat tempor~y a:PYicera at t~hie meeting. PRE3ENT Commiseionera Boney, Boysen, Qrafton, Parks, Riutael, Sohwnaahor, Aseoaiate Membera Summere and Moaller, aad Consultant WY~itnall ~ere preeent. ~L~CTION ~r. arafton and Itir. Sch,~macsher were duly eleeLed ta serve as temporary presideni~ and t~:r~porary aeoretary, respeatively, ;:ntil auoh time &s parmanent offioera are elected. HEARZN(3 The Chairman atated that the first order of buainess r-as the heartng rclatine to ohanging Lhe sane of the property bounded by N. Olive St., E. La Palma Ave., City Limits Line ~d the north line oY Bohaffsr-Oewald Subdivision as advertiae8 ~n May 17, ~9~5~ from A-3 xone to M-3 Zone. Everyoae presea~ weE given an oppor- tunity to be heard but there were no proiesta agalast the pro- pased ahange. The Chs~irraan dealared said hea.ring to be ad~ourned. HEARIN3 Chairma.n araftr~n then aanounced the opening of the hear- i:a~ ralatine to ohanging the zoae of the property bounded by S. Atahiao~n St., Kroeger St., E. Santa Ana 9t., and E. Water St., as ad~er'~ised B3ay 17, 19~7, 3rom R-i Zoae to Y-2 Zone. M,.~. Vetter, oener oP progertq in the area propose?. to be <~hange8, atated tliat ne was in favor of the ohange, bu~ ~~.,a~ ixe ob~eated to the manixer~ in whiola some enterpriaes in tFis neighlaor- hood were oonductea snd implied that ateps ahould be tak~en to see that auoh plants aa F~~opose to uae the area ehould be made to oper- ate oa a clean, ordnrly and sanitary basis and without unneoeeaary aoise And other ob~~~otionable featurea whioh aould be oontrolled without undue exper~ee. Mr. Criau approved Lhe ~.r~poaed change aad al.so reaom- msaded ohanging the pro?~erty fronting dn the east side of Vine Stree~ between Santa Ana St. snd Hroadpay from A-1 to R-3 Zoae. Evex•yone preaent was given an apportwnl.ty to be heard but thero were no proteeta 8~?~n8~ 4~ZAII~1II6[ vhc ~one of ~he area bouade8 by E. Santa Ana 8ta~ S. At~chison St., E. Water St. and Rroeger St~ f'rom R-1Zone to Ed-3 Z.one. The Chairman deolared eaid hearing to ba ad~ourned. 1~3?10TE8 ~'he mfnuYea af the last regulaz= meetiing dated May 4,1945 and the minutes of the egec3a2 meet±ng hel@ ~Q 10, 194~j, wsre both read and appraned. ~~~ ,~ :_~ ~ - ~ - ~~ ~ ~ , ~ J ~ ~ _-^..-^---- .r-,- .~. -- ~ -- ' . . --- ~; ? ~: ~~~ ~~ C \. +k7~. i ~w,~:a ~; ~ 1`~, ~ . ~ ~,~ - ~ .... .. . ,,. _ _, . _ _ .. ....~„_.. _ . _ ._. _ _ ~ $r, ,, _ ~ ~ }~-: ~ ~ ~ ;1 , . . ~ ~ ~ p 47 S ~ S MINUTES OF RE(3ULAR MEtTING - June l, ~945 at Z:00 P.M. Continued: RI~3 Mre. Bertha M. Riggs preeented a pe~ition !or R vari- TIARIANCE anae appliaable to 224 N.• Clementine St. The peti~~~oa requeats PETITIOU ues of one apartment at eaid loaation ~or pro~esai~nal purpoeeE. n~mely:- the design and oonetruotion of wo~en°e olothes and the teeahing of esae. Aotion on the Fatition ~vas deferred until next meatiag. OFF-STREET Mr. Whitnall preeented a map of the bueinesa dietrict PARKINa showing th9 aize and locations of parking lote if the ideal con- dition csould be met. He deolared that he had preserved potea- tial bueineaa frontage on the prinoipal bueinese streeta and ohoeen the low valued property far tha proposed parking lots. He aleo atated that hie f1naJ, rsport and reaomsnerdatione would be submitted this montn and that he Rould be present on June 12 to make fi~al ad~ustmenta in his report. He inviteA members of the Commisafon to be preaent on this vieit for the purpoaes of aonsultation. Nlr. Whitnall then expressed the opinion that our Ordinanoe regulating the organization of the Commieaion aho~ald b~ ohanged eo as to permit a seoretary who is not a member, It was Mr. Whltnall'a opinion that the Counoil snd tha Commission should have a~oint aession to de~ermine the order of exeouting post-Rar plsnning pro~eots. Mr. Boney expreesed the