Minutes-PC 1950/05/18 ~..
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City Aall
~s~xheis~ Calitoraia
x~-y is. i95o
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Hiao~s oa e~rouas~n ~aor.~a r~T~a
oi the
~a~ap dn Ab~onraed Begnlar Heet~ag oi the City Planning Co~ieeioa vaa oallsd to
B~VI+AB orQer st 1Ot20 0~olooY A.M. by Vioe-Chairman Snmm~re in the absamae ot Chairnew
tA~ETIHa aratton. a quornm being preseat. ;
PB~SSBT Yioe-Chairman Snmmera. Planaing CoasnltaaLs Mr. aad Mrs. G~ordon ~Phitnall~
Com~issioaere HaPBood~ $intcei~ Sohnmeoher. 'Phompeon~ Huagall aa~ En6laeer Holyoke.
Commissioae2 Muaga,ll acted as 9ecretary Pro-tem.
!'IBAI, HAP T'ae Sirst bneiness takea up nae a raooasideration of the aatioa ta~sa at the
TBACT II0. meetiag o! April 17. 1950 with reinreaae to Subdi~isioa Tract Bo. ~233 ~n vier ot
z233 eertain c~e~g~s agreed to Toy the Jonse Brothers~ ths enbdividers. ~ motion 40
recoaei~er wae msde by Commis~ioaer B~e*e~:, secondsd by Commissioner Schnme~aher~
aad cnrried.
A motion to spprove the Binal Map of Traot So. 1233 xae me.de by Commissioaer
Schumacher. seeoaded by Commiesioner lsunge~li~ and carried, anb~eat to 4he loliow
iag coaditioast
1. Piasl i~tsp to be reoorded ae preaented xithont lnrther changes.
~ 2. BeeLriotions to be covarea ia Agreement betveea the Joasa Brothers and
th~ City of Aaaheia.
9. tCeot Horth Street and Mest Milhei~nias Street - Bttildinge to be aot ~
le,~a ~baa 1204 eqvare leet.
8sle;..se of ~rao0 - Bnildinge to bs 1005~ 1052 and 1069 eqaare feet~ as
per Sit• Pie~as F-1~ P-2~ and P-3~ oa file in the ofPSae o! the CiLy '
Cierk. '
e~; Horth Citma Staeet - 8niidiag 81tes to be not lsea t2~an 7? feet in
vidth ead bnfidin6s to be not lese tllaa 1204 sqne-re leet.
6. Nest wilhelmina 8lreat - Snbdividsrs riil pave entire street pzo~ided
City acqnires ths property.
7. Mest wi].helmina~ Street - Subdi~idars rill iastall anrbiag on boLh sides
oi strest aaQ pnc ia eidsrall~ on aorth aiae of Mest wilheimina 5treet.
8. Norl~ oa Xest Milhelmina Streefi to be iinished in not to ezaeea 120 days
stter aomplet~oa o! trdot. i
ypT~ N,Ap Ths belaacs ot the nsstirg natil the reces~ xss de~oted to the new Zoaiag blap. °
~~•~g ;,~„~ g~,•~ 1}~~~•.+_o~ re~e~ee~ at 32a00 ~~cloal~ mooa and renonoeasd at 1:90 0~olook
BECOHVffi~ P.M. Nith CLairmaa ara.ttoa prsaeat in addition ~o thoee preseat st !he morniag ;
I seosion.
20HT~G !~I-P The attsrnoon eessioa aompieted the fireb tenLative Zoning Map. "r;
ZOBffi0 IIpoa ao~aplet~on of tho Zoniag blap~ NrS.~hiEasll turned owr Zo the Commiesioa :;
~~ffi~SCa coples ci the ~reZie~i~axy comolete Zoning Orainaace ioa dstailed atudy bT the Com-
~ m~.eaioners.
~'pTpFJ it vas e6rsed to ho1d. ea b8.lauraed Haga2ar Meeting ot the Coaml.seion rith Mr, ~
1I~~I1f~ aad Mrs.MSit~all oa l~[oa~4, JnaO S, 1950. st lOtoO o'aloclc A.M. i
ADJOIIBIIHH~! The meetia8 ad.ionrnea st 4:30 o~clock P.M. ~
~ '~
,~ •
~ Mnngall~ S or tary Pro-tom
B. M.
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