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Minutes-PC 1949/10/17
':-~,, ~ . ~. ~ ~ ~ ~:> ~~s ' , ' OI;~'I P1rA88IIG Ofl1QIYSSIOE 3~GUI~-R B~nlar l[s~tia6 of t~i' Oi~~ PLaala~ Oo*mi~sion ws a~lled to M~4I~ ordsr ~it 2t05 P.l[. by Chairsan Gra!le~~~ s qnorn~ b~iaa pn~~at. PBlE83~7.' Oo~mis~ioa~n~ @r~tloa. 7+01~~ BinZe~l. ~oha~ao?ier; Snsm~n~ Rnngull ~nd ~ngineer Boi~rol~s.` Co~i~sioa~r 1~[na~yali sat~d ws Sscsetprt Pso-ten ia ths sb~eaos ot.4oeminioaer Bap~ood, ~ MISOT~S 'Au Riaabes ot the, Rs~tl,a6 ot' Seplnber 19. 1949. ~aer~ read and ; appsoted. ..~.: Coamis~Son~r Tho~pwn ~ntsrad t~h~ aetia~ at 2:25 P.~t. Y~82i1C~ ~ pnblio hwria6 nss h~ld oa the nrilied peti4lon ot 19rs. lbtti~ ~0. 108 , T. 8ro~ra.: oMner, rsqwslia` ~- ~ariana~ to operats s Css~alo snd ASi'~• Shop in ~sra~e bnilflin6 aL 114 ]lorih H~lema 8tsee~. Thie ic ia Sn~dirisioa oi 7iae~ara ?+o! D-S, Iat 12 in Ploot 1. ?he propsrLy ie nox in 8.~~, Ilnltipl~ Yamily flssideno• Zoa~. Nr~. 8rova appar~d bKors th~ Comissioa an~d e~piais~ v2~! ~he dasis~e to do. Ia as ~aeh as thit iar~ is loouted oa an u].lei dirro~3? b~hind a 6ea~sal basiness soa~; it vas ~o~ed by Comiuioa~r Sohn~ohsr, ~~oonded D~ Comi~~ion~r Samarr, snd oasri~d, tl~e-t this ~arianot b• :ssan4~. ' So, oao app~sr~d tor or a~a4ait ~he pati~ien.- . ~~RI~O~ ~ pablio h~ariaS we ~id oa.th~ ~eriti~d pefi4iea o! C. D. iod~r~ ~0. l0y a~ orh~r. ?or psr~ission to o~r~tr a; $otel -pastrn~' ati 620 ~~orlh Los Veg~les • 84r~~t. 'Phi~ is ia th~ ~.iiott~i.a~d~r~a Sabdieirion~ i+o! 3!a Sleolc 1. . The prop~z~y is aor 1a 0-2~.Bsighbor~sod 8fula~~~ Zona. Mr. ?aA~s ~ppas~d betos~ ~ Oo~i~sioa and st~ated t~a4 h~ ~riihed to oy~rat~ ~ 8ot~1 Jparti~ea~ ~.r~nt ~ame bA !he dy er'b~ th~ reelc. Th~ . P1'9Pert~ !a qneo3loa~:is a tvo;bedro4a hoa~ loaaL~d on Oh~ ~aok ei hi~ prop~rt~. '17~i Qomi'~oloa. ooa1Q aot oLo~it~ Lh~ bniidina wr s hot~l an~d a~ it alr~sd~.is,an aparOseat. it ras ~o~~d b~'Comvi~~ioa~r 'Pboa~oon~ ~~ooa~d~ll by Co~missien~r $into~l. and o~sri~, thst a rnliat b~~obtaiasd irom'th~ Qit~ lttornq ~` te :rh~4her Lh~.Cosais~ioa l~id a49 ~nri~diotiba ia !h~ ~t1~~r ot ~ _ ol~a~iaa th~ ola~sitiostion o! this baiidia~. ~o ona agpu~r~d !or o~e ag~inst thi~ p~titiea. Qosi~sionsr 8np~ood ealer~ ths asetias at 3s30:P.~l. • ,Y~BILBCD . l'pnbiie:haria~ w~s hsld oa the eeriti~&.pe0ltion o! 1(ss. ~aaa ` a0.`110 'Phiil,.s~•o~aer,.lfslt~r 8a~r ss:pror~~etiw pnso~~r~ fos p~r~fs~ioa 4~ builE : t~ee .(x) tonr-~anib ~piertii~at •~uiidia~s at 804. Zort1-.L~eoxi 8~r~et.. 'Aiis i~ Sa sno.•ti ~r~e:~ zot. a~-an~5 .aa s. ~or sa a.