Minutes-PC 1949/06/20• . tr ~
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.Cit~ Bali
lasheim~ Califcraia
J~te 20 , 192Y9
11IHU'r88 07' H~GU?~AS AO~TIa3
o~ the
~ OI'17 P7~A8NIgQ 00l41283IOg
g. 7+3~[OH
Bsanlar Kse~iag ot the Oity Planning Commie~ion vas cslled to
ordsr s4 2t03 p.1~• bT Obsirmsa a~rafboa~ a quorom beiag pse~eon~.
Coa~issioamre Grattoa, Sv~rs, Binta~:, Sa~nmaaher, 1oly. thauert
Eosbm and ~tnnga3l. Commissionsr Kna~il sotsd ae Secretary Pro-te~ ia the
ab~enoe o! Searetar~- Bspgood. ~ ,
The Miaates of the Roeting o! Neq 16~ 194q~~ rere resd aad approved.
1 pnblio heariag ~~ hsld by the CitT Co~mcil o~ Jnae 14~ 1949 ~n
the veritisd.petitioa ~i l[r. ?red A. ~eck~ reqnasting a varianas that xoaid
permiE him to oonstraot a bungslor ooart conaistiag o4 e~s si~,le badroom
naite aad sis gsrages on Lote 6. 7 and 8~ Soenia Trao•; at 921 to 929 ~orth
I~e~n Street~ aox !a the Singls 7'amtly HeeiQsnce Znneo 8ot3aee o4 Hearing
Kere eaait ~a property o~nore ia the aeighborhood ~-nd. th~re beiag ao ob,oatora,
fhe Oity Co~moil granted thie ~arie-nae.
rhe Qommisaion reoommcnded ths graatiag ot this vsrianoe at their
meetiag ot lisy 16. 194y.
Oommieeioasr 8'apgood entered the maeting at 2s~0 P.M.
VABIA6Q~ A pablio heariag ~s ha18 on the veritied petibion oi 2~Sre. Alioe
7'14 NOSTS G. Biley reqnesting ~ variancs tbe-t Mould permit ber to leese a gortion oi
LOS J-H~~3 iver propert~.at 71~+' Bor~h I~oa Angeles S~reet, 7+ot 12~ Biook A, ~lk par~C Traat~
BTR~'~ 'co Hr. Jaolr aZedhill gor a Hotos Soooter •lAg~aoy aaQ Uapainted Pnruituice ~3a7.e~-
• Tbsre beiag no ob~eotions t~y neighborhood propsrty oraera. a motlon
re-s mnde by Commiaeloaer Lo1y, seooadsd by~0ommieeioner Rintoel~ aad carrisd~
tl~at a va~rieaoe be grant~d sub~eat to tha lQlloriag ooaditionst
~Soooter~ Lo be ueed ior Qisp]ay, nitbont i~iel, ia lront~and ali
Qemonetrabiona and eervioe to ecootere mnat be 3ana on rear partiioa ot
property. The siQeMal~ and street mast be kept cledr an8 olean at all
9'AbtIAACm d pabl:~o hegring Mae he7.d on the veritied petition oY Mr. aeorge .
742 HD~B Meathsr],p reqaeatiag s qariaaae tLst wnld psrmit ~im to lesss a portion ot
7AB A8'~~3 h3s. property st 742 8oa~t2i Los Angelee SOreeS~, I~ot 5. Blook .~, ~ik Park Traat
8'~`~' ,
to Hr. ~dwim J. Nslter ior a 8am~rix~ger 3tand. Thers being ao ob~sotions by
proper4y oemsr4 Sa tLe neitehborhood~ c motien ~a made by Commisaioaer Le],~~
eeooaded by Cammiseioner 8nmmers. nad oea~ried. that s varisaos be granted.
VASIa809 A pnbiia .~.aarfag ~~ held on ~the vsritied petitioa of ldr. Morris
ffi08T~'d8T (iodAard~ 778.8onth Oenvrsl Avenae, 7,as dn8el~s, ~sqnea~iag s varianae 4he-t
OORF88 0!' noald garmit him to lesee tl~is property ia the S} oi 4he SD} ot ths 8M~ ot;..
bI800I~B 8 Sectioa 9, lbMaihip 4 Sonth, 8angs 10 lfest, 5.:.8.8.8 id,, at the noricheeat;coraer
~IA~TC~STl~ oP binooln'snd llana~ester Lvamur. llre Hntahison,; Preaident an~l Gene~Z'ksna~-
AY~. ger pi the (irester ~11 Americasa bfarksto~ e~ddrt~~ed ths 0ommiesioa ae to~'hie
1f~D?~13AL~ ` plaa~. 8e va~ , reqnse~~d tA me~ s rough elcef~oh of xmst he propoeed to do.
ASD ~?A73, 8o statea .tbst hs ronld: be matist~ sd ni4h a~arianas good nati3 Deax,,~l, .19~+9.
