Minutes-PC 1947/10/20Oity Ha11
Anaheim, Cali~.
Ootober 20, 19~7
of the
...i ~
&L(~U~R ~ihe icegv3ar meefciug of j~ae Cit~ Planning Commiaalon wae `
?sEETIN(~ called to orSer at 2:10 P.M. by Vioe-Chairman Summere, a quorum ~f
baing preaent.
PR~SEN~ Commiseionere Summera, C4auer, Roehm, Atutael, 8ohumaoher
an8 Hapgood.
IIiNUTEB The minutee of the Ad~ourne8 Aegular Meeting held ~'
~ September 1~, ~g47, were read and epproned. ~
YARIANCE ~'his Rae the hour eet !or he:~.ring on the verified peti-
~32 N0. tion ef 8. C, Lindeay acaa xona Li~iaeag.re~;uestiag permiselon to ;
LEMON ST. oonetruot a small house about 32~`x 2~i on the eoatherly 40 Peet `.i
oP their property whioh coneiste ot Lot 5 and the northerly 20 feet :
oY Lot 6, Bellair Traa~, at ~~A-~34 North Lemon Stree'~, with a total `~:
irontage of ~0 feet. Thts is in the A-1 Zone, and a dwelling is
already looated on the northerly ~0 ~eet o! the property.
No ob~ea~lons ha~ing been prese~ated, it ~vae moved by '%
C~mmfeeloner Roehm, seooaded by Commissioaer Sohumaoher, and oarried,;:
~hat the Commissioa reoommend the grsantirig of ~hie variauoe.
VARIANOE The veriiled petitiou cY ~ilbur l3. Deputy and Naoma L.
90~ NO.. Deputy, aeking permiasion to ereat aad operate a launderette and
PAI~i[ ST. beauty ehop, with 1lving quarters abova, at the nor~hwest onrner
oY Palm and La Verne Streeta, was oalled Yor hearing, but there was
no one present to speak.on the ma~ter. A motion wae made and oarrie!-,;:
t~aat thie be held oaer and. +;he agpliaan~a be requl,a~ed to ~uraish =~
statements from the own~rF~ o! a3~oining property that ~heg have no ~
ob~eations to the gran~ing ot thia varianoe.
OT~R Fitre other patitione tor varianoes were eet Por hearing '
VARI- on November 17, 1947. `~
ANCE9 ' ~
COUNTY The Ora.nge County Planaing CommiesiQn preaented Appli- :;,
APPLICA- cation No. 1196, wherein A. V. Fewell requeated a IIse Permit for ~~
TION N0. a Trailer Park on the east side o! Plaoentia Avenue abou~ 300 ieet
~~96 south of south street.
It wae moved by (lommieeioner Sohumaoher, eeoon8ed by '°
Commiaeloner (~auer, and aarrieQ, tha.t this applioation be approved, ~
sub~eot to the ~railer park being provided with proper eanitary
faoilittea an~ hard-aurfaoed drivewaye, and kept in a neat ar.d
olean oonditioa.
CO~s Comoaieaioner $ummere reported oa sub~eata 8leauseeS at
T3QN meet9.nge of the Plaaner~' 8eati.oM og tiae League of ~aliiorni.a Citiee -':
REPORT d~Sng the Conveation a~ 9an Franctsoo, 8eptember 22 to 2~F. ,;;
ADJOURN- Meeting ad~ourn~d aL ~:10 P. &I.
ldL1ST .
. . agg c , Seoret~a.ry.