Minutes-PC 1946/03/18~:`,
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o.f the
City Hall
AnaY~eim, Calif.
N!arah 18, 1946
RE(~ULAR The regular mee~ting 4f the City Planning ~ommi~sion
LIEETINa was aalled to order at 2;00 p.m. by Chairman c3~cafton, a quorum
being preaent.
PRESENT Commissioners f~rafton, Gauer, Parka, Sehumaoher, Summera
and Associate Member Moeller were present.
MINUT~z The minutea of the regular neeting held February l~,
~946, were approved as read.
REPORT The actian of the City Council relative to the rer,omu~~en-
ON RECObi dtttion~ made at the last meeting of the Commiaeion was rev3ewed.
VAR~ANCE The request for a variance, submi.tted by btr. and Mra.
750 Bloomfield and Pleasant Tarvin, applicable to the property at 750
N.LE1dON N. Lemon ~treet was read. Mrs. Tarvin requeated permiasion to es-
tabliah a real estate oPfice although the pr~perty is in the R-3
Zone. A motion reoommending tha~ the petition be denied because
it is the Commiaslon~s poliay nut to permit other bueinesses in
the area surrounding the ~arcel mentioned and the non-oonfarming
uae ad~aoent thereto, was seconded and carried.
VARIANCF A varianoo petition, signed by Mr. and btra. James Walker,
LOT !~ requesting t;iat general buainess usea be allowed on Lot 4 of Rim~au
RIMPAU Square, wae re~d. Petitioners sta~ed that they did not wieh to
~QUARy ex~ct a busiraesa building '~unlesa we are able to have the ahoice of
b~:eine~aea '~o ocoupy the building". The Commission interpreted this
to meati usea permitted in C-3 Zone, but decided to so 9tlAUlate in
its reoommendation. A motion reaommending that said Lot ~L, Rimpau
3qutxre, be allowed to be used for only uaes pexmissible ~n the C-3
Zone excepting Auto Body and Fender Work, waa pasaed.
CHAPdQE A;:pexit3on ~or a change o~ zone from G-2 to C-3 on ;,ots l,
OF 2, 3, ~ and 5 of Rimpau Square was read. The petition was ~lgned by
ZONE aIl ownE~ra of said lots. This matter had been diacuased a~ previout
meetinge. A motion was duly pasaed ~o notify the City Counall that
it ie the sense of the Commission that all lots ad~oiniz~g the south
ai~.e of East Canter Street from Olive Street to Lot 51, Blook C oP
Hotel Del Campo Tract, oompriaing about 2~ bloaks, be aha:~ged from
thE C-2 to the C-3 Zone, and that r~.'~° Commission is r-eady to act iii
regard to this as ~vell as ottxgr proposad oha.ngea if, and wlien, it is
the desire of the Cour.cil to hP::~ Lne ahanbes msde.
Ldr. R. td. P~sre~?? 1 and two associates addrr_•esed the Com~n':s-
alon relative to establishing a aervice atation, truck stc:•age garage,
busineas offiae and motel at the southwest corner .~f Palm snd Santa
A,za SLreets. They ~~re aavised yc sub~ni~ ~~iiot ~,1~. ~.3 p1~z:o ~=
their buildings together with a proper petition for the u~ea desired.
Ei~CfiI0i3 ~ T:~a C~~utsaion held an s~~c~i~: :o: t?:e g~.~rpoee of ~.eterm-
OF ining the o~YSoere to serve until February 1947. The reaults of the
OFFICERS eleation were ae ~ollowa;
President ----- Mr, W. D. Grafton
V1ae-Preaident- -- Mr. M. A. Gauer
~ Secr.etary ----- Mr. J. E. Sahumacher
LA3T A motion was pasaed instruotingthe 3eoretar~ to reaorfl.ln
' N1~ETING the minu;:ee that the Commisaion i•egrete the d~aision of Mr. Parks to
z FOR PLAN. move to 9anta Ma after hia long association with the Ci~y of Anaheim,;;
, -
:! ENGINRER and that his eervices on the Commiselon has been appi^octated by its
'~,~ membera . ~~:
~';j ~1~j~~RN- A~otion to ad~ourn was carrie~~ ~.~ ;-,;~
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