Minutes-PC 1946/08/19City Hall
An~heia, Calif.
n~:o~s ~ ? 9, ? 9~
of the
REaULAR The regular meeting of the City Planning Commieeion
D~ETIIJQ ~va~ oalled to order at 2:OOP,M. by Chairman arafton, there being
a quorum px~eeent~
PRE9ENM Coaunlaeioners Cirafton, Loly, Sohumaaher, Su,mr~ers and
City Engineer Hapgoo~. ,
MINUTES The ~inutes of the regular meetinga held June 17 and
July 15, and apeolal meetiage held J~aly 24 and August 15, read
and approved.
HEARirra A hearing wae held on the propoapd establiehment o!
SET-BACKS set-baak lines on a portion of North Los Angeles Street and a
por~lon of North Lemon Street. '
No~iae of this heartng ~as ~w~; Y~~33s~ed, but no
pereon appeared to expross as apinion.
Motion ma.d~ by Commissioner Loly, eeoonded by Qom-
miae.toner 9ohumaoher, and aarried, that this Oommiesioa reaom-
mend to thb City Counoil that the following eet-baaks be ee-
On the nor~theaeterly side of North Loe Mgeles Street
betWeen Eas~ La Palma Avenue and North I,emon Strec:, a set-baak
of 65 feet from the tr~ae oent~r line of a~Sd North Loe Ange7.as
8treet; attd ori ths eset ai~.e of North Lemoa 9treet irom North
L,os Angeles i3treet to ~he north oity limlt line, a eet-baa)~ of
5~ t'eet t~om ~he oenter line dr sai8 North Lemon Street.
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VARIANCE A verified petiti~n wae presented b~r DAlla Coohran,
~ORAi1G~. orrner, requeating ~ vr~3a~ic~e -d fihe zoning ree~iotiot~s ac as
BALL" to permit the use of a portion oi her property ior the ereotion
of aa "orar:~~ baZl" e.r~8 the eD~:le oi O~ange Juioe. Thie property
is at the s~~utheast oorn~+r of Center Street and Manaheater Avenue,
being a por~ion o! Lot L[ sncl a portion c+! Lo~ N, Boege's Addition,
and Sa now in the Fi~l Zone.
Motion n:ade by Commissioner Loly, seaonded by Cowmiesioner
Summers, and oarriea, that this Qammisalott reooramead to the Oity
Oouaoil that a varianoe be ~antaQ to permit uee ot premieee for
ari Oranga Juioe Stand„ einoe the whole bloak in whioh eaid pro-
~erty ie loosted is Sn a someehat blight~d area +~nd aorose the
street trom an area ia the M-2 Zone, txe Oommiseion aan eee no
obseatian ta the ~ranting oP thl.s variaaoe and makea ite reoom-
mendation ~a the City Couttoil aooordingly.
NEXT Aegular l[eeting announae8 ae eet for September 16, and
D~EETINC~S Bpeula2 Ltee~ing for Thursday, 3eptsmbar 19, 1946, at 7:00 P.B~.
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E~s~t~ng ~~ouraed at 3:3o Po~ia
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