Minutes-PC 1946/07/15~
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Anaheim, Calif.
Ju1.y 15, 1946
REGULAR The regular meeting of the City Planning Commisaion
BdEETINa was called to order at 2:00 P.M. by Chairman Qraftcn, a quorum
being preser.t.
PRESENT Commissioners C~rafton, Qauer, Loly, Sahumaoher, Summera
and Hapgood.
VARIANCE A vertfied petition was presented. by Mr. Charlea Hurteau,
+~tAILER requeating permission to establish a trailer park, with mana~er~a
P~ quarters, wasn-roo~u, ~~~1a~s a^d s~owera, on part of Lot l, Iielen &
Lynch Addition, at Z13-119 North Mancheater Avenue. '
As thie property is in t,he M-2 Zone, where trailer parks
are allowed undez~ speoial permit, motion was made by Commissior:er
8ummera, seconded by Commissioner Loly, and carried that the Cam-
miss7.on recomaiend that Mr. Hurteau's requeat be ~ranted, aub,~er~t
to the following condit3ona:
That a acreen of treea or shrube be provided on the
Manahester Avanue frontage of the trailer apaoe until auch time as
permanent motel buildings oan be ereated on this .frontage, whioh
ehall be within one year from the date of the isauanoe ot' the
building permit for ~he eonatruction oP the manager~s quarters
and waeh-room.
VARIANCE A verified petition wae preaented by Frieda Trapp,
AUTO asking permiaeion to use Lots 1 and 2, Bloak 1, Milla Park Traot
SALES No. 304, for an aut~mobile sales room with limited service for nev~
ROOM oaxa only, w.',.thaut grease rack or repairing Yaoili~les.
As thia property is in tl~e C-2 Zone, where auoh buainese
is permitted, motion was made by Commiasioner Loly, second?d by
Com.~niseioner t~auer, and aarried, that the Commisaion recommend the
granting of this pstition.
PUBLIC The Commisaion aet the aext regular meeting, Auguat 19
HEARIN(3 1946, at 2:00 P.~i., at the Couslcil Chamber in the City Hall, as the
ON date, hour, and plaae Por holding a publia hearing on proposed set-
BET=BAOKB baoka on North Los Angeles and North Lemon Streeta.
ADJOLTRN- Commisaioner Sahumacher moved that the Commlaaion ad~ourn
MENT to July ~4, ~946, at 7:00 P.~., for a Speoial Cloaed Meeting;
motion tvag aeconded Uy Commfeaionex~ Sumrnera, and car~~led.
Ad~ourned at 4:00 P.N,.
J ~. S huccac:~er, 3ecretary
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