Minutes-PC 1950/08/09~`
Yi V~ ~1
0LBh91L1~ C8a.1f01`II19~
August 9, 1950
' 5~0~ The Seaond Pnblic Heariag on tle Eevieed Zoning Ordiasace aad 8eviesd Zoaiag Map
H~ABI~ ras ea3.i~~d to order nt 7s38 P.H. by Chairman Qraitoa, a auornm being preeent.
PE33EHT Cbairman araitoa, Consultant (?ordon Whitnall an8 Mre. wi+.itaell~ Com~nieeionsrs
Hapgood~ Eintael, Sohumacher, Thompeoa~ Munga~l ana Eingiaeer Holyroke. ~ommieaioaer
~ Q~ansr vas abaeat. Commiseioner Atuagall acted as 3ecretary Pro-tem for the medtiag.
Thera r~re present at the meeting approsime-tely seveaty people~ cone3ctint~ot
intereeted property oxaere~ realtore~ rep:eeantati4ee of the Hwikset Locka~ Inc.~ ~
a~d the Chamber of Commerce. .
Chairman aratton ezpla{aed tha purpose of the hearing and gave a brief av~ary
of the wrk ot Conanltaat Ooraou Yfhitnal7. ead then turaed the meeting over to Mr.
Yhitnall, aho act~l as modera+,or from thls poiat oa.
COHSOLT- Hr. Whitnall tiret cheaked with the Coffiaiasion Secretary to aecertaiu bhe date oi
A8'P the publicatian of the notice ra$ardiag the Second Public Hearing aud finding tLat it
NffiTAALL aas Imblished an Jnly 26, 1950~ ataLed fi,hat the law govex~uing e, ;h hearings ha8 been
Ig CBdffiS complied rith. H~ then proceered to give a brief etatemant with refereaae to tha
0! ~ neceseity tor constrnctive pleaaing ss appiied to Califoraia Cities ia general.
~~~ He then presented toar (4) mape for coaeideration:
.. P:~~t I:~ vs~ zan:~ Map m~3a ia 1437.
2. Psesent Actus7. Iand Use Hap ea o! February, 1950, eha~ring trend
einae 193?.
3. Eevised Teatative Iead IIee Zoniag Map ahoxing the Couaty Zoaing
o~ territory enrroanding The city,
4., Hevfeed Teeatative I+aad ~ee ?^a.~ Mag.
4fr. t"hitnsli ezplaiaad br3atly the c:.aaslficationa oS I,sad IIse $a ehorm on
!~(ap 4, vith referuace ta the varioue sonee. aad permieaible ueee ia eachs
B~A Besidentisl Agricultnral 2oae. P-1 Automobile Parking Zone.
&-0 Oae Family Suburbaa Zoae. C-1 8eighboactwod Commeraia7. Zone,
~l One Family aoeidential Zono. C-2 ~enerai Commercial 2one.
Br2- Tro Family Bsaidentisl Zone. M-1 bight Manv.:iacturiag Zone.
&-3 Mu1ti~Ie 9'amily BesiQeatiel 2oae. M-2 Heavy Manntaotnring Zoae~
IIaclaseified IIeea.
The maeting vas then thro~m. o~ea to geaeral disaueeion from the fioor. A71
qneetioas were replied Lo by Ftr. I~hitra'~l. (ANSWE83 eat fcrth horein ~ritihon~ "" marke). i
~![r: lfhita~l3• vas • ia~ormsd ~by-•the Beorstaryr;,that•; ths:~ Commiaeion, haa recaived 72
lettera lron citiaeas approving the ~on3ag ae outl~aeK:•oa the Teata~±-a Map for the
sonthee.st portioa of the City.
