Minutes-PC 1950/04/10~
Commieeionsr sun~u actea as secretrsry Pro-tiem sa tne a~senoe os commsssioner i
Hapgooa.:. y
- Commissionere Bapgood and 'mospoon eat~red the meetiag at 2x50 P.N.
i~iP'SU8- Kr. Gordon Nhitnall weat aver the provietoaa of the ffier SnbBivision Ordiasace ;
DIPx9I0H atarti~g Kl.th ~$e~stion 13~, rhioh Nsa the poiut reaehed ia ths moeti~og o! l~larob 2~~ ;
o~ISA~CE 1950. Yarians pardgraphs ~rurei disanaeed by the Co~isaioners nnd. tlu ~agiseers. '~
and the balsns:e oi the ordleanas vsa oorered, rith certsin pbases bsiag relerred `
to the ~ngiaeere for thais recommemdstioae on technicsl reqnire~ents.` ~
~1C'~ NORS It vss sgr~eQ by the Co~nie~ion to l~ola the aezt meeting vith l~c lfhitnall ;
~ ,,~TI4l4 Qn t~~~~e~,oi.~~'~~.2f,:.1950, at 10:00. o~cloct 1.8. The vork session ~ri11 be
contiaaed in the aitern~nn. It is a~pected t~-t at this meeting the draft oi '
~ Ehe nsn Zoning Ordinsace caa be cospleted aad possibly t3u rongh drait o! the ;
neM ZoninS•Nsps caa be preaentea. _ ~
~ iag ad~onraed at 4i30 P.l[. ;
ADJOU1tP1~'P She lie.Z ~
. ~