Minutes-PC 1947/06/16City Hall Anaheim, CaliP. June '! 6, 19~+7 MINUTE9 OF R~GULAR MEETING oY the CITY PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR The regular meeting of the City Planning Commission I~ETINa was called to order at 2:00 P.bd. by tha Chairman, a quorum being preeent. PRESENT CONMISSIONERS Grafton, Roekun, Mungall, Summers and Hapgood; alao Aesoaiate OommieeSoner Moeller and Engineer Holyoke. HEARING~ Thle was the hour eet Por the seaond hearing on prnposed CHANGE Change of Zone on South Claudina Str~eet. No one was preaent to OF ZONE apeak on this aub~eat. Motion was m:~de and oarried that the Com- S.CLAUDINA miseion reoommend to the City Counat'1 that the following propertq STREET. be ohanged t'rom the R-3, Multiple F~mily ~one, to the C-2, NeigYi- borhood Businees Zone: Lots l~ to 17 inoluaive, Reaubdivieion of the Northerly part of Bloak A, Cen~er Traot: Lota 1~ tio 2~ ~1'1g~lIR1VA; Aa~~,.g a; „; Center Traot; and Lots 27 to 3S inoluaive, Blook B, Center Traot. VARIANCE 149 NORTH Hearing ~as called to aonslder the petition of F. L. H iebert and Aliae J. Hiebez~t, asking for a varianoe so ae to per- `} LEMON ST. mit the uae of their property, being Lots 7 and ~ and tha aortherly 6 feet of Lo~ 9, Bloak ~, New Subdivision of Vineyard Lot D-5, for a Motel with parking #'aailitiea on the vaoant lot ad~oining the ~ building. , Ae no one epoke in opposition to this proposA~, motlon was made by Commiasioner Roehm, aeoornded bq Commissioner Mungall and oarried, that the Commisaion reo~ffli~nend the gran±in~ of thia variaaae sub~eo~ to the following aonditioas: That the ad,~oining parking lot be hard-surfa~ed; that all lawa applgoable to the establi~hment and operatiion of a motel be aomplied with; and that the preeent permanent ~enants be aYlowed to retain their quartera until suah time as they wieh to remove volwztarily. , VARIAI~CE A nerifled petition was presented by Roy Rowe, requesting 702 SOUTH a variance ao as to allow h1m to use his residenae, 702 South Pa1m :, PALM ST. Street, Lot 3, Palomar Tract, for headguarters and proaessing t~uat!- j' tere for aommeralal photography, includin~ sale oP photogx~aphio ' supplies (exaept cameras) to hobbyists and oamera alub members. - A This petition was aaoompanied by statementa of appronal eigned by ' sevara]. residenta o~ the neighborhood and by Mrs. Betzaolc3 and o~:~ere Thi~ matter was aet Yor hearing on July 21, 1947. ;~: ;. HEQUE3T A letter from the Oalvary Baptist Churah, reqaesting per- ' CALVARY ` misaion to move a garage and ahed from the present churoh property 1-' BApTIST to the rear of a vaaant lot at 705 aest Broadway, in the R-1 Zone, ~~;`'`~~ CHURCH. to ba ueed for the training of boys in model plane building and for -~-~• . supe^~~ised reareation, wae reYerred to the Cammiselon by the City - ._ - - Counoil. ~ Upon inspeation of the premises by membera of ?;he Com- miaelon previoua to this meeting it w~s Yound that the garage had already been moved and enlarg+ed, henoe it ~as thought that thie ' matter had progrossed too far far consideration by thie Commiasion and that the Ghurah's request ahould be returned to the City Coun- cil without recommendation. ~'. ~ ,,;, :~±~%~` , ~':,_ - . . . ~ . • ~,~ • . :~~ . ~~-: ~ ~~: , ~ ~;_ - ~ MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETINa HELLi 3UNE ].6, 1947 - Continued: F ' 4 ' . ~~~'' '~ VARIANCE A verified petition, aooompanied by vlot plan. and per- _ FJ WALTER R. apeo~ive elevation, was presented by Walter 8. Waxd, Virgil Ii. SVard ~, ~,, WARD. and Perais Ward, asking tor a vaxianoe to the zoning restriations ;n- so as to permit them to use a portion of their property at the x= northeast aorner of