Minutes-PC 1950/06/26~~"~
Cita ~ali
~els~ C~li~oaais.
dn], 26. 1950
MIgOT~3 0! l'IBST/~AE3Sf~ OH ~PISiD
aIBST The liral~/8sariag on tha Seeired Zoning Ordiaanao aad. Be~ise~ ~^.a'la~ ~ ras
IDBARIBf~ called to orQer by Cl~irmas- aratton st 7t39 P.M., a qnoroa lrelag prsseat.
P~S~TT Ohairme-n arat~an~ Coasnltaa4 Mr. Qor~lon 9fhitnall aad lire. Vhitaala, ~~ia~s
ffansr, Bapgood, $intoel~ 9nmmeri, Hnngall as~ Sagineer Bolyo3~s. Co~4ss3na~r ~a~oa
eater~d Lhe meeting at 7=50 P.H. Commissioasr ![nngall aated as ~rcr~#~ar~ Fza-ir~ !s~
the meetiag. Commissioaer Schumeoher waa sbsent.
Th;-re wers preaent at ths agsting spprozimately ttieaCy-Sise aitize~s ~a~sia6
a areas-aeotioa o! ths City. sad ooanie~iag largely ot interested pr~pszly e~+~szr~
realtore ead a repressntativs o! 2he Chambb~ o~ Com:m~rce, S~crstar ~. Y. ~+•»~.
Ohairmea 6raitoa e:pisiued the purposs oi the hasring aad tha~ iatmdaead Er.
Nhitnali ~ rho ras desi,4aatsd b~ th~ Cbairmn to aoadYeot the msetiaa Sma s3~is ~oia! ao.
COHSIIIl~- , Mr. ~'%itasll gave a brie! ^es~me oi the neoeesit~r !or oonstroati~s ~s~i~g a,s
TJI~'P applisa ~:~ ,~l~isa auid then oovsred 4hs lsxe oY Lhe Stats ot Cslitoraia ertth ssfia+~ce
~fHiTNdI,L to p1a;::,.:~; and the reqaired p~eN:nrea.
p~ ~ . Hs Lhen pra,aented four (4) riap~ Sar aonsideration:
~S~' 1. Pren~nt Ie~Q IIse Zoniag 11ap mads ia 1937.
2. Praoent setne~l I~aad IIse Hap ss ot 8ebroa.r~, 1950, sboring tramd siae~
• 1997,
3. Eeeiae8 Teatati~e I,sad Qse Zoniag Map oboviag t~s ~ocat,~ Z~i~y a~
~~~~xritory sarronading ths eity.
4. Rsviasd Ten:t,ative Laad Fas Zoaina Nsp.
' FSr. lihitnsil esplainad briet]~ the o7la~sftioe~!lons af Ienfl IIse a~ ~o~m aa
Nap 4~ ~rith rmforsnoe bo the vsrioua sonea, and permisel.b2~ ns~s ia esc;h:
B.,e. HesiQentisl Agriaultural Zone. P-1 Jntomobila ParYS~ Za~e.
Br0 Oae %'amily Snburban Zona, G-? He±~*cr~a~ fl,:.W,.~-~~ .°,r,~ie.
&-1 Oae le,mily Basidwtial 2one. G>2 (~eaaral Coaas~!la;z 3,one~
B~-? firo Famlly Bes3dsatiaY 2one. DI-1. Zi~~ lteautsolariag Zo~~~
E~-;j Mnltip2e *~„M±~ ~sldCL't2al ZoIIe. b4*•2 H~.s,p I3~2fats3,~~T ~~
Unale,ssffisd IIees.
He then preseated a gre~phia ol~nrt s2aoviag preseat land nse tLe.t ~1n,~ed ~j.2~ et
praseat la~d r-ithia 4he oity iimits is naia~roved property, somu oi ~htrh !~a ~ Ser
agrianltnre. This leavea 32.77~ of ths oity as impro~ad nrban props~jr,.
The 92.77~ wao thsn takaa ae 100~ eab brokea dowa iato Tearione c3assttiL~et+~s b~
peroentagee„ then thie ~e,s ooapared orith the preaenb Oxtili~sace, sffi ; lia aC3~[e2~
The nest step to be tdcem ie to A2~art the reTissd 7+ea~3 IIss l~s~ aad e~o~es+s it
xit`~ the sotn~l ZanQl Usa l0~4.
The meating xas then thrown open to gea~rai d~sonosioa irom the S3~ar.
QD~STIOS a M~. ficorga Clark -"NhaL are lot eisae ia B.J- and B~0 ~ones?'
A.QSUaBS -(Hr. ~hStne-11 me~le ropZies to e11 0~' the qnaetioai a,sta~..}
bb00 Eqnnre feet in B~,A xith 5$-foot frosLega;
9000 sq~re leeti ia &-0 xith ~~-toot tzontage. escep# tba! 3~s~s s+roosd~3
previona t~o the e~option oi bhis Ora.lae~nGb rsesia au r~eeor8~, ba„ ,~li ae~.
Iots mnst o~nfore- to thera provia~o~ns.
61,~TI~B ~ Mrs. l~anmi 8e11, 106'r Aogtb Pslm S6recC -~Bom est ase itsdiiao~s s~,e-
A~SiP~B .., if~ e~r,peot the~t restiriot!ans s2~il 2usro renwa~Z~ stnbili~.
