Minutes-PC 1946/02/18~ fy~
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Meheim~ Calif. [ '':~
r'E~`~~a»~ 7JF~ ~s~v. ~;:
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aE(~ULAR The regular me~ting of the City Planning Commiasion
MEETIN4 eas oalled to order at 2:00 P.M. by Chairman ~rai~on, a quorum
being present. -
PRESENT Commiesioners (}rafton, (~auer, Loly, Pai•ks, Riutoel, ~
S~humaaher and Summere were presetlt.
MINUTES The minutes of the regular meeting hs2d Jan. 21 and
those o! the ad~ourned regular meettng held dsn. 2S, 19~6~ were
approved as read.
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CHEBdICAL M~~. H. M. Gaae, aho le aseooiated pi~h Dr. Leon (~s.mount,
PLANT requeated that ~hey be given a perruit to lacate a ahemio~.I plant,
in a auitable looation, for the manutaoture of aloohol and poasibly
fertili~,er and other produots Prom ~he iredusErial wastes o~ selet-
ing oitrus by-produats planxa. He et„~t~ci that there would ba no
notioable odor, amoka or f~.unea.
The Oommiasian, by motion duly peased, reco~mended that
~ the Qounoil grant a permit ta ple.ce suoh a plant ~.n the M-j Zone, .
i! the plans and proceseea to be uaed are approved b~ the City
VARIANCE The varianoe petition eubmitted by Melvin Stevene for
Ild ANA- permissioss to e~aot an auto aourt on twelve lote at the northRest
FiEID~ FiO~SE corner of Las 9ngeles Street and Homer qtreet with a trailer camp -
TRACT ~n the rear and possibly a service station or restsurant in front,
~s read.
The Commieaion was of the opinion that a iifty foot strip
along the northerly eide of North Loe Angelee Street ehould be re-
earved for landeoaping and that the proposed varfanoe ahould not
int~riere with euoh a plan.
', A motion was oarried~ reoommendina that the vgrianoe be _
granted, providing a etrip at least 50 feet reide, ad~aoent to Loe
Angeles Straet, be reserved for landsaapiag, parking and entranoe,
and that the re~ueat !or busineae in eaid tifty-ioot etr!p be de-
Vt~tIANCE A varta~oe pe~ition, eubmitted by Mr. Lotus H. In~udon
AT CLEB~- for the Anaheim Bui~e:t~; requested that a aewspsper publis:~ing
ENTIPIE & pZant be permitted on Lots 7 and ~, Blook (}, of New Subdivia~lon
CIiARTREB of Vineyard Lot D-5, whiah are now in ~he Multiple-Reaidenoe Zone.
Tk~ petition Was reed. ~
HIr. Loudon epoisa le~ ~a~ror of his patition. He aleo
j etated that he was negotia~ing ~or another eite ana explained
that if it were obtained, he would aek to have hie petiition for a
vArianoe oamaelled. ~
Seven pereons were present to oppoee grantiag of the
vari,al3c~~, ur. uaeteraon ~pok~ fer th4 groun and nreaenteg ~. ~wt1_
~ tion of tWelve names oppo.~ng the eRtabliehment of a publishing ~
~ planZ on ssid ~=oper~y. Varioue other pereone epoke in oppesition ~
to the requested n~srianoe. :
A m~tion authorizing ~he Asaietant Bearetary to oali e
~ publ'.c> =.:;^ariag in the matter when, and li', notified that Mr. Loudon '~
; Rants aotion taken upor hie petit~~*~y e~as oerried. ;
~ The Commiesian upon itie own motion, duly seoonded and ~
: oarried, reoommended th~.t a vax~ianoe be granted to permit the ea- ~
5 tablie~ment of a newecansr vublishing nlant on anv nrooerty purohaee4=
~ by or !or the Anaheim Bu1le~in at the northeaet oorner of BrosBwe.y ';
--.. . and Lemon Streete. , :~
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VARIANC~ s varianoe peti't3on eubmitted by the Anaheim Citrus
~T LA Produats Cp., Ltd., requestect uee of their warehouae building at
PAI,~6A & the eoutnwesi aorner or I.A Pa1ma Avenue and t;itiron 3treet, only for
CITRON etorage of Pinieh~d aitrus by-produata, feeds, truoke and a211ed
STREETS equipcient.
It was explained by representativea of the Company that
they propose to move the warehouse ~nd equipment off the land ae
aoon as goasible, ~ut tY~t it might require a year due to unogrtain-
ties of labor eu,u mai~erial supply.
Tbs Commisalon by motion, aeaonded and passed, reoomm~~nded
grantirg th~ varianoe request upon the fnllowing aonditione:
(s) That the term be Por one year.
(b1 That all build7.a~e ar~:: equipment ar~d foundations therePor,
exaept the offioe b:xilding now bging ueed ae a residenoe,
be removed from the aite within one rear.
(a) That the former plant be used only for. a storage warehoueo
for s±oring finiehed oitrus by-produots, feeds, truoks, and
a111ec~. equi~,ment.
BUSINESS D~. Harold Iiaast addreseed the Cpmmission relatire to the
CI,AggI- pedaibility of establishing an automotive ele.otrio businesa for the
FICA~ION repair qf etartere, generatorr~, di.atributors, oarburetar~ and simi-
lax unir.e at the soutlnweat oorner of Illinois and Center Streets.
The parael ia in the Neighborhoo@ Buelneae Distr+~a~.
Sinae it wae ooneidered by the Commiesion that the re-
qu~stea kea is eimilar to "automobil~ repairing" Ahioh the Ordinanoe
permita only in the (~enera~ Bugineae Diatrict, ths requeet oculd not
be granted.
vnR,aaNCE Mr. Wm. J. M. Heinz and wite submitted a varianae pe~i'Eian
IN NORTH requesting the eetablishtuenL of an ~u~a 6b~~ ar~~ ~oes~bl~ aawa :~_
WESTERI.Y tail bueinesa ir~ oonnsotion therewith on ~r~eir property Rhiah lies
peRT OF betReen Manoheeter Avenu~ and the proposed freeway in Lot 32, Anahea¢~
kNAHEIM Extenaion.
EXT.Y,OT A~ the Commiesion had indioated ].ts inter~tion to ohang~,
32 the.zone of property betAeen Manohester Avenue and tho prapoeed frea-
way to the M-2 Zone, and as an auto oour~ would be permiseible in
said dSetr~.ot, a motion reoommending that the varianoe be granted
pas paesed.
SUHDI~'I- ~. Vio Bonaa~ pl~esented a ~reliminary map oP ~ aubdtvi-
SION ON eton of ~}1e westerly portion of Lot b, Ai~aheim Ex~ension, Severa~.
EAST CEN- suggestione were m~de, but no aotton was taken beoa~ase ~ua p~•~el
TER 8T. te in aounty territory.
ADJOURN- A motion to ad~ourn was oarriec~.
. : So:amao er, Seoretaxy
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