Minutes-PC 1945/06/15vi vj na.~i.~. Anaheim, Calif. Ju:1e 15 ~ 19~+5 MSNUTE3 Ot H~;ARIN(3~ ~ and ADJOURNED R~GULAR NI~:~;TTNG of tne CITY PLANNING COMMI83ION. ADJOURNED An ad~~uraed regular meeting of the City Planning Com- llflr~;TINa mission wae aalled to order at 2:15 P.M. by Chairman GraPton who declared a quorum to be presPnt. PRESk~NT Commiseloners Grafton, I3apgood, Riutael and Sahumaaher ~vere preaent. :ii~• :,;z;~: ;;: ;':t MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting r.el~ at 2:00 P.M. June l, 194j, and ~the nearinga in oonneation therewith were ap- prove~ as read. The minutea of the ad,ourned meeting held at 7:30 P.M. . June l, 1945, arid the hearing in aonnection therewith were ap}~,ro~:ed as read. CHAHG~ Chairman (3raYton announaed the opening of the seo~~nd OF ZO~TE heari~g, as adve~rtised on ~Iay 17, ~945, relative to the pra~posed .~. HLARIN(~ ahanges of zone~ deacribed as followa: (a} rnat t;r._z area bounded by 3~+ach Atohiaon Street, Kroeger 3treet, East Sar~~a Ana Street and East lN~ter Street be ahE.nged Prom ''t 'Lone R-l, BinglE Family Residenoe Zone, to Zone M-2, Limi;,~~d Manu- faat~uring Zone. ~b) That the area bounded by th~~ north line of SchafPer- Oswald 3ubdivisi.on as per map thereof recorded in b~^k 7, Page 41, • Misoellaneous I~S.pe, Recsords of Orange County, California, North Olive Street, Eaet L~ Palma Avenue, znd the city limit line, be ohanged from Zone R•~3, Multiple Family Residence Zone, to Zone M-3, •- Induetrial Zone. There were no proteats to either of the propoaed ohanges. The hearing was dealared oloaea. It was moved, aeconded and oarried ~ ~ that the Commiesion reoommend - , (a) That thP ~re~. t~~~xncip~ by Sc+uth Ata~,~son S~~'AA1'i~ xrnA~er . ~treet, Eaet Santa Ana Btreet and Eaat Water Street be ahanged from . Zone R-l, Sing~e Fami~y Reai@e:~oe Zone, to Gone M-2, F~iwi4e~i D,ianu- Yaoturing 2one; and ~' (b) TY~.at the area bounded by the north line of 3chaffer-Oawald *" Subdivisiort ae per map thereof r~corded in Book 7, Page ~bl, Misoel- t laneoue Maps, Reoords of Orange County, California, North Olive ~' ~ Street, East i,a Palma Avenue, and the aity limit line~be ahanged Yram ; °` s:. Zone R-3, Multiple Family Residence Zone, to Zone M-3, Induat.rial Zon~' ~.;; RICiGS~ After oonsiderable dieaussion about the ~•ariance petition c~::,:; VARI- dated June 1, ~945 and signed by Bertha 34. Riggs, it was moved, seo- ~ ANCE. onded and oarried thst the Commission recemm~nd that a conditional t~t .'.~~ N. variana~ be granted to permit the operati n of t~n aducational enter- ' r Gi~9~N- ~ prise for teaolzing.the design and oonatruct~on of women~s clothea on s;,'_~- •~•- TIN~; ST. ~ Lot 2, Blook (~ oP New 8ubdivision oY VSneyard Lot D~•~5, eub }eat ~~ the '; ~ '--~ , following oon3ltiona: 1. That the enterpriae be oonfined to the exiating main apart- ' ment buildl.t~g on said lot. '~; 2. That there be no enlar~ement to ea7.d huilding ~or the pur- ° ' pose for whiah the varie.nae is reoommended. ;c ~`' 3 That the~e be no eales of either a reta~.l ar whalesale ~ nature. ~~~'' ~. That onl~ one stgn be permitted and that it be limited to ,= ~~~~ ~s`.-. 1.7. »ne a 4t 1 n e: °o.°~ e.H.. ~1~ o fi., tl, t~ A } ~ A ~1. ~ ~~~ ii:L :y. . ... v. c: ~u~.i~vc~ vi2 ruc :/u~~~i~Yib~ uii~i.°.w(~i c."3.. ti~ ~~ , the buil~in~ or affix~,d 'to 'a 38pftY'R'CP, suppai•t~ ~'^, -- ------- ~ ~f ~.j ~ ' ~'~~ - -. . . . 1 . . .~..-.--.-. ----,-= -~-•-- ~. f'~ ~ ~ ~ ~J ~ MINUTES OF Hr:ARING 9ND ElDJOURNED H"r;GiJI~AR Mr.~.TING - June 15. 1945. 2:00 P.M. RIG(~3~ 5. That the term of the variance be for c~ne vpar sub~eat to VARI- renewal on a yearly basis at the pleaaure of t~lie City i,~unoil; and ANCE. ihat the motion be sub~eat to the following provisions (€~) that in the opitiion of the City Attorney this motion is in order ~vithout a public hearing; (b) that a public hearing be aalZed, if required. OFF- A letter from Mr. Whitnall atated thr~t the Off-Street STRE~;T Parking Program would call for certa.a.n changea in zoning, but that PAR!{INa these might be combinad with other chauges ehich sre apparently required. A parking-lot plan shoRing a sidewalk along the alley line at the rear c~f stores and a diagonal pa:king atrip ad~acent to the walk was ;~reaente~ as a solution to the loading and alley problema. . ZONZNa In oonneation with chaages of zones, the follow3ng areas were disausaed: 1. The C-2 frontage on both sides of South Los Angeles Street ' from Santa Ana 3treet tc Vermant Avenue. 2. The R-j area on the east side oY Lemon SLreet north of Nortri Los Angelea 3trest. ~ E 3. The area between Manchester paAnue an@ the propoaed Fre ew~ . ADJOUA.N- A motion to ad~ourn was carried. 1~NT . ~'-8~~- _ _ ~ ; J. E. Schum~.cher, Secretarq r;~ ;~ :.:. , ~?.i ~i i~: i '.~ . i =:-. :E;~': S~ '~ ~\~'.:~......._. ~ ~ -