Minutes-PC 1946/09/16-- „; . .
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nnahesm, Calif.
september 16, 1946
oi the
VARIANCE A nerified petiCion wae »reeented by Lawrenae P. graemer,
w(3AR~dENT oAner, requesting a variaaoe to the zoaing resiriay~;,ne eo ae to ~
BUSiNE88" permit the uee ef a portion af h3e groperty for the manuPaoture
of Women'e Wear. Thia property is aesaribed ae the Baeement of
the Aagelina Hotel, 271~d East Center Street, being l~aated on
Lot 11, Re-Sub. of Blk. "F" vineyard Lot "D-3", Anaheim, Californip., '
and is now in the A-3 Zone.
REGIILAR The regular meet±ng of the City Planning Commiasion
MEETINf3 Aas aalled to arder at 2:30 P.?~. by F,a~la~ Che~~~: ~sn Summers,
there being a quorum preeent.
PRESENT Commissioners Summers, Loly, t3auer and AesiaZant City
Fsigineer Holyoke.
MINUTES The minutes of i~a~ Regular Meeting held Auguet 19wh
and Spealal Meeting held August 15th, read an3 approv~3.
Motion made by Commissioner Loly, seoonded by Commiseloner •
Qauer, and oarried, that this Commieelon reaomwend to the ~ity
Counail that a varianoe be ~anted to permit tha use oi this pro-
perty Por tt~e manufaoture oY Women's Wear, s3nae no noise or odor '
nuieance will be areate8 to the ~etriment or aajoining property.
The Commiesion oan eee no obsectlon to the granting oY thie Vari-
anoe and makes ite reoQmmQndation to the City Cpunoil aooordinglg,
Commieeioner aauer retired Prom the meeting at thia point.
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'TENTATIVE Alex Morrieon, Civil Engineer, preaeruted a Tentative Llap
MAP TR.ACT oP Traot 119~, the eame being e aubdivielon oP property owned by
N0. ~~94. M. Caraoauea, and beiag a portion of Lands of DreqYua et al.
looated on tihe west aide of 9onth Los Angeles 9treet be~ween
South 9t$eet and Yermont Avenue. To permit further engineering
studies,'it was deaided to earry thia re qveet aver until the Speoial
Meeting i~o be held Thursdaq, 9eptember 26t;~ at 7:00 P.ld.
NEXT Speolal Meeting set for Thursday; 8eptemoer 19tYi was
s[E~TIN(~3 aY!a~aged tc, Thuraday, 8eptember 26th at 7:00 P.1~.
ADJOURN- Meeting ad~ourned at ~:00 P.M.
~. n,. So umao er, Seare~ary