Minutes-PC 1945/09/07~¢,-
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3Y~ iLd~n~Ir~3'i c~~iaa'iCs~ ~ua'""+~a~t'i.
Cp~4~L OltAliB~~ 2i0d ~.~i.
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1. 1~S~Y~M O~ 1a/ii ~RRIi~.
p. ~-.si~ioa ror r~a•~l.wa~. t~t•.4~a~.) 7~o~r T. 1!. 9~ lo. x.n
x'a~-o1` 1_1ArMrx tto. ~, N..~~i,~ a~iete Dto~h L~c An~,vrlse ~lrrtet. bat~n~A
~~~y~~~ 8ti~~~ ~1~,: W9Pri_- wii~ir,~ avw.~.. a~'vt'a av~~~....~..•w~ ~0~.~~Mnya~'~i
bxE pelcialon~a ~Qua~fi~s ohan~e to aiu~rul H~u~ss t~r pvurpa-se sf
Aa~orwDila J-B~~r~ ~D+~~• Pall,~ting and~ qr~elt Gsr 9al~s.
Triio pe~itia~ ~au ratarr~a co Qit~r Atitiora~~- !or hi• epinl~oa
:s ta ~ts •~ttioi~aa7r !or o~usiog aa~ion. T!k Atc~osn~~r has dite~~
~'~ L1u clos~iaaioa n~s~ ~ct ~hs ds0i~lon. Th~ qwsti~ !l~ ~~r
it is possiDl~ ~o gi~ant ths ~riano~ tsam iae~s slatedl 4a tYu~ po4it~on.
3. pait~r o! Ye~aui~ a L3o~aso Psr a~+nb~io ~aaisc Husi~ar~ f~
x~i~piu~ 0! Truok~. R~lainytd f~ OA~m~~a~m~ 4~y 01ty QoW1o11. Loo~~w~D
i.~ oa liom~~h siM t-~ ~ C~t-tor S~~tt b~~nea Al~ehtaon ~Sis~e~~ and ~ay~~tue
~1s~st mA Lots lfi, 1.7, 1!I asd l~-~ Hioek ~ l~af+~ ~ Traet. T>a d~-
siaion to ~ sadl~ br tAt tion~3~sio~ is ~~~r t~ t~p~ oi b~wiaers
asnt~ia~asd ia o~.~i.3~ ~0 4~o~~r p~rii$ta8 is tl~ C-; ~aoral B~,mSmea~
9~istriet or •iaiisr to ~~s ~r~4t~a Sa ~ 1~-~ Liai#r~l W-ntc.he~~..r-
i~ Zoiu.
~6. ~!!!•9trtbt Parki~ A~poa~t.
~1o wotioa 8as b~~n t,~lo~es rsir-ii~nr to ~ q!!-a~rseti Pwrkiag SR~por~
stil~t~~4 a~ti tf~ la~Is w~ttia~. M tYfor~ l~ To~~n ~e te gi~ ali
Ooni~~~ouir~ au oppmrt~a~li~r Za ar~~! !2r rspo~~. sQaa ao4~~t~ ~ar~
b~ talc~a ~e~t ~m a,oo~p1C~1Kt~e ~~ li~.tt~ oY tlu i~e~r~~ it~ pttDlio~-tion.
~m4 r~~o~sllalci~~~• 1! ast~.
§. Aq~xx~~lon of T.rritor~ b~tE~-sen Aaal~is,-O~i~ As-+-A at~ 8,~osYwr~
8~rs~g ~~er ~n~t a~ Plaaaa~l:a A~~rav~ as~d io~ froat~g~ on ~u ~a~t
syde e! Plso~at~a A~+enw. ~3c~m~~sion~re aiw ~ d to ~isSt ~ t~rri-
4err tm ~et~~aia~ tir~ aavas~a~-.ee sefih St~-1cs L~ww~q~a~ ia ~aerai t~ue
•t~+~ 9!~ ~telpi~~~ YA tl~.a arsa io o! sueh a eb~raq~er ~1~t +~aiaex-
R$ivii +~0~4 ROf~ 3ir $e$r~'aia%si ~e °w~ v::~. 11::Ofit=0~ ?.: i :~ :~~ ~
tA~ 4i-e~ tbnt ~hs ]Ew~ Aaatisf~ 8~eb43visiot~ i~• •lnarlr~d~d !a~ i~u prepm~~d
C~°~,"'w:. ~~~l9 •
i. 8~ros9 ~~e. Mqwstp tor. r~r~ovral of s4r~e~ tt~el~ Se h'OpE O'l
1~5 so~t~ 8s~~aa ~tr~~t ( 2 e~e~y ~u~ t~t~y wud oge Zl'M• OS a11A
~od~h ~va o! ~sk~eyr la troat oi 612 ~s~~h Die~e1 ~ttre~~ l~~ t~~a~
r~~ei~d 1w1~ 1~o da~ !~-ve net b~sn r~t~rrs4 ~a ~s C~~mais~ioa. It
i~ at~:~a~yat~a ~hs~ t~s~ ~s~~t~e wil,l r~~~r~ ~ mwesl~~Se~' a as~r--
`.Y. ... `t~:~'
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City HaS.I
Maheim, Calif.
