Minutes-PC 1945/07/06Gity Hall
Anaheim, Calif .
July 6, 1945
of the
Rrf3U7~AR The regular meeting of the City Plannthg Commisaion was
N[1+:1.TIP:G oalled to order at 2:15 F.bi. b~ Chairman Grafton Aho decla~ed a
~ quorum to ~e present.
PR~B~NT Commiasionera Grafton, Schumacher, (~auer, Riutoe~.,
Boney, Boyaen, Parka, Associate Members Summere and Moeller and
Consultant'Whitnall were present. Mr. Hapgood came in at ~:00 F.M.
MINUTEB The minutee of the ad~ouraed regular meeting and hearing
held June.l~j, ~945 were approved ae read.
VARIANCE A request fer a varlanoe signed by Rev. Henry W. Gross
FOR and dated Ju?y 3, 1945, was read. The petitien requested permisaion
Rr:CR1~A- to ereo~ a reareation hall in the southeasterly part af Lot A, Tract
TI013 HALT, No. 97, 8lnolair Ranoh, fronting on North Lemon 3treet at a point
about 290 feet north of "~e northweat corner of the intersection of
North Los Angelea Street and North Lemon StrePt.
A disousalon of ths matter brought out that the dealining
Qnrollca~nt at La Palma Sohool indioates that familiea of ~iextcan
deeoent are leaving that area for other looat~.ons in the City, and
that a relatively emall por~lon of. auah populatidn now lives in the
vioinity of that sohool. Also that the Ana11e1m Realty Hoard has
arranged Yor a meeting to be held July 12 at whiah thex~e aill be a
thorou~h diso~asion of the poeaibility of replatting the area nurth
of La Palma Park and securing new and better plaaea in a diPferent
looation for pereona ncw reaidin$ in eaid distriat. Due to these
aonsideratione, aotion on the varianoe requeat wae postponed.
OFF-STREr:T 1~6r. Whitnal.l explained thst his ~inal report on Off-8treet
PARKIN(3 Parking was oompleted and that the typed oopy would be forwarded in
~ ~e~ 3a;~a. iie gave ~ eynapeis oP tha ~•ep~r•~ anci discusaed the pro-
posed method of finanaSng the plan. Bome of the aigniYloant faoxors `
a. mhat the pro~nm be autmitte~ to the votera.
b. That the question of a epecial ad valorem tax levy to~ '
support t2ae plan be deaided at such eleation.
o. That the eleotion method would give permanenae ~^ Lhe pro-
~ram and that it aould only be ohanged by a.~othc~• a2eotion.
d. That it be a progresaive plan oovering eaveral yeare; to
provicie Por parking as the City growa.
aEr3r:FtAL Mr. Rfhitnall explained that oertain zoning ahanges ehould
followy both aa to 3latriate and aub~eot matter of the Ordinanoe.
He euggeatec~, in partioular, the ahanges neoessaxy in the area of the
propose@ ~'reeAay, eti•eet oonnpations to trie freeway, determination of _
trend of developmer_t eo that future sahool aites oould be selected, -
' and the poseibility of enoouraging maintenance oP oertain undeveloped.
cr apcn areas as a benef~t to oity g~owth. '
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A89T. By motion seoonded and oarried, a. M. Parks wae made
BEQY. Assfstant Seoretary with authority to aot for the 3eoretary whenever ;
ADJQURN~ A motion to ad~ourn until 2:00 P.Mo, Ju1y 16, lq4~j, was
I~~JT seoonded and os.+^ried.
w . ~. ,.o_ t;aao. er, eore '~„g _
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. ~•~