~, ssn~• ~..u~ a.eia.ma.:zoae. Snildia~ pLns and: a.piot -plsa w~,'e i'nraish~d vitb thr p~tilioa. ': ` _ . IIr..J. !. ai3~r~ 804 t. Ole~sat~ 8trset snd;llr. _. J. Ni~qsa 809 l~erth ~a 8trseE spp~are8 b~lor~ t~ !'~os~iesion aad st~at~d;t~i~ the~..-. ,_ ronld be la taror ot 6rantiaa th~ p~sitiof-~at .t~ ~nildia6s wr~ a~4saati~e, . .. _, ,, . , _' : , .:_ . u_~sl~ern oa;.lh~ p'a;sn~.._ ~o oa~ ,atin~ar~d.; in.enaaei4ilQ~, t~ :th~_n~~i#~'~: ° . _ _ . _ - ;. ,.. : Vpea s aotiea b~ Qo~mi~sioass 8oh~ohsr; s~oo~d~ b~:0omri~~ionsr ' Tbo~~oa~ anb earri~d~'thie Pet4tioa rse:~ppso~~d. . - TB!-CT :DRD. . lEr. +~~ .:Dtodaria, Boc~l?ar, 433 ,1l~st Oeator:Stroat., ~sgBorArod betora: ,' uS7 ~ _ t$~ Ooaeiesioa ;~latin. to; thi ,rb~ asia~"ot !hs loti laoias:'on Os~,tir 8treet~.- ot R'racE.;Bo. 11~7,- st Cealer ~.Bose:_SEree6s:" !(r.; Meder3"s~ wae n~~ise~: to lii~'..a'p~41t3ou icr s~soaia~:. , _ - ~~ - ' , ~ - , _ . ..: ,. . : . .~._..- _ . - . , > . _ -. , . : . . _ r .. . . . . . , ~ . ,. . . . .~~.. . .. ~ r i ~ . . . . . rt:' - ' , ...~~ ~.~ . . 1~8. A~ ~ ~ ~ . ~~ .: ~.~ . ~:. ~ ~~' - _ ~ f ~ ' ~~ ~1 ~µ~ - :1~ ~ ~ " .~~ - ~ ~ ~ _ .. ~ ~ ~ ~ 1[ISO'EAS 0? B'~GW+AB ri~T2~6 ~LD OOTOBDE 1?. 19~9 - Qontiansdt 1-8LIHOS ~his tsriano~ h~id onr tra~ th~ umtiia6 0! flrptqb~r 19• 1949. IID. l06 ` r~lstes ~o s Pon14r~ larm sti 1914 last Q~ntos StireeC op~rat~d b~ lts. ~dw-rd 8. Ole'eat~ snd 1[rs. Jewll K. Clsasnt~. This ea~e diecwsed a` lea,~h e~a~d v~oa s sotfea b~ 0o~ei~sioa~r 8num~r~~:~~ooa~d b~ C~mi~~loa~r 8intosl, snd ~arri~d. ths.rari~no~ ras 6~t~d, snb~eet to bhe tollovla~ oanditioas. AShs sst-L~.ots !or`Fonltr: 8nildir~ ~all be 150 te~t lso~ t~'aent~r ot tihe ~ hiah~ray aa O~nler S~resi aa4 7.50 l~~4 troa ths ~ont,~ propsrl~ lia~. 'Ph~r~ ~hs1T al~o b~ ao ~Lnahl~riag eliowa esorpt tor poaltiry rsie~d oa th~ pr~eiise~~ Ce~mi~sioaer 1a1~ r~tired~st 4:15 P.N. ZR-CS B0. T~atati~a lfap of sraot~lTo. 1120 at thr ooraer o! Qeater and ~set , 1120 BCr~et~ vas prsi~m.l~d tor oon~iderutioa. 'lhis anbdi*idoa ss s'~ona oa th~ ar-p ontlia~s 33 lo4s lor.r ~iaal~ lasil~ r~sideno~s vith aoaess :rom la~t 84ro~t ~.nd 5 loes imating en Csn~er 8tree! for ba~iasu. At~er di~anssioa a motioa va~ aaQ~ b~ Cosi~sioner T6co~son~ ~ s~oomdad b~ Co~ei~sioaer Sohn~soh~+r, and asrr3~d. 3~at the map D~ aeoap~ad ~ _ inoorposaS+~ re~*z8n~n4 oQ lets aad str~~h as engg~~t~d b~ t~ Oity . fi~iaesria6 Ottios and vit~h !h~ n$4er~tsndini t~at lo~~ iraatiaa oa Csntsr ~ Stree` b• snb~~at ~a~a p~titioa !or ~~ oi Zon~ or Yarisaoo~. , ~ ~p~ Re~0~1g ad,io~osn~d a! St05 P.It. ~~ ~ 8. a. ~ Seoa~tsr~ Pro-t~m ~ - i