Anaheim-Oli.ne Road and Plaoentia Avenue for a _ ': modern-type family servi~e station. This matter was set for hear- " ing July 21, 19~+7„ `= CHAN(~E OF A veriiied petition was ~resented by Mrs. Alioe E. Freeman,; ZONE BE- asking that the arsa lying between Manaheater Avanue and the presposed; TWEEN MAN- Ssnta Ana Freeway, extending ~ram the south line of the pi2esent buai- CHESTER ness zone on the eouth side of Linaoln Avettue to Broadway, be ohanged AVENUE AND Yrom Zone R-l, Single Family Aeaidenae Zona, td Zone M-2, Limited FREEWAY. ManuYacturSng Zone. Th1e petition was aacompanied by a statement signed by the ma~ority of the ownere of the property to be affected, stat3ng that they were in aaoord with the proposed change. TY+a.s matter wae aet ~or hearinga on July 21 and Auguet 1~, Zg47. CHANGE OF A verified petition was presented by the ownere of the ZONE, RE- prcperty, requesting that the area bounded by Santa Ana, Sroeger, y~i3u• ~1L~ Vr m_i_~ n~~~_ ni.~__+._ 1~ 1~~.. ~ e.i ~~ Q~.....1n ~ew:.~'Ias R.°.5:.~ nt14Q1' ~sLA~l V11 V O ~7 U1'CC 4tl ~ UQ U11Al1tfjCLL 11 ~i~ aa~1~ V~~t~iV +v ~i• BLOCK A, denee Zone, to Zone M-2, Limi~ed Manufaoturing Zone. Tho ownera TI~O.REI- have abandoned ~he aubdiviaion of this area as proposed by Tenta- SER~9 SUB- tive Map of Traat No. 1146. DIVISION. :.~ Thia matter was set for hearings on July 21 and Auguet 1~, 1947. ~ INTERPRE- Ted Maateraon appeared before the Commiesion asking for TATION OF '~ an interpretation of the Zoning Ordinanae relating to Zone R-2. , ORDINANCE, The inter•pretation by tYie Commiesion is that on any l~t 15o Peet or ~ ZONE R-2. more in depth, two dwellings may be oonstruated, provided, the re- quirements oY the Ordinanoe as to dtstance between buildings :~nd ' as to front,side and rear ~ards axe complied with. VARIANCE Petition of J. W. 9ahiller for a variance to permit the 1132 WEST use of the rear of hia property, baing the easterly 342.77 Yeet af LA PAI,MA Lot 2, Reoord af Survey reoorded in Book 1, page 56, Orange County, AVENUE. ~or a sand pit, to 'be filled Za~er with soil suitable for treea, was aalled up for heaxing. 9eneral peraons spoke on thia aub~oot, ~ without any serioua obseotion being voiaed. ~ ii The Commiasion reoessed to examine the property in quea- ! tion; after reoees, motion wae made by CommiseionuSummers, seconded '~! by Commiseioner Mungall and aarried, that the Commisaion reoommend the ~anting of thia varianae for a sand Fit onlv, the term of such varianae to expire on dune 30, 1952• :;' VARIANCE Pe~ition of Lynn S. Birdeall for a vesianoe to permit the '"'+ 1335 To use of his property, being the East 6.3 aares of the southerly 15.0 ' Z393 ~sT aaree, and the southerly 5.22 aores o~ t?:s west 7.7o aorea oY the ;-;-', NORTH ST. Southerly 14.0 aorea, of Lot 3, Record of Survey reoorded in Book 1, ~°~•ti page 56, Orange Count~, for a sand pit; ~~as aalled up for ~earing. ; No ane spoke in oppoaition, and the Qommi~eion reoeeeed to examine ;~"' tha p~operty. After reaese, a mot~om ~s made by Qommsealoner ~um- ~~'~~ mere, aeoonded by Commisaioner Riutoel and aarried, that the Commis- sion recommsnd the grant].ng of thia narianoe Por sand pit purposee , only, sub~eat to the ~ollowing o4nditions: That no euch sand plt operatione be parmitted within 200 feet of North Street nor 50 teet from Loara 8treet, and that the term o~ euah varianoe exp~rs on dune 30, 1952• ~" DCINUTES ' The minutee oY ths regular meetin~ held May•19, 1947, were ~ read and apprez~ed. A" ADJOURNED '10 P.M. the m6eting ad~ourned to 7:00 P.M. Thureday, = -~~,, - June 19, 9~75 ~~°~'~!'". ,Qa.ey' _ _. - ,~,~ . _ __. . ... _ _ - -..._..__ . ...._,._ . ;~ : z:. .;: , , _. , 'i:'"~ _ ._..._ ~ ~ ~w~