QU,dSTIaa - Mre. Ssll - ~Hor abomb le-rgN re~ideaoe~ fi~e~E r,aan9! be ~rp4 t~ a~s ai~ly
fam2lg Iwrex aa~ may ~• sab3~at ~0 8eteriorati~#~'
~NBiP~B - Suob.proyerty oaa be enbaeoL to se~lasei?lca~laso
_..__._ .__..___ . _. _ _ . _ _ __.__ . .._ __ __. . ._... _
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NIHOTffi3 OF FIHST/~'JBI~f+ oB B~V3S'~ ZOgffi6 O~IBA&C~~ ~TC. ~~I+D JVLY 26. 195Q - Contiuueas
QtI~8TI0H - llr. Ted 1(aataraon~ 533 gorLh Nest Streeb -"Ie it poesible i;o holfl nore
t,~sa tro ?seariags ia order to giv~ more time tor the pnblio to staQy the
, ~pefN
!(~iSWEB - More hearinge bili be hela. it neoessarq. sithongh the Maps ri].1 bs avail-
abla for etwly ot aay time duriag oiiias t-oars in the Oity Engiaeeriag
De~artment !or the neaf t~ro aselcs. Snffioiem,c hearinge ~ill be hela so
~ha,~ the Oommisaioa cars be aa4latied. t~E pnblia oplaioa sad reaoaaaen!!a-
tions havs bean qnite aompletely oocered.
; QUESTIOB - Mre. Atkineoa -~IPhy canaot r0viaed Zoning Map be published ia the aexe-
~ papers ao tha,+~ the pnblic aan study eame at their leienuel~
b~i:4l~ - Ths ~le~p as presented is teatative ead sub~ect to chsn~e. It ~ronld not be '
practicsi to pnblieh~ la as maoh ae tea aolore are neceasary. Pnb],fo hear~ `;
iage are held eo tLat the marits o! at~y enggeated changee oaa be flisozu~eedl '
pro and ooa. ;
QtT~STIOB - Rr. Maetmr~oa - ~Caa propert~y ~bat I oxa oa Horth Pslm Street betrsen
Syaamore aad Cyprees Streets, bs soaed for C-1. on aoaoaat o! tratf~o, ;
vhSch is makang property unsuitabie ior resiQeatial ptupoeeet It ia
soned oa the asx map as ~3.N
A~iSY~B - It tha lnto l~ad e~ficient depth~ vhioh i~ not the aasa~ the entire ~
property mSght be sedeaigaed eo ~bat tratfic basard aad aoiee mig8t Le
~limim4e8. Thie ahonld be tnrned over to the Commission for reooneideratios~
Q~STIG~ - Mr. Chae. ~stoa~ 122 North Citron Stres~ - NI aotiae a49 property acroee irom ;
the SigL Sohool is :oned as P-1. Mhat Qose this meaata
I~NS'~SB - 8-1 is property behiad bnsinc!es property thnt might be used at som~ Ci~~ tor 'a
sntomobile parking~ hcvever. astiy oee permitte8 ia Br9 is also permitbed Oa
le~d zoaed ae P-1.
Q~STIOH - Dr. C. 0. ~ttr.s;,aas. 934 gorth Citron Street - ~Ycn me-de a ststsneat Kr. t
M'hibnsll tYiat the d.H.A. rill a4t mske loeae on proparty ~-iEhia aertaia ^
dietancsa o! an sirport. Beez a~y prnperty is a Helicopter Jan,diag 8leld. ;
Ie nut tbat depreoistfng my propertqt" ~
9..~S1~ - Aa I vadersEand i~~ Ghie 7.nnding ;field is an13- tampora~g~ aa.Q ie aeed toa
roaii eervioe only. Ot cearne. the nltime.te landiag field ~+ill eventuslly
bs at the Poet Ofriae. Aa to Lhe loantioa tor a lransport Helicopter !'Seld~
~ ~he wmmlesion rrill lutvo to n~ske a stady, ae this byps o= eerPice Mill be
vetg general:dthia a short time.
Qt1~8TY~?P' - i~r. Moeller~ Seay. Chamber o! Co~erce -~~y shonld the territory ~us~
north o! ~,nr present M-2 Zons not be aoneQ as suah ias:ead ot B.8 se rho~
on Nap~ as all lanA in preeeat bl-2 2oae is naed upt~
AN811~8 - Ife shovld prnbably soae thie ior 1+~2~ Heavy Iadnetrial Zone.
QL~9TI01~ - Miee eacke~ 22$ North Clandian 8treot - ~Ie !t possible to zone 'cerritory
around Manohsster Aveane tor heavy iaduatrytQ
AF3qE8 - Hosvy indnst.ry uoaally has csrtsia a~oua*s of odor, 6ast~ emaks, gsa~ aa~3
noi~e, an~ thie loaation ~ri.th tho ~asvailiag Kinds irom th~ eouthvest Monld
takr+ s~oy eois~ion from eaoh plsats aireotly aoro~• the residen~;ie-1 por3ion
ot th~ a10y. 1[ise 8aaks e4ated thst~ shs had a poteatfal meantaotnring plant
r2w Qesired 10 nores ia that looatioa. ~tter s~af~iag the $gpe oS busiasso
4mat ~rae ia viev~ rdr. Yfhitaa7.1 cle~seitied it as an M-1 typo ead theretostie
eligfble to go 3a thie Besritoa~- ae pQr th* ~r~poee~ aoaiag,
Mr. ~Phitnall turned. tha maetl.ag baok to Mr. Oraiton a; Lhis poiab anb the h~aring
eae.s ad,loaraed a~ 9:55 P.M•
'~e ssooad hesring rill be he18 on I~edaeeday~ Avgnat Q. 19$0, at 7t30 P.M. at rhioh
lims the terri4ory ~onth oY CsnBer Street at~ Haaahs~ter Aveans irill be ~aonei~iened.
~ p~' ~ ' ' "
S. t!. Idtw~a21, b'y r teary Ps~a••tsm
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