Minutes-PC 1946/01/28'~~'~
City Hall J:~=."~
Anaheim, Calif. ~~;
January 28, 194f -~~~i
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6DJOURNED Chairman Grafton oalled the meeting to order at 2:00 ,'
MEETINa ~.M., a quorum being present.
PREBENT Commissioners Grafton, Loly, Parks, Riutoel, Sahumaoher 4
and Summeru were pre3ent.
TENTATIVE Mr. L. P. Nichols and Mr. Alex Walker presentAd a tenta-
MAP t:~.ve mag oS' Traot No. ~~46, and deacribed their proposed develop-
ment. They atated that they proposed to build upon eaoh lot
rather than seZl lots only. ~here wae considerable disouasion
about reveraing frontage on eurrounding atreata aloaing Water
Street, and uae of the area in the northeas~ `oorner whioh was not
inaluded in the plat. 9everal oorreottone and ahmngea were made.
A motion to reoommend approval of the map ~s corrected wae eeconded
and aarried.
' HUSINESS The reoommendation relative to using the rear portion o~
PERrviIT Lota Z4 and 15, Blook A. of Elk Park Traat for automobile steam--
:..-~. oleaning was returned to the Commisalon for reoonsideration. A~r.
l~orley epoke in fanor of hie requeat and reported that the owner
of the nearest house to the east had no ob,~eotion to the propoeed
' use. A motion ~vas aeoonded and oarried resommending tYu~.t a permit
i be €;ranted far the requeated use upon the following oonditions:
(a) That no steam oleaning be dc~ne on Sundaya or at night.
(b) That the steam oleaning be done within a permisaive
(o) That the building be set-baok to conform with the aet-
i~aak of existing rzsidenaes in the remainder of the blook to the
(d) That only ateam-oleaning be permitted. (No repairing
of automobi3e~ or body and Pender work, ~to.)
VA.RIANCE - Repreaentatives of the Anaheim Citrus produote Co., Ltd. j
~ CITRON requested a varlAnoa permittina use of their bui~ding at ?~ pel~a
oT A:•znue and C.itron Street for atorago of dried oitrua by-products
LA r~i,~nt- as well aa trucks and other equipment. A moti~n reoommending the
granting oY euah a nsirianoe for a period oP one year wae seoonded
'~'.~ and oarried.
~~~;! USE A2uD Mr. L. FI. Laudon preeer,ted a plot plan ahowing the looa-
''~ ,OCCUPAN- tion of three ~
,r,, propoae3 dwellinga ~tpon a ei.igle lot in the R-2 ;
`-~ OX CE~i- Distriot. After some diaou~elon the matter af aeparat9 dwellings ~
''' TIFICATE was r~Perred to the Ci~y Attorney :'or Snterpretr~~lon of the urdi~atAae:
~~~ ..
?;:__i THRU It was auggea~ed that the Commiaelon reoommends thQ gr~nt- ~
~"`~; LOT3 ing of rarianr;e~ whiah would permi't two dwellings pex lot in the
~`: ; ;
~:r.~ Lorelei Traot a~ thoae lota, whl.oh as eubdivided or deeded, extend ,
n Oi...... n....~ L.~_..e. ~
~i '- ~ ~w n~oo o~~o~~~ ~~ E~sti ~tireeti, provided one h~use is planned to i
Px~ont on eaoh ot ~Che two streets. As the aituat?on Axista, haaess '
faa~ng Raee Street have thei.r ba.ok yard~ or. East Street, and vioe ~
versa. A Motion that the auggestion be reoommednded to the City "
Counoil wae oarried. ?
s T~I~ A verbal requeat Por a aeoision as to the poeeibility oY ~
CAhiP ueing land on the west aide of Manoheater Avenue between Linooln.
~~ Avenue end Adame Street for a motel and temporar~ trailer oourt waa ;
i referred to the City Council.
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A request oi i[r. McOoy, owner of Lot 6, Origin~l City
~ ORDTNANOE Lots, for permiseion to oover ~ oertaln area ad~oining the wee~eriy
` No. 671 eide and the rear of the eYleting maeanry building on said lot, in
; aoaoxdanoe with the p~.un eubm±tted, wa,e granted in aooordanoe with
~ prooedure aet forth in the vnrianoe gra-nted by Ordinanoe No. 671,
adopted Maroh 7, 1944.
ADJOL'RN- A motion to ad~ourn was oarried.
'.!.~ . E. ~o umao er, Seoretary
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