Minutes-PC 1947/09/15Ci~9 Fiall
Anaheim, Oa].if.
9eptember i5, i947
oi the
k it~(3ULAR The regular meeting o~ the City Plannin~ ~ommisalon
A MEETINt~ wae c~.led to ordsr at ?:10 P.M. by the Chairman, s quorum being
~ ~reaent.
t P~gENT Qommissionere arafton, Summers, Mungall, Roehm, Sohu-
i maoher azid Iiapgoo3.
~ ~t1TES The mi.autee o~ the Ad~ourr-ed Regular Meeting held
! 4uguet 21~ 1947, Were read ar.d approved.
~ VARIANCE Hearing wae oalled cn the verified petition of B. (~ladye
i 120~ W. VPoodward and T. Earle Woodward, asking for a varianoe so a~ ~t~
; OEI~TER permit them to remodel their reeidenoe at 1204 W. Center 8treet,
STREET Lot l, Htook 1, Eygabroad~a Subdivialon, i.nto an Apartment House.
Thie petition also aeked Por permieslon to uee the ad~oining Lots
; 2 and ~ oP aaid Bloak ior multSnie familv dwelling gurposee, but
~~~ the petition was not signed by the present ownar or ownere of
theee other lote. All three lots are now la the R-1 Zonee
No ob~eotione haviag beea presen*ed, ar-d as etores and
other multiple dwelliags are looated 9.n the immediate neighborhood,
it Wae moved bv CammiaeionQr 3t~mmere; eec~o~±A9~ hv CtQRi11L!~E ~ AnAS'
Sahumaoher, and oarried, that the Qommiesion reoommend the granting
oS a varianoe to a].lcw the applioanta to oonver~t the preeent dwell-
ing Qn Lot 1 into two single and three double apartments, con-
ditioned upon the appiioante~ praviding eufilolent garage epaae
for all tenante.
~ *1o ac,~3cr. wae taken with reapeot ta Lots 2 and 3, es
the owner did nat eign tne petition.
VAR~AtJCE A veriiiefl petition of R. (~ladye ~oodward and T. Earle
326 804 Woodward~ fcr permit to oonvert a double,gaxage at 326 So. Ohio
OHIO 3T. Street or- Lot 7, Blook .0., Dolan Tx~aot, wae oa~.led up for hearing.
Th3s pro_r,arty le in the R-3, Zorte, and no other 8wellireg ie oon-
~ templa~ed an thie Lot.
No ob~ectiotts were preeented, and the Commiealon feele
'chat no petition would have beea neoeesary in thie aase and reo-
ommends ~he return of ~he ~5.00 f9e to the applioante. •
F1J~UR~ Dr. Pattereon mddressed the Commiasion regarding ~he
STR~B opetting o~ streets in the area bounded bp Citron, North and Weet
N4RTH- Streets ar~A I,a Palma Avenue, before any Y~rth~r Y~QUe~e bu~.3,d1.n~ ic~
iNEST tuidertaker- la tYte area.
;~ This was referred to the Engineer'a OfYioe ~c~i~ survey
~nd map.
ADJOURN- ~.t 4:20 P.M. ~he
meeting ad~ourned to Th~eday,
y~ ~;~T &epi.ember I~~ 19~7~ a~t 7:00 P.M.