Q4ffiTIOH -}[rs. aladys P. Blaal~eyer~ 403 *a~t Broad~+sy~ - M9ihat !a Zoning around the
Thoe. 3efforson Sc:wolt°
AB51~i8R -- Br3, Nh~tiple 3'amily Heaideatial Zoae on the ~reat~ a Ynture M-1 strip~ i
240 :aat ~r3ae on t.:e north aad oast ~3 Oa~ats ~caiag on the eonth o! ~~ ~
~rhiah ie FtatLiple Yamfly Beaideatia.l 2one, ae per their Soaiag.Co1le. ;
Qt~TION - ptThe~~; in ia-o1w3eQ ia M-1 Zonetn
ABS1fF~8 -» All pro9lsione o4 the M-1 Zone verc read in detail iaolwdiag tho Lypes oY }
basineases alloved~ rhiah eerve ;is a~vide to s~y nsee propoeed ia th!.e aone. j
S~'ATEI~T- l~tr. 1~. 8'. Eabener~ 217 ~-et i~ater 9tsceet -^I repreaea~ many oi th~ people 1
in the eouthern portioa o! Lhe City and I epeak for the~ in proteeting the
resoning o4 ths territory betxeea SaAts Ana Streat~ Esst Street~ Saet Permont
dveane and Sonth Oli9e Strset~ for the loilowing see~sonat !
~. The ncr soaing rill introdnae iaareased trucking iato the flistriot.
2. Pro~iarty rri12 be eub~eob tin depreaietl.on ~heA mauuYeaturing is bsovght ;
into Lhe ares.p ~
dA37iE8 -- Going baok hietorically to 19?,0 ~ thie ~irae uasnbdicidad area ea8 xae as41sra11y ;
c3.r,asiiitixi as Bri nntil enuh e~ ti~e as the aitimate claegifioa~iaa becnme ap- ;
Rareat. I ronld euiggesi~ to the Commieaian ~hat they ~-rrwigo foa tnrther d.is- ~
caasi~n aitih yon at aene fn~ure de-te. ;
~.~ ~ ~' ~ ~
SECOI~ P~LIC HEA,EI*.~6 OH BEYISSD Z~HI~ lUIP & dRD. Ha3~^ AUI~UST 9. 1950 - ~oatiaued: Page 2.
~_ .
Q~TIOH - llr. lfalter A. Goodea~ $ealtor~ 1222 N. Lincoln Aveaue -~I hace a olient ~ho ~
ovns property ia tho ~riangular pieoe at the intereectl.on o! Center Streot
er~ the Aaaheim-0live Sosd sad Planeatia Avoane. 'Pb.e nevr Nfsap shoree t•1~Z thir
ia to be sane3 as tature C~1. t~y cezaot thie ba zoned at this tima anQ al-
Iov ~ client to diepose oY hie property or pnt it to eome ueeful purpoee~"
bgSl[gg __ I wy~.d soggest ~~t you contaat 3'.ngineer Hol9oke and arrsa8e an appointmeat
tor the orner oa omers ead ~i~hher m~yseii or a rcapra~en~a~i~e o~ ~ office,
and re rill see what caa be rrorked out.
Q~3STIGB - Rr. A. F• HabeaOr, 217 Esat Weter Street - aWill you tell ua more about wY,at
eSreete nili be ueed Yor track traYfict°
A~fSYBR -- Hot vitbont makinB a traLfic stn~}-~ ahich rill have to be msQe very ehortly. ;
g~R~'p_ y[r~ 'II~os. Atkineon, R?10 Sonth Olive Street - aI viah to preseat a petition ~
si~-ed by 200 peopl. fviag in the eontheaet Anaheim area~ proteating the
. p~6~ Qha~go ia ~.,ning irom Brl~ Siagle Family Resideaae lllase to an M-1~ '
ldaaufactnring Class oY say of the area so conaidered sad bounded by Snata
Ana Street~ Vermoat dveans~ Olive Streat aad East Street.~
ASSit88 -- The Coamiasioa will be glad Eo eccepb yonr petitioa aad I r~onld suggeet the~t ~
it be tnraed oTar to the Secretary of tlae Cor~iaeioa.
gTAR~' Ilrs. Lle~ry Betzeold~ 328 Sonth Philadelphia Street - r~ believe that~ it the
sonthee~et section is left in Siagle Besidence 2one~ it wiZl aoK grow."
AHSIfBS -- I sboald like to ask yoa a question, ZI:s. 8etzaolat In lookiag over this :
area direatly Eo ths weat~ ve eee that it has grorn. Caa yon ~ell me why
Che area to the esst hae aot groraT
STd'Pm+~9T- Mrs. $etssold -"Simply oecanse a good achool was aot available." ?