september 7, 1945
oP the
~~L'~ Th~'regular meeting of the City Planning ~ommiealoa was
I~ETINa oalled to order by Chairmsn (}rafton at 2:15 P.M. ahen a quorra~ aas
deolared to be be praqen~Ge
PRE3ENT Commieaionere t~raPton, Heying, Lo~y, Parke, Riutoel,
3ahumaoher, Summere, aazd Asaooiate Member Moeller and Consu~tan~
114~.ttnall ~ere present.
~ °I'he C~airman greeted Mr. Viotor Loly as a aew member of
~1~ER3 the Commission (replaoing Couaoilman Boney, resigaen) and reoog-
aized 3Qr. Ralph Summers ae a regu3ar member, rather than an Aeso~
oiate Member, (replaoing Dr. J. a. Hilleary, reeigned).
~~ES The min~t~ee o~ the regvlar ~neeting Yaeld ?.ugust j were
approved ae rsr~d.
~s~~~~ T~e FPes~gata peti~Lion Yor a nar4atice ineo3a3ng Lote ,
~~N~ g, y, 10, oY Blook ~, Zeyn TrBOt Annex No. 2, dated Aug. , 1
pETaTION wae given oonsider~tion. At the last ~eeting the matter wag re-~
~orred tc the City Attorney. The Aealatanc Seoretr~ry reported that
the letter is~om the Attorney stated that the matter of eufiloieaay
of the petition muet be deoided by the Commission. Aiter eome dis-
ouaeion *.,he folloe~ing reaolution avae paeaed.
llhereae, K. F. Hallyer, through hla agen~, Tevie Bestgate,
filed a petition requestin~ that a vaxianae be graatea to permit the
operation o! an autamobile agenay together with re~,a3r, aervioing,
aaQ repair oi bodies and painting of automobiles and sale oP uaed
au~omobilea; and
lrhereas, the C~ty PlaRning Uomr.iaaion o~ •the City of Ma-
heiai l~s a~mined said petition.
Eos~ thsrefora, be it reeo~.ved ~y thQ Ci~y Planning Com-
miesion ot the City o! Aactheim, aa Pcllowa:
1• +:~:~ eaid Commis~ioa finds that eaid petitl.on d~es not
.ahow faate, as requixed ~+v sub~eo~ion (b) oi 9ectlon 4~ or 9rdiaanae
Ao. 60~, auffiaient to ~ustify tne granting oP a varianoe; and
l~ p
~. ~--~-
2. That by reason oY t~a ~oreg~ing findings eaid Commiasion
does he~reby dieapprove oasd peti~lon; and
3. That a oopy of this rasolution be forwarded to the City
couacil of tl~ city oi ,Anaheim.
~8 Coneideration o~ the above mentioned peti~loa for a Vari-
AN((~fiLEB anoe brou~t aett a thorough dieousaion o~ resent ZoAin on I,oe
ZON,~.Hf} Angelas ~treet. By ite oa~ motion tY-e Commisalon initiated prooeed-
1ng8 ~O reola881iy 811 C-2 Naighborhood BuBiaeee ~one on tn~ on~7gg _
Stiree~ ~rom Lemon 8treet to Sou~th Street to C-3 (3eneral Hueinesa
Zaae aad tYist the required hearings be held to determine the seati-
mnnr. ~r ~~ pacpZs re~at~va t~ ;,~.o propoeed a"tu~t~ge.
~~'° llr. Whitaa?1 atated thst he 2ias ha3 many requeats for
sT~~ aopies of the Off-Street Parking Repnrt and would like to see it
p~INa publiehed. He nottPied the Comcniesioa that hia aerviaes had term-
i:aated ae ot' July 31 anoordiag to the City Clerk, but that he oon-
sidered t~at he was ea~itled to the Auguet salary payment atid wae ~
vtlltag to contribute it'to the ooet of publiaa~lon if he ssould
have 50 aepiee ot the publiehed report.
