Minutes-PC 1945/10/05. ,-.: . .
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~xu~s oF ~avr~ ~Tixa
oi the
CZ~y Hall
4naheim, Calif.
ootober 5, 19~5
R~aULAR . The regular meeting of the City Ple~nning Commission
MEETIN(~ eae oalled to order by C2zatrman (~rafton at 2:15 P.M., a quorum
lieing present.
PAESENT Commissioners (#rafton, Lo~.;~, park$, Riutael atad Sohu-
maoher, ar~ Aeeoaiate Member MoeZlar Rere preaent.
AUTO l~easera Tom and Carter girven presented a p.lot plan
VPRECK- and elevati~oa of a propoaed auto wreoking yard ~ehioh they desire
INb to ple~ae at the northeast oorner oY Commercial aad Lemo~ Streets,
YARD whioh property le not withS.n thea aity limits. They expressed a
deeire 'Eo have :he live-aore paroe'~ annexed to the ai~y. The
Chairman inYormed them that th~ Cor~missioa could iake no action
until an appliaat,lon Sor annexatioa was referred to the Commis-
sion by the C~~~ Counoil.
Tenta- ~o Walker, repreaenting Mr. L, P. Niohola, preaented
tive a tentative map oP Traot Nu. 1119 being a E.r.roel la the eout}aerly
1~ap of hslf o! Vineyard Lot B-7o After oonsiderable disanssion, a
Traat motion reaommending tha~t the map be approved aub9eot to the
I119 #'o? ? owing pi•ovisiona, ~vas o~rried:
l. 1'ha~ the title be oorredted.
2. That a praotiaal, drainage pZan oan be de~eloped.
3. T'hat deed restriotions require o~enere oi lots to main- -
~~Sat ~h9 r~ghts of May Por publio utilitiee as a part
oY the lo~. '
~+. That the n~rth liae oP Syoamore 9treet be ehowa as being :
3~.2~~ Yrou: the monumented aenter line instead of 33•75°•
M~ETIN(3 In order to eatablish a date nore euitable to the mambers= a ;
DATE motion to ahange the meeting d$te to the third Honday of each moa'th
at 2:Q0 P.M., Ras aarried.
CLASST~'I- A motion to inalude a preYri~eration applianae sales sad
CATION AF eervioe bueineoe" in tY;e C-2, Neighborh_~ci Bueineas Distriot ~as .t
.: B~fi3I- - oarried. Liete of bueiAeseea :and ~nufaot~~°ing eaterprisea pro- x
NESS . posed to be ina~.uded ia the Bualiness and l~anufeataring Dietriats
were ~ubmitted, but aottion aas deferred sr; t2~at membera might hawe
time to etu~q the liet~.
~DJOURt7- A motion to a~~~ourn vras passed. ~
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