AHSIfF~ -- This is aot in aacor&eaoe ~fth general practice. IIanally a echool locatioa
ia not determined nakil the popnlation ia eatabliahea. ~
g~g~_ ~. Q. M. ,3easler~ ?10 Snnth Emily Strea~ -"Ligbt Induetry doea not make nne;
of railrae~de. bnt nans trncka, therefora truck traific haaarda would be in- e
cresaed.° 1
sggltsg __ perbaps I alL~nld defiae Light Iadnetry. By ^lfght^ it doea aot maen Keight. ~
i~rge antomollile asaembly plar-ts are olaQUitied as light indnatry snd parts ~
for the aese~~nbly of eama ~re brnught ia b;r ~sil.
g~~r_ Kr~ g, M~ Bedme,n~ 71$ Sonth dlive Street -"~. school nezt to ~. railroad ie a';
perfect site. ~danld agaia back up School Board Traoteea in picking a aimilar ~
site." ;
gg'P~'!- 1[r. Ivsa S. Storby, 327 Sonth Broeger Street - aI believebu~t thehSonthern a '
oY a schoal betxeen the railroaQ t:acks ie satiafactory~ ;
1'acitic are anre ranaiio8 a lot o: traiae oner the lisse ainee the achoal rrae
staated." 3
Q~S4'IOH - xrs. x• Mo~~. Jr• ~ 407 ~et $r0~~-~Y -~~°''~ are the bouad.griea oi sehool ?.
dietYi.ctef Dne to the fact fi~at s echool is 'beis~ built, ehould it not be ~
proteeted i~ at alI poaeiblet^
;:5E -- Z sa noL co~letel~ famillar e~ith yronr local achool boundariea. ',
Tho Gommiaeion 1a ita aoning~ I feel has tried te protect the echo~l by t
~ufier strlpa.
gT~~= Hr. Habener -"I believe reco:da oa bond i~ene atated that school xonl~ be ;
at presea~ aite." ?
g~g~gs_ }~. Jones~ representing gwikeet Iaeke, Iac. - pThree yeare ago gwikeet I,ocke
eurve5rad a22 oS Santhern Caliiornia 4or e plant eiLe aaa final].y selected ~
Anahe3u becanse o! railrogd tacilitias and tha facE that aexers~ water and ;
porer vere availsble. we nov l~ave a p1anL 1aPeetmSat ot $1,650~000.00 aad ;
nev constsnotioa ur.der ~ray at prssent of $130,000.00. We have 40o employeee i
e~3 a~1211aa t.ollar a y~r ps,ysoll. ~te aZeo hsve 4~Q00 ~ob applicatioas on I
~aaad~ e2~yirig that Lhere astl maay people wl~a von1Q 11se to work at Hrilceet. ~
Thia masns Lhat ~+ore 3adas'~ry mast c~me to Aaehaim~ if an economic balsnce ~
ia to be maiataiasd.
I em e.t greeent oa tKO eahe~l boards, elserher3, aad compliment the Planaing ~
CuAml.esioa aad Kr. idhitnaii oa bhe progaeed soniag. ~
iie encogea ~he ~'sy aa p~aeo:.:~'!.
y~st ~eaz ve purchaes_ the propertg ta the aonth ~i our psse~enb P~'•wS Ee Pro^ f
tec't 30 iro~x upaesfra~ie a~a2a ~~aaM. Z:.~sst:, ~sat bs rre*•eot•+!. eo ~ehl e-~ ~
resideatial proper~.° ~`
.;,, --- ----~- - - _ . - ..__- _ _ _ _ ___ _ _._ _ .. _ ._.. .._ .....__ ~
~ (~ ~ ~ '~ ~
q r
' SECOIQD F'tJBLIC ~ABIAQ OZi BEYISID Z~BIHC~ HbP & Q~. ~LD ~~~T 9, 1950 - Contianeat Page 3.
.~'^~ I
Q~STI01I -}Srs. Adelaide H1acY. 229 East Vernoat sveaue -"1~2~ not put ne~v aaneasLian
~ to city sonth of Yermoat dvemie iato induatryt" °Yihy nct move S.P.Bailroadt".
