Minutes-PC 1948/01/19,.~
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City Hall ~,~
Anaheim, Calif. :;;~;
January 19, 19~-~ .:4w
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~G~++~ The Rogular Meetin~ nf the Ci~y Planning Comraisei.on `~=_
µ ~ETINa was called to order at 2:00 P.M. by ;he Chairman, a quorum being
4` preaent.
PRESENT Commiesionera Gr~~'ton, 8ummera, Riutoel, Scliumacher and -'~
~~: Loly and Engineer Holyoke. _
` In the absance of Secretary Iiapgood, Engineer Holyoke ''
. was appointed Seoratary Pro-tem.
~ .
~ MINUTEB Minutsa of the regulax r~eeting held DeQember 15, 1947,
~ were read and approved.
Mr. Albert Jenkins addresaed the Commis~ion r~lative to
i UN PLACEN- his petition for a vF:-ri~..nce for remodeling a dwe:Lling at 121 North
~IA AUE~tUE pla~entia Avenue. This petition waa received too late to be ad-
~~ vertiaed for hearing at this meeting.
Commissioner (}auer entered the meeting at 2:15 P.M.
407 IJO Mre. Speara, 407 North Philadelphia Street, has erected
. p
pe frame-work for a carport over her private dri~eway, no oL•her
PHII,A.9T. space being available. 8he intended to cover this with a aanvas
roof, bizt this was not allowod by tha Building Inapeotor. The
Planning Commission decided that thia matter di.d. not come under
its ~uriadiction, and should be referred back to the Building
Com.missioner Haggood ente.red the meetYng at 2:30 P.M. i
732 ~• ' The dcvelling at 732 North Sabina Street was built and '
SABINA used as a Deplex before the originai Zoning Ordiaance was pasaed.
3TREET Since the ~gj~ Plood it was uaed as a ain~le fanily dwelling, but ~
the preaent owner now wishea to again use it ae a Duplex. This i
matter waa rePerred to th~ City Attorney for opinion.
LOT ~ The proposed plans x'or subdividing Mr. Bert Arnold~a
5 property, Lat 45, Anr~.heim Extenalon, were reviewecl. It is the ~
ANAHEIM bpinion of the ~omm±yaion that all the improvementa cuatomari].y '~
EXTEN- required for a regular subdiviaion ehould be installed, even if
SION he sub-dividee t~e property b;~ Reoord~ of Survey. The City En- i
gineer~a offioe was reques~ed to cooperate with Mr. Arnold in
w~,7~i~i.fl~ up these plana. ~
STCP Th~ Camc~ieaion reaommends the installa,tSon of a.STOP
SIGN sigtl a~i.~LinooZn.-Ave~tue_~t t13e'~%~eat side oP west Street, iP' the
LINCOS,N 9tate Diviaion oP Highwaye would ~rar~t permisaion. z
, 4VF.NiTF.
~ . p.DJOtJRN- The moeting ad,~ourned ,~t 3:2Q P.;~.
~ Pro-tem