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(MINUTES 0~' .~EP~:~ 7.; ~ 19~5, CONTINUEU: ) ~::~~`.
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0~'F- He alea sta:ted that the report la not selt'-exeautixag,
$'PREET but merely.gives directifln and p~,lioy. He expreaeed his deeire
) aa?. intention to advaaoe the program regar3lese of any formAl
h -
. onnec
on w
e Ci`y.
From d3aousslo~e at prev7Loug meetlr~ge he oonsidered tY-at
~.:..~ Co~setca ~aa~ed a aow Zoniag Ordl~ance clrafted and that he
~ad it praotically reac~p to offer ffiad Aas inolined to throw it in
for good meaeure.
The po~eib~lity ai' ahari:ag one dey~s time per month eith
Fulle~ torz ~vae pr~poaed. •
The Cha3rmarx thaaked U~. Q7hitnall for his help and eer-
v~].oes anci augges~sS tha~ he take up angr neR propasition with the
City Couaoil.
LETTER The asaletant Seorat~ry was inetruoted to write a letter
TO to tha Couaail reoommending publiaation of the re~;ort artd ~t.at the
COUNCIL a81ea priae ehauld be ~1~00 per oopy.
DETERMI^ lEr. Qralton asked Hr. gummers to aot as Chair~man during
NATIQ~T the diaQUSelon and aotion on the next mattex• on the Ageads whioh
OF L?9E wa~ to determine the Zone in whioh a publio eoales busiaese eYsuuld
OLQS~I- be olassilled.
FICATION ~.~ g~re took thd Ghair and explained that the matteP
2~ad beea rePerred to the Commiesioa by the Couaail aad tihat it in-
volv~ed olassityrlag a publio soales busineee ae to zone as provided
ior in the Zoning Ordinanoe. UpOa arequeat; Hr. Summere reviewed
p~avious eotioa b~ the Commisalon oonoerniw~ a variar~oe requeat in-
volviag a e~alea buainese
A lisi~ of the types of ueas permitte8 in the various Zenes ^
aoaordl.ng to the ~oning Ordinanoe wae given to eaoh member. AYter
due ooneideratioa it ~eae moved, seooaded and oarrled that the Gcm- ;
mission olaesif~lea a pu~lio soales businese as one beloaging in the ;
u~~` . . ~,. tv.. ...,....._ _ ~...,.
y6Wi wV iWIMiAH VMi ii~~ 4V{ja •
The matter o~ trnoking on Center Streat snd othar atrsets `
' nn~ +,h~ A~~~wawy~3~~~ ~_ +,~~21'ag a yriiva ~oti$o ~irr~7iaii wouid oE-uee $ru0~e ;7
to use a desigaated etreet other t2~aa Ceater Stree~ wae thorvugiily :
dieoueaed. It w~aa> brought out zhat muoh had been done toward making ~
9aa~a 6na Street the eset-peat truok route aad that the County aas
oooperating in ths p~dJeot. '
ANNEX- Mr. (}raitoa reaumed the Ciiair and brnti~;;r,`u~,; ;aa the m~tter =
ATION , oP propased aaaeaatilo~n of~the area to be known as tue "Eaat Aaaheim ~
~a;~~" ~~~f•
~hie prGopoea$ area is rou oompased oY the SE} oP Lot
~oi ;,
~, ^ ~
5s s 7, ~he Eaeter~r
I,ot ffi, all oP LAt 9, and ,x
the Northerly 330 leet ai Lots lo aad Z1, af ~aaheim Extenaion. ~
A.~.ea a etrip oi ~,an~ ~tjp i~e~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~e ~~o ~ og ;a aP Plaaeatia Av- `
an~~e irom Aaahaim-pl3are Aoad to a poiat ~25 feet nortrti of the oenter ~
line oi La Palma Avenue atn~ s, et~~p aheut 330 teet aids ar. '~„ha Maet .
eias t-~ Plaoea~ta. Avenue fr+~m SyoamQre 5treet ~o a poiat about j30 L?
tea~ Aorth aS ~~a eea~sr line of Le~ Palms Aveaue. The faot that ~
~his erea inoludad Fast AnaheYm Subdivi~an wae mentioned. A motioa :,
to the elfeot tx,.g~ the propoae$ additioa is devr~leped oa a plgne gen- '~
erally oqual to eimil~..*~ ~,7pea of development wi.ithta the City o~ Aae- .~
laeim and tYiat ~he C~mm].seg~n a~SproTe the pr~p~e!ed anneaea'~lon was
oarried. :~
ADJOURN- A motion to ad~ourn a e oar eQ
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