Minutes-PC 1950/08/21.` `h
Cit~ Hall
AnRheim, Caliiorni
August 21~ iyj0
of t~e
g~p,Qys,q Hegu7.ar Meeting o£ tho Qity Planning Commiesioa was called to order ct
t~EETY~6 2s10 P. K. bs Chairmen 6rafton, a Ysorum being presant.
pg~g~ Che,;rman araiton, COmmissionere 8lutcel~ Schw~.acher~ idungall and Engineer
Holyoke~ sp oe~e~ i~themabsenceeoPgCommissione~Hapgoodr MCo~moaissioner Summers
rras ab~ent.
Klgp~yg Tbe Minutso of the Regular Meeting held on July 1?~ 19$0.~ wore read snd
Commisaioner Gauer er-tered the Meeting at 2s20 P.M.
Commisaloaer Thompson entered the Meeting at 2:29 P•M•
pgg~~ Yarie.nce No. 130 covering a petition from Paul f~reening. 124l+ 27orth Zemon ~
N0. 190 Streat, as owner, Einehed-Masoa Compa~q~ 5935 Milford Avenue~ Detroit~ Michisan,
as proapective purcHaeer, for permission to use the buildiage at 124-~ ~orth I+emoa
Street for the MaauPacture and Storage oi Paints, Qarnishee. Iecquera, Enamele
~~ ailied Prodncta.
Mr. areening atated that he propoaed to sell approximately four (4) acres
iacludiag the preeent bnildiags t~~ the Hlnahed-Maeoa Company.
Mr. Heller of the Hinshecl-Mason Compaay, atated that they prnpoaed to use the
preaeat buildinge Sor th~ msaufacture oP palnta~ varaiahes aad allied products aad
bhe~t they xould nee only amsll quaatities oi wdtsr and that very little eludge
xonld be created by their proceesae ead the amec•11 amouat that mi~ht be made would
go into a eumP. i
Mr. L. L. Joass~ Manager oY the Ana,heim Plaut of the Ge~neral Electric ~o.. , i
apoke !or the graating oi the variaaae in as mnoli aa hieriod of time ~a buaiaesa ,
connections aith the Sinehed-Mason Company for a long p .i
Mr. Moeller~ Sacretary o~ Qo~ ~ a~~~~rth ~~a~~a be gava~lva~le addi- ~
company 1~ad beea vosg highl~ i
tion to the City~e induatry. . ',
Mr. T. 8irvea oi the Hirven Compaay directly to the north oi thie property Y
atAtad that he ~rould Melcome this compa~q}- ae a neigkibor. }
Mr. W. MerriPieZd ot the MerriYield
recommended that the variance be granted.
Mr. Arval Mor:ie oP ~lectra Motora,
; rove thie varianoe.
ao. 129
- ~~~ . .
i~'v. i2o
Taucking Co., directly to the sonth,
ezpregsed hie deeire to have the Com-
miee on apP
IIpon a motion by Comaissianer Sohumaaher, secondea by Commisaioner Biutcel~
and carried~ approvsl iras 81ven to the granbing oi this variance.
Commissioner Fapgoo8 eata:a~ the Meebi~g at 2:45 P•M•
Variaace No. 129 covering an addition to tha plaat aY the GaliYornla Hoaiery
Company at 848 4lorth Loe AnBeles Sbreet was coaeidered bg the Commiseion.
At thia Pub~ic ~earing ao ob~eotore appeared but letters w~re rec~i~¢d irom
~tr~ Ea,y J. Malwaey, 816 North I~oe AnBeles Street; Nellie $. MerkuriePY~ 841 Horth
B.gChamberll~tr107~~eet Nor h 3t eet~, alilr aommonji"n8 tbaEeapprnval~beglven by
the Commieeion to this ada.ition.
A motia~n wae made by Commisaloaer Hiutcel~ sacoz-ded by Oommisai~aer Hapgood,
and carried, Ehe,t thie v,~z'ianca be granted.
Thie Ve.riance ~a. 126 ior the erect~oa of a dnplez dwalling at the southaeat
~rraar of Milla DriQe aad North ~nztaaexpaia Sirtlet~ :as hr~ld up :3^.c° +ti+s S~s~+lg
Meetiag et Me~Y 15, 1950, at the request oi Che petitionar~ Mr. (iuet Mabe.
Mr. Mabe appAaseb before the Com+sission aad etaLed tl~at 2-e ~ooa7.d ~w like to
hsve bia prtlEion again come ug tor con~i~leration.
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• eotion ~as made by f~ommisaioner Thnmpaon~ eeconde3 t~y Commissioaer Mungall,
~„ ~rried~ Lbat the variance be granted rrlth the e=plandtioa to the City Council
the raasoa L'nf~ ~e 8'reu-ted~ra$ due to the fact that this property ia aoned oa the
~~g tar ~2. '14o-~'amii~ Residences aad ao ob~ctora to thie zoaing appeared at
the pa4lic Hearinga held oa July 26 and 6uguet 9, 1950.
7The Commiasion nill hold a meeting ia the near fnture oa the Nerr Zoning Msp
a~d prd;nance. It vas sug8eeted tbat ths eveal.ag ot Wedneaday~ august 90~ 1950
wnld 'oe snita~le it Mr. Whitnall wae avfsilabl9. The Secretary was inetrneted to
checl~ hia avsilabi7.it~. ,
4ayZ ~~ ~r. ltilleiC ai Hemmerer Engineering Co., appeared before the Commiseion wiEh :
1~7~j a 4eatatiY~s }[ag o! Tract Bo. 1475~ located near Fsat Vermont Svemie aad South Olive
'~YITE StPest.
M3F ~{S 1~(ap bad not beea presented to the Engineeria~ Dapartmeat previoua to the
meeting and it ~ab evident t2~at ia order to plaa the coamlete subdivieion to the
coraer of ~ast Street. ancther oxaer uraet be contacted.
S~e iiap ras returned to Mr. Millett ~ith inatructioas to contaot the owner of
adjaceat property so that the eatire piece n~ 7.r,nd could be properly plannad.
~pg ~r~ Y~ Gra~sm, Maaagar oi Citrns aroerars, Ina., who hava s le.bor camn oa East ~
~~ Y~~a! Ave~ane to honae Mexican DTationals. appeared before the Commission rrith
plsas for an addit~oa whica xili es~eaG ~o ~as~ ~~=~~~• Th3Y Pr',pose to enciosd ':.
the entfre property~ landacape same and provida additional living quarters~ parking ~,
~paees s~ zecreatioa facilities.
Rhis pmperty is at preaent in ~ounty ~errltory, bnt Mr. Greham ~+iehed to
~r their propoaed. paaa to the Commiseion beiore preeenting same to tho County
g~~ Commisaica.
~ The Keettng sd3onraefl at 4:$0 P.M. until Moaday, AvSnst 28. 19,50, at 2t00 P.M.