~ dg~8g __ The aer raseaatioa sonth o! Yermoat Aveane rras brovght into the Gity at ths ;
requeet nt the ovners, who liad the ProPerty laid out !or Bubdivisioa ptupoaes
~ Bemoval of the rsilroad mi~t be the solutian ta the ~rob2~ fS 3t~~n1Tg e
? doae. Untortunntely it is impoasible and imPsactical dae to max~y .
t o~..v, _~ *,•a,+,tl~inng; trameadona coat, etc. Bailrasda~ to all inteats and
( purposee,anst be rsgsraed as a permewea: tnstitntion.
~ Mith railroads established it becomea a problem o! ad~usting 2ha city p1aA
~ to the railroade, rather than one oi r.~netiag the rsilroada to the plan.
~~ QIIESTIOH - Dr. Q.• ![. Eessler -"Ars Zoaing aad He-ZoninB Laws reLrospective2"
A1~SWl18 -- I doa~E lmar vl~at Toa. mean. ,
' QU~$TIOH -"Mhen a1~8es sre made irom Bri to 8.~2 or Br3 or othor classiYioa.tions aad ,
~. praperEy deprecistas, csa dsa~+8es be asaeesed on the city or posaibly against
x ~.=~t~sy, eansing anch depreciationt"
~~ AN$4i88 ~ - NO.
~ QUE3TI08 - Mr. W. 8• Chance+ 4~~5 son~h Indisas Stre~t -"~onld Nater Street be uead
tc osrry ths tra~fic !mm 1~anar'>ater Aveaue enst to the propoeed M-1 2oaeSN
a; ~ e~ad tratifc control, Mith the viev oi
., ANgW~t _- The Commissioa is atuaying 811r~y ., ~;
;; avaiding LhrouBb trntfic ~s mnch as qsrsibie.'.•'~ ;
;<, '-
`~ STRTffi+~9T- Mr. 8. P. Allea, 'ibatia. Cslit. -~I ovn the vest oae-halt of oiaeyrard I+ot 5
i g-i ~•tyge~ ~nst Yater; Sonth Orsnge. F.a.at South a~ad Sonth ~uast StroeEe.
~! I have ~xasd thia proPertY ior mss~y years, aad a Portioa of it 2~aa long beea ;
~ zoaed for Light Meantacturin8• It is aqy coateatioa that m~ vrhole property
`~ is only good for light iadnstry aud I should be allo~ed~ it I so deaire~ to ;;
~~ eeli it ior at:ch uses." i
,:~ Q,UESTIOb1 - Mrs. $. Beacli, 7~3 Sonth Clandi~ Street -"t~Iby is property on the xeat side `;~
;~ oi Eanth Claudine- Street betxeea ~st Yatsr aaci Esst South Streets soned !or ,t
p_1 !" S
~gy~g __ 7,cs Lngeles Street dirsctly ia Yront oi thia property i~e~s been sonad Sor ~
(ieneral Bnalaess and it 3a ielt t2~at sometime ia ~he Suture the propert9 ;,
'; to the rsar oa Claudina Street mi~t be acqnired by these bnaineesee Yrontinga
~ oa 3~os AnBelas Street for parHng. P-I bae the s~ma aPtionai uees as ~3 ~,I
and rrould permit ein818 tsmil7. dvq~lezea or mnltiple Yamily bnildings to be
,~ erected. 11ouZd yon preier to ha.ve the ~oning lett as Rrl t If soy I am eure~
~ tLe Commisefoa xill entertain ~our request•
'i~ ~T6,T92~HT- Mr. 0. Solter. Ctiairman. Indnstrisl Co~ittee, bnsheim Chamber oi Commerce - ry
~I repre~ent sgpx'ozimately 100 bnsiness men serviag the psople oY Anaheim.