opinion that ~his was already aacomplished ae ~ar as expenditures from our own oapital reserves were ooncerned. ADJOURN- A motiion to ad~ourn the meeting until 7:30 P.M. June MENT l, 1q45, was oarr,isd. ~J. E. Sohumaa er, searetaxy : - . _.. x; ~, .. ~ ....:~ ,~;`~j;. ~,~:: ,.;> ~ , i~5'. ;,, ~ ~: ~ } ` _-, -~-. f~ ,., '; :~ ,~ ~-R, z:; ~;•: ~.;. ~, ~` ~ ~,~ ~~ ~~'r w~;::=, -- --- MINUTES OF H~~ARINa and ADJOURNED REf3ULAR MEETINa oY th~ CITY PLANNIN(~ COMMISSION. Eity Hall Anahelm, CaliP. aune 1, 19~5 ADJOURNED T~e ad~ourned regular meexing set Yor 7:30 P. i~. tnia MEETINa date was oalled fco order by the Chairman at 7:~F5 P.T~. PRESENT Commiesionera Boney, Boyeen, Gea~ton, Parks and Sohu- maeher and Aesociate Member Summers were present. Mr. Elmer Bruoe, Mr. Chaa. Cries and Mr. P. J. Lahr wera also present. HEARINa The Chairman deolared the purpoae of the meeting was to hold the heariag advertieed Ma 17, 1945 relative to tl:a petition ~or a varianae dated May 7, ~9~5 and signed by PeteN .?. Lehr and Aic~a 1~. Lehr. A definition of a varianae.was read so tY at i~here would b~ no miaunderatanding ae to the nature of the petltione 7,'b.e ver- laaae was aleo read to those present. Mr. Lehr was innited to speak in eupp~~rt of his petition, but deolined~ Nir. Crias, owner of the tRO-etory residenae ad~oining th~ weat of the proposed development, dealarad that large truoke woulc~ be very noisy day ar~d night; that ths proposed use would inareaee the Yire hazard and inorease inauranoe rates; that there is not auffiaient room to suaaesefully operate a publia acales buainass on tha area; that a trucking businese on Center Street would be a liability and that Saxita Ana Street is the proper looaf~lon for euoh a bueinese; that truaka should be eli~inated from Ceater Stree~t; that he woul~i not ob~eot to a store or other suoh meratsnttle busineas in plaoe of the proposed uae. Mr. Bruce asked iY the^e were any-].etters of protest. The Chairman cauaed all lettors to be read. There wer~ '~. eight' lettera~ ali_prot§stLng~~gaitist ~establlsiiment of the .proposed uae, TRO oP the letters eere in thd form of petitions ea they were eigned by moro than one party. l~r. Bruos, owner of property a't 116 Kroeger Street, ob~eated to the soales being loaated on the proparty mentioned in tihe vari~noe requeat. He alalmed suah a busl.neas Would attraat s.; truoka hauling pulp, peal, all kinde of fertilSzer and live s~nimals; , that the odor would be detrimental to his property and the Relfare - oP his tenants and othera in the neighborhooQ. He added that suoh ;;~ soalea as proposed have no plaoe on Center Street sa the trucka r aould be a~asard to traffia there as well ss on Kroeger Street. ~ He etated that ~ruaks would patronize the eaales ~uat the same if ~ looated a bloak or ao ofi' from Centiar Stirea~. `` Mr. 9ahum~oher said that in hia opini~n Santa Ana Street :'` is t:e proper plaoe fo'r suah a pro~eot. ~.~ Mr. Lehr atated that the looation was ideal for saales ';; beaauae it wae aear packing houses. • ;~ The Chairman asked for further oorament, but as ther~+ wae ~~ aone, ~he hear-ing was declared to be oloeed. . ~ ~ . _ ~ ~ .~ ~.~---_ --- ~;~ ~;, ~ . _..... _ .. ~: j . 1 .,,., .,.-,.. __.._._ ±! ~ ~'~. ~ ~- ~ A ;1 ~ MINUTES OF IiEARI~if~ & ADJOURNED MEETIt~a - June i, ig~5, at 7:3~ p.~. PETITION F'urther d±ecussion by the Commiseion oonfirmed in DENI~D general the proteste both wrltten and verbal. A motion reaom- mending that said varianae petition be ~enied wae aeaonded and unanimoualy cax•ried. ADJOUR.'~- The meeting was ad~ourned to 2:00 P.M. June 15, ~9~5• MENT y ~9 4 1 4 ~ ,''~ j1 ~ L' K'~ L f',.~ i ~~~ •I II ~• i't ' ':1' ,,,~f .._.... 4' i~ ~ ~3,'r,' ~: ~ :i,;t ,,,., ~.-'. :u„ .T.t<?~. ~hs ~~.: ;M . ~:a: ch:~ ~ .~ ~ -~ ~ J. E. So umac er~ Searetar5~~'