Minutes-PC 1945/07/16._... . ...~_.: :.., ^C;' ~, 4 ~:' J. - ~, F ~~" <CP •fs1VH; 5 ~
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Anaheim, Calif. ^`
July ~6, 1945 !:~;,~~.
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of the •`~`'
ADJOuxNEA An adSourned meeting of the City Planning Conm3.esion
MEExINa was oallecl to order at 2:15 P.M. by C~iairman GraYton.
PREBENT Preaen'c w~re Commisaionera arafton, Parks, Riutoe~, and
Aasnaiate ~[embera Summera and Moellar. Alao preaent wei•e Mr. and
Mrs. L. HatfleZd and Mr. G~.enn Hambq.
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VARZANCE The varianae petition eigned by Rev. q~roas and presented '
FOR FcE- at tihe Regular Meeting held Jul9 6th was again dieousaed. It was
Cr~~'4TT_Q_N ~?L`Q»~ t OL:* t~°+ +hg ~mngr mOtl+.~ 2`~L10V8 t::~°. j'?: ^v^y^vu3k uu~°..°~'ZC^oS2 Pit?m
HALL oreatian Hall withont aost to the Gity whene0er a redevelopment
plan w~s undertakin in the azroA. It w~,e also balisved that the
propoeed building would not interfere with any program whiah the
knahe+~m Realty Board might present.
A motion to notify the City Counail ~hat a ma~or2.ty of
thoae preaent favored granting the varianoe provlded the owner
will remone all buildiaga from the propert~r without ooet to the
City ~s.t~.tin 6~ ~a~g after being noti~'ied in writing so to cio by
~h~ i,1ty Council, wae seaonded and pasaed.
USE OF D6r. Glenn Ha~mby and Mr. and Mra. L. Hatfield, represent-
OLD JAP ing t~e ~anc~mark Missi.onary Baptist Churoh, preaented an informal
C~URCH reques~ ~or Fermiasie~.i to uae the oZd ohurah builciing looated on
the raorthaaet oorner o: Cit~on and LaVerne Streets for ohurah pur-
p~osea. They Xere informed that it waa a non-oonforming building
and aould be ordered to be abandoned and removed on 60 days notioe
by the C~Lty ~aunoil aa it had not been used Por at leaat six months, ~
APter aome diaaueeion, it waa auggeeted that tk!e group might try to
rent the bullding rather tlian purahaee lt.
'!'RUCK Mapa oY the propoged truak route and detailed 8rawings
ROtJTE of a oonneation to the F`.re~way at Santa Ana Street were presented.
The Commis~~on was toT.d ~Ch.~t the eaeterly extenelon o~ the roed ±e
meet 8tato Highway No. 1~ was liated by the County ae one af the
post-~ar pro~eots. It wae guggested that the Counoil be ir.~ormed
~tnd som0one aant ~o aee the Dis~x~3ot Higliway Engin~eer rslative to
'~he Freeway oonneation.
CHAMBER Mr. Moel'ler atated he had prepared an outliae Por an
OF OOM- organization to promo~te a Master Plan and ~hat ~t wauld be diacueaed
MERCE at a apeoial meeting a~' the Chamber of Commeroe Board of Direatcre
PLADI Meeting on Thursday night, July 19. He stated that all member~s of -
the ~ommiseion had been invited to atitend.
OFF- Although Mr. Vlfhitnall'a finsl xepart on Off-Strest Pax.king
STR~ET, v~as antiaipated, ±~ was not available and ther.efore a dieoussion on
PARKING the ~ub,~eo` 4es gostpane8. -
AD~OiTRBt- Ae ~here was no ~urther busineas, the meeting wao
Dn~E1dT ad~ourned.
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