;i Ia elevea cit iee v here I h a v e r e p r e a e n t e d m Y c o m P+ ~ a y. I h~ve fouud that lighty
~ induatry or industry ia geaerel alrays is Lo be tound alon8 the railroada. ~
Nhen a city atops grovia8 tbat ie r-hea va7.uea depreciat~. Lnsk-ein- is still _,
h"~ gro~ring~ bnt i~lnatry mnat replace the declining citras induaux~-. 1~e buai- ~
''"~ neas men ~ox tY+at mare laad mnat be allecaLed Yor light induatry." ±
w~ STp~~- Mr. Wm. Boltemeier, 924 ~st Saata Ane- Street -"I ]~ave tried to aell a~ ;
_~:~ property~ vhich iB the weat oae-half o! 9`neyazd I+ot (~-1~ betveea East Santa •j
~_,; Ana~ Sonth Orange. Ssst Yatar and East S! 1ets~ ior rasidential purpoeea. ;
~;,~ ~ I oaa eoll it tor light ini3nstry a3-d for this reaaon. I desire tbat my pro- ~
'i' perty be aoaed for 1[-1 nses." ~
I gTATII~IEH'P- Nrs. Thos. Atkineon, 830 Sonth Olive Street -"Me pnrc8ased on: preeent hcme ~
`I !.n, 1948 simply beaanee a nev aahool aras tc be built and rre do noti 14ke t1l~ _
fntrnsioa oi industry iato a reaideatiml area.•
!; g~~~g~.• s. idm. Baliameier~ 910 East Sa.n~ta ~na- Stseet - aI riah to s~a~e ey previous-~
ii -tatsd by Mr. Boli~meier t~aC onr property ia unly suitable Yor industry.".
~'~ ~ ?r1 ~e: W~ter Stsbet -"T/i~y~ te 'cbe prcperty in the aity ;
:~ Q,V&STSCS - sbn %allia,
.~; ..~:ariag on Oraag6tho~Pe gonea as &+A on Lhe Mao. aot zoneli tor indv.etry'" ~
~ ABgStER -- At the time 4he s:ommiesinn coaaiaered Lhia proge^ty, there eere rluestiono ;
retias~d. irith retereacs to tlood poaeibilitiea, bnt ~rith some seaursnae that a
Lhla Cor~~.ti+ra may be eli~laated shoatl,y~ the Commiesioa vill pro~ably change~
~he Eaai.r+~ of this tes~rttory. ~
~ ~~ "_"'_""""._'"__._' .~. _..._ .__._' "_" ""_"'___".__ ' .
~.F ~ ~ ~
~ ~~
1 ,
! 3ECOND P~I,IC HAAR.IH(i OH ~VIS~ ZOBIN~3 MAP ~ OBDo ~I~D A~IGIIST 9, 195~ -~antinned: Pag~ 4.
,. - ; ~
~ i
STATEt~lHT- Mr. F. Kimberly, 710 Sonfih Philadelphia Street -°In ~ opinion, no indnatrT
ehovlQ be alloved eouth of tTater Street."
At thie point. Mr. Ylhitnall turued the meetine ~aaic To Cvairmaa aratton.
1+[r. Atkineon thea aeked Mr. Qratton, "IY a poll oi t2-oas present conl~l not be
taken tor and against the iadustrisl zoniag."
Mr. (iraiton stated tl~at he did not believe thet it wonlfl serve a~+ pnrpose as
far as adding as~thing of valne to the hearing~ but anggested tbat a~ane not aati~-
fied rrith the aoning as ehoxa on the Teatative Hap, rho had not e~preBaed the~ael~ea
at the meeting~ xrite a letter Lo the Oommiesion stating theis staa~, together rith
their r~asons ~or their poeition.
Nr. Allea aad Mr. BolYemeier ma,de a Yiaal atatemeat tl~at they wnld De opp:-sbd
to a~y zoaing of a leeser cle~eeiiicatioa than that eho~ru on the Zoniag Hap acv in
Mr. Whitn~ll i~trodnced hie gueets, Mr. Fred P. Olark.hezd oi the Begiona?~
Planning Co~isaion af Hex York City~ and Mrs. Clark.
AD30IIBN- The meeting ad~ovrne3 at 1Ot40 P. M.
9 ~ (~
y: i
'~ ._.__..._ ........_....._.._... . . ... ._ ._. _ .._ ..... _._ .__ ....._._.._.__ .. .. .. __....._..._......
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