FSUIT A~ at rhiah $ime,: if .their e~-moa~ opes~~ion pro~ed satisisabory~; Mac. (ioddara
it~38TA82~ rili rep3aoe prea~at atraatv~rb oa.PsroPsrly ~rilth a oompletelq ner,~niilding,
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~ .o~r w:~ ...~.p.... w ,w.awaa
~ ----3 :~: - -- , w. u$ .wae7 ieabua~36 ~5+. Go~iaosaoae
__ ,.. ._ .
Svmmers ~ sn~d • oarried, tY~st ths ~ommissioa reoom~end t,~st a qartanae be grn-nted
rith the provision t~dt ~ali prodnos mnst 'bv ke~-t uu8er rooY.and.compiy ~iiir,~
the eenit~.g re~r!*~*a ci L2L; 3~t~t D~a.-*t~aat~..
YOOT PaTBB llommieeioaer l~ausr addrssaed ths Qommiasioa relsti~ to ~oot pat~ha
P'a8 SCHOQL go~ a~s3 e*33~re3, a~d Co~i~t3a~or 8epgoad: et,€i4eG 4~P+a~ tinose wou3d be ~akea
-•OH27~ oare oi baiors ths opening oi bha.tall #erm o!"eahool;
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r~~~ or ~tr~aa ta~arw~ s~ aan ~, 194g - coa~sa~ea: -
H~RIQ~N-TZON The re~igoation ot Oommisefoaer Boebm, dns to his movia6 aray ~rom
Oa QO2A~!lI3- the ,City, res bx'nnght to th~ atteation ot t~s Co~isaion and ~on a motion
SIOR~B HO~I by CommissSoner_ Bspgood, secoadsd by Go~irs:.oasr Si~mer~ ~ it ~.wa voted snd
oarrisd, to aacept Co~i.saiopar Boelm~a resi~-tion ei.th regret .~a~l the
Sacret~ary- was izatrautnQ to write Co~isa~: Aes 8oa}m a lstter t~inkia~t hin
for his aer~iaes as a member ot +.he Coa~.tssion. ~,
Ap'1'OI~fTND~T Co~issioner Bapgood ia'~roduced itr. J'os Thompson. appoiated bg tho
OP I~, JOD City Conaoil as Qommi~0loaer ~o till ant the a~ooapleted term cavued by the
TH01~808 AS resigostion ot Commissiorwr Bo~o.
A COTh4tI8$OHldB
CO~i 9'S8I- This petitioa cogsre the en3,asgement o! t~e rsetaurr~a~ oa ths east
AAQ~ JIPPbIQJ1- ei8e oi ~nolid Avsnne. appro~imately 400 it„ aonth oi 8ommeya Drive. On a
TIOH 1~0. 2221 motion by Commiseionar 8m~ers. seaona.sd by Co~sirsioasr Bintasl, aad carried.
the Seorete-ry rss iastrnated to iatorm the Canatg Planniag Commiasioa thst the
~nshsim P3,saning Con~iseion ~s opposed to the grantiag oi a sarisnas ios the
ealsrgsment o:' thie restanraat.
Commiasioner asaa-r Mas e~o~vlsd at 3twj P.M.
AN~RffiI~[[ The Oemmieeioa aalmorledged the receipt oi a commaaicatioa irom
SCHOOb Di~tsiot Super3ntendent oi Schools. M. A. ~anex, relsti~e to the purchsse by
DiSTBICT the~ 8oard oZ ~rasteea o! a pisas ot property h1F~ z 150~ ad~moeat to the
~ !'remoaC SalLOOi.
On motion by Qommiseloner Bintc~al. eeoaa~nfl b~r (3o~3~siloner
So~mtmaher`: aaa carried, it ~raa voi~ea to spprors ths pnrolane oi hhis lsad.
Commisaioaer I,oly raa es~aaeil at 3t$5 P.K,
BLU~ Oommisaloner Bapgoo~ fatormed the +Bommissiaa ths bhs City Cooacil
• 08038 2~ad the qnestioa o~ 81as Oruas eaa Cal3tora3a` F'n~iaiana Serviae~ ior ths
membora ot the 0ammisaion~ aader aonsidsrstloa.
POST A~msil boz hss been pl,aoed in iront oi thd Post Oitiae vhers ont-
0!'9'IC~ going ~il oaa be placed ~rilbont going into a ragnlar psskim~ spess. Foat-
ma~ter 8oskias oppoaed pnttiag a bas oa the santh eid~s oi 8roadYay das to
the traYfic heiasrd to poste-1 smplores. liail irom bozea located a~ the PosL
OfS~ca mnat Le ssrvioed thirteen tiaea per day.
l~DJ~OV~l' Mestiag ad,1onrned at 4t02 P.M.
I ~ . ~ .A~~w.. ~.. . ~ ~ . . .~. ~ .
~ ~~ ~$I~~ -- '
~ _~„ _ :~. P. 8spguo8, seoraf~sr~