Minutes-PC 1948/03/15City Hal7.
Anahaim, Ca].if .
]~aroh 15; 194~
oP the
i~EaUI.AR The Aegular ~[eettng of the Oity Planning Commiaalon
1~ETIN(~ was aalled to order at 2:00 Fd M. by the Chairman, a quorum
oeing preeen~.
PRE~ENT Commisalonera arafton, Summere, Schumaoher, Roehm,
Mungall and Lo1y, attd Engineer Kolyoke. (Ia the abaence of
9eoretia~~ Iiapgood, Engineei• Ho].~oke waa appoiated Seoret~ary pro-
~HINUTES The minutea oY the regul~'.r meeting held Febrti~ary 16~
1948, ware read and approved.
LA't'E Aesooiate Commisaioaer Moeller entered tha r~eeting at
ARRIVALS 2:20 P.~.
Oommiasioner Riutcel eatered the meeting at 2: 30 P.M.
Commiasioner Hapgoad entered the meeting at 3:15 P.M.
VARI_4NCE Hearin~~ was aalled on p~ti~Cion from A1ber'~a I. Pattott
10'!1 EABT for permiasian tc~ use her- resi~enoe at 1011' E:ast 8roadcray, Lot 27,
H~OADWAY Blook D3,~Lorelai Traat, ae an o~fiae for the rental of sewi.ng
maohiaes and a home ~ork room for hemetitohing and making buttoa
holes, aovered buttone and buokles. Thi~ property 1e in the Siagle
F'amily Reaidenae Zone. Petition Was acaompanied bq statemeat e~f
nearest nei~bors that they aad ao ob~eations. No one present.
I~ was maved by Commi,ssioner Mungall, seoonded by Com-
miasioner Loly that the Commiasion reaommend that this variartas
be not granted. Motion oarried, Wi.th Commissionere Summers arad
Hapgood noting against the moti~n.
VARIANCE Hear3.r.g Rae oalled on petitioa from Peter J. Lehr for a
N.W. CQR. permit to oonstruot and operate a gasoline servioe atatSor~ on a
PLACENTIA paxt o~ Lot 11, Anaheim Extenaion, at tl~ae aorthweat oorraer oi
9VFNUE & Maheim-Olive Road and Plaaentia Avenue. This property le in the
ANAHEIM- 9ingle Family Re'sidenoe Zone.
~~~ ~' No one was prf,sent to speak on thie matter. Motion was
made b~r Commisaloner Lo13r, seoonded by Commiesioae~ F.Sutcel, and
oarried, that the f3ommisalon reaommend the graating of this vari-
VI~AN~E Hearing waa oaiied an petition ~rom John T. Rees Por
7i9 xoaTx permit to use onc room oY hie•residenoe at 719 North East Street,
EA~~ S'P. 3n VLz~ys.~d Lat A-Z, as a conaultation and trestmeat room ±'or
medioal praotiae, only tao days eaoh e~eak. This pz~operty la in tha
Single Fami].y Residenoe Zong.
: ~.
Dr, Rees ed~sas~ ~he Gommias2on !.n his oovn beh~.].!.
Mra. Bert Arnold and Harry BreokWedei, Jr., were present and ob-
~aoted to the granting of this petition; also, there ~as presented '
a long liet of ob~eators, although mat~Y of ~e eignatiur~s were
those of ewngre of proper~q at oa~e~.derab~.e dis~Cano~ trom oropert,y
1n quea~lon.
Af'~ar a thorough disouss3.on it Was moved i~~- Cammiseioner
8ummere, eeoontled by Commissio~ur 8ohumaoher, and aarried, that ;
'~ •.•• zhe Commiasion reuommend tha~ tni~ peti~5.8~i ~e ~ea~.sd~ ,
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~v~s oF x~c~,aR ~aa x~ ~Q~ 15, lyy.g _ Continued;
VARIANCE ~earing was aalled on petition from Jeanae T. Mudge ror
q37 NORTH permit to ~~ae her resideaaa at 9~7 North Lemon 9treet, Lot 9,
LEt~ON ST. Scenio Tra.;-~t, in tY-e Single Fami y Reaidenoe Zoae, ae a one-
operator "tz~nauty ehop. No one wae preaent to epeak on this ma~Cter.
It was moved by Ccrmmiasioner Lol~-, seoottded by Commis-
aloner Sohumaoher that the Comm3saion reaommend that thts petition
be denied. Motioa oarried.
Thio pe~ition had been presen~ed at the last mee~ing
of the Oommiaeion, and aotion therecn deierre8 un~il today~a
A letter da~Ced Fabruary 14~ 194~, t'rom the Orange County ;
Planrling Commiesion adviees that oouisty ~erritory in this immedi-
ate eioif-1ty ie olassifio3 as an Adl, (3eneral A~Soultural Dia- ?
trict, in whioh distriat t~e establiahment oP euoh buainesa is,
permitted o»ly upon Co~dittoAal Permit grs:nted by the Board o~ ;
N.~. COA.
Petition lrom Walter A. 7Pard, Virgil H. Ward and Persis
W~rd, Yor permit to establieh a modern tqpe Samily servioe etation -
on their property la the southweiat oorner of the NII~ of Seotion 12,'!
T.4 9., A.10 W., B. B. B. & M., at the aorthea,st oorner oi Pla-
centi3 Avenue and Anaheim-Olive Road, in the Single Family Reei-
denoe Zone, was cel~:d up. 7'hie petition was aooompanied by plot
plan and plane o~ the groposed 8truoture. .
It was moved '~y Commiee~i.oner Lo].~, seoor.ded by Commie- ~
eioner Aiutael, and oarried, that the ~ommiesion reoommenci ~iia
gran~Cing of this varianoe. .
TRAC ~` N0.
--~-- x293.
o gs on.
It was move3 by Commisaioner Schwnaoher, aeoonded by
Comv:~ssioner Summera, and oarried, tY~at the Comm3esion reoommend
approval of map. •
Tentative Map o! Traat No. ~293, on (~ilbart Avenue
Ca~ Oriage etreet, was preaented by the Orange Qowtty Planning
~~~ The SecrAtary wae inetruoted to inform the County
P~RMIT Plaaning Comrcieaic:~ that thie Commieeion'hae no ob~ecttoa to tha
N0. 1~53 granting oP Uee Permi*- to Ailliam L. Roaeko Por ahiakea raach on
1Pest 9t~+eet near Aomneya 'urive, per Appiioation No. ~~53e
~T~~ Motion by Commisaioaer Summere, seaonded by Commissioner
CO~dZT- Riutoel, aad oarrlpd, empoxere ~the Cffiairman '~o ap~~int a aommittee
TEE of three membera ;,o aot on rueh appiic~ations for ttee permite eub-
mi~ted by the Ora,nge ~aun~y Plaruaing Commissicn, Rhen suoh a.o~ior
oaa not be deferred unt31 the aext meeting oi thie c°:.::~ml.esian.
AD~TOtk~N- The meeting ad; aur~ec~ at 4:15 P.M.
. . lyoke, Seore~Cary Pro-tepu