Minutes-PC 1947/03/17~ ~ _
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Anah~im, Calif.
Maroh 17, 19~7
a~rritrrES oF x~aur~ ~Tixa
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REGULAR Th. regular meeting of the Citq Planning Commisaion
btEETINa waa oalled to order at 2:20 P.M. bq Ck~airman arafton, a quorum
being preaent.
PRESENT Commiseioners 4rafton, 3ummere, Sahucnaoher~, aauer,
Mungal,l and Hapgood. Assooiate Cnmmiseloner Moeller entered
afi 2:40 P.M.
MINUTES Minutee oP AdJourlxed Regular Meetin~ held February 20,
ware read and approved.
VARIANCE Plaaido Ve3rna presented a verified peti~lon, with
ADJOINING sketoh attaohed, requeeting permieelon to ereot and operate
559 SoUTH a groaery store ad~oining his residenee at 559 south Olive
OLIVE ST. street, on the north. Thie property is now in the R-3 Zone,
the property ad~oining on the north being in the M-2 Zo;~e.
1Rr. Veyna has leased some ot the railroad aompany~s property
to the north, aad will uae a part of it for a Pree parking
lot for h3.a ouetomers. If the varianoe ie gra.~ted he v;~~~uld
3ee~ the south 21.Z5 reet of hie propert;, for the aidening of
Nater Street, iP the City will move the fenoe and construot
aurb aaid eide~ralk ~].or~g thle etrlp.
Motion was made by Commissioner 8ummers, eeoonde~d bq
Ccmmiealoner Sohumaoher= and oarried, thwt the Commission rea~m-
mencl the granting oi this va~lanoe, aub~eo~ to the following
oonditions: That tha proposed ~tora building be aet baok the
eame dis~tance ae tb- i.;~~~S~g, 4nd that appliaant deed the etrip
for Ridening Watar StreaC, the City to do the improvement Rork
on thia etrip,.
The ~emainder of Lhe eeeeion w~:: deooted ~o a dis~
auselon of trafP'io eafety , sepeat8.~.1y at tha interaeotion of
Palm and Broadway xhere ~4-way etor~~ ~p?~°v .reoommeaded.
ADJOURN- Meetiag ad~ouraod at 4:~.p P.M. to 7:00 P.M. March 20,
~ MENT. 194~.
E. . ' p , Senret$ry.
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