Minutes-PC 1947/01/20~:~
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Qity Hall
Anaheim, Ca112. ~T
January 20. 1947 '=~'
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.~ g~aUy(~ ~'he regular mee'~ing of tY:~ City Planning C~mmi,saion
BHEETIATG waa oalied ~o order at 2:00 P.bi. by Chairr.~n G:~a~ton, a quorum _
being prea~nt. .
~ RRESENT Commission~r.a arafton, Schumaoher, (~auer, Sume~era,
A?utoel and Hapgood.
MI~IUTES The minutea of the ad~ourned regular meeting held
January 15, 1947, were read and approved.
VARIANCE A verifie@ petition wae preeented by Jchn 3. ~raig
' S41 NORTH requeeting permiseion to use the propertq a~ S41 Ncrth Los
L08 AN(~E- Angeles Street, I~ot S, Bl~ok C, W'ilke Addition, Por a Help
LES STREET Yourself Laundry. Thie property la in the C-2 Zone, and is
ooaupied by a small dwelling and garage. Petitioner -.ntende
to ereot a 30' x 40' tile buildirg on the north side of the lot.
Aatiori on thia narianae wae deferred pending reoeipt
~^ of plot plan and pro~:ielon for parking. ~
V'ARIANCE Ed. B. Clements presented a verified petition for
;~ c. CENTER permisalon to use the N~ of the VY~ of the E~ of Lot 9, Anahetm
STREET ExLeneion, for a ohicken hataherya with 20 portable type ohi~i:en
houses S' x 10', looated 75 to 100 yar8s from the nearest house
or highway and not vis3.ble i'rom Center Street.
~ Aation deferred until the ~next meeting t~~ alzow tlme
fbr the Commies:loners to inspeat the neighborhood and the peti-
tioner ~to prepare diagrams and sketcshes oi propose3 layout, and
=urther statementa as to intended operations.
VARIANCE Myrtle Clemmer presented a verified petiLion asking
~2g SU. psrmiasion to use her garage in the rear o~ her residenae at
I,EMON ST. ~29 South Lemon 9treet as a home Ror~ ahop for_ making metal-and-
wood o~mbination novelties. Petiti~n wae aoaompanied by state-
".1~ menta signed by the neareat aeighbore that they had no ob~ection
to auoh uee of the premieee. Ope~ration of thie shop in the ~ae*
-`'I ladiaates that there ie no noise or othex~ nuisanae in aonner~a.r~n
;~~.; enoyion was mads by Commissio7er Sahumacher; s~oor.~.ed by
Commissioaer Summers, and oarried, that the Commisalon reoommend
<~~ the grantiag o! thia var.~ianoe .
~, `
' OOUNTY The Commiebion approved and rati:led the aotion oP the
i! PERMIT City Cauaoil, at its meeting held January 7, i..n reoommending the
~ N0.749 denial of Uee Permit Application No. 749 or Louis A. Palm for per-
~' mit to eatabltah a oement and pumioe bloak business or. the east
~ sid~s of State Hlghway 101, a quarter mile south ot Orangethorpe
_4r 4ve:-ue, se preeented to tho County Planning Gommission.
''r •r ~ q~Jp~_ The meeting ad~ourned at 3:05 F.M.
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