Minutes-PC 1950/10/16i ~ -k ~" -
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City Ball
dI1tl22E~~ QB~.~OlII~
OCxober 15~ 1?S'~
f aEavLaR
oi the
Reg~a.tar Meeting of the City Planniag Co~isaion vrsa c~allea to oxdes st
2:12 I'.M. by Chairmaa firafton~ a qnorum being present.
pBESENT Ohairman Grafton~ f.;ommisoionere Eiutcel~ Snmmere. S~*^~^s~~+~}, 3ins~~''! ssni
En~i~eer Halyoke,
Abaent were Commiasioners aauer and Thompeon.
Commiseioner Hapgood eatered the Meetiag at 2:30 3?.M.
Commiesioner Mungall acted as Secret~r~ Pro-tem.
MINIITES The Minutea oY the Regular Meeting of September 18. 1950~ vere zeed and
'r6EIANCE A pnblic heariag vras held on the ver4fied petiti.n oi Baro13 ~erlin. as lessee
~0. 132 Crorm Motel, 3136 Aorth 3,os bngeiea SLr~eC~ ~0~ pgi~i8Si8u Lo ~a ~.: a~~ ~._-
at 110 East Center Street for the Maaufacture of Iadie~~ Garmeats, sa ~-Z, LigT~t
Manufacturiag IIae. This property ie Lot 6 of Block b. oY the Center ~acS aad is
• riow ia C-3~ aeaere~l Buaiaess Zone.
Mr. E. ~I. Moeller snoke £or the gxantin~ of thia varisnce_ £e s:ated ttst
Mr. Berlia had. noL realized that a variance vould be reqnised ia ~s ~m~e2i as rs
eimilar liae of manufacturing had beea carried on previonsly in this ~31~~~.
Ht~ also atated tl~at the busiaees woulc eaploy apprnzimately ~iSty people vith s
pay~roli of $2~500.00 per xeek.
Mx•. Piae~ owner of the building, pnrc.hased same tvo years ago vith ts~ es-
pectatioa that the Olive Seriag (3~ild, garment manufactnrera, ronl~ cos~i~e to -
occupy the apace. Horaever~ they t6rminated b%siaeas oa Harch Z?, 1'9$t). Ia es
much as the present leeaee has a similar bn~inees~ Mr. Pine feels t~t t~e Tasi~
aace ehould be graated.
Mr. Keealer~ oxner of the Textile Store, and Mr. Shnmen. l~n,aeger ot t'~e
Appliance Store~ both ooc.pying the firat flooi of the bnilding, assnred tbe
Commiasion that the manufacture oY l,adiee~ Qarmenta, i.e., saits sad casts,
xould not create eaongh noiae to bother them.
Coneultant Gordoa Whitnall 2~ad advised the CommiOSion previoas~,q t3mt s
varianae would be aecessary ia order to uae the enb~ect property sa s site for
darment Mam~acture in accordaace with the present Ord ~~^~e Bo. f~9, Seetion 3
(b) under vahich.we are etill operatiag.
Mr. ~hartle~ Planniaqg Techaioiaa_ prepared a StaSY Bapor~ ant393ir~ !~x iae4s
ia the case xithout making aay recoam~endationa.
Aftsr• coneiAerable diacnsaion, pro and con~ Cnmmiesioner Sc~**~~_ ffiede rs
motioa t2iat the variance be granted. Thie motioa ras secon3ed by Ca~i.asioner
Mungall, an~i carried~ rrith the recommgadation tbat the v~Tiance D~ ~te~ for
a_~ ;~ ~. *~ be sub~eo*, to re~view ~t the e~ ~! this ~sri!-~: '
COMMISSIONE& Mr. E. P. Bapgood wae inetalled as s regolsr manber oi t,be Ca~issinn ia
HAF800D AP- place of hie former etatne ae ~-0PYieia Me~ba~r. Th~a s~-~ ~.:. ~. ~~
POINTED REQ'U- oy the City Council st their regnlar meeting oa Octobe~ 10, 1950. ~s~
i~AB.MEMBLR Hapgood xill fill the uaeapired term of Mr. Yictor a. 7+oly, eadiag 3a~ 31~19~2.
JOINT Tho Secretary Pro-tem annouaced t2~at a Joint l[eetiag vith t3~e Citp ~e39.
~SEETINa w111 be held at 2:00 ~.M. oa Monday~ November 6, 195C, to discuss t~e ps+oposea
WITH CITY 2oning Or8lnanee and the Accomcanying Map. Tha City Conacil is sebedalea to ~1~
COUACIL a Public Hearing on said propoaed ZoIIi4Sg Ordinance and Map on Bos~t+er ~. 195d st
8:00 o~clock P.M.
~ SOUT~i The Southera Califoraia Planning Congresa x311 meet si ~Isimr on ~, -
CALI~OBHI~ Oatober 19, 19$0. It is espeated that Anaheim will 3~ava repzeseaYa~isrr at this ;
PI~A9BTIaQ meeting • . ~
i C01Q(+8'~SS -
~ _
; ADJOII~&T ~ The Meetiag ad~onrned at 3:4$ P.M. uatil ember ~+, 1~30, at 2:00 P.ffi~
0' , •
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~ ~ _B.._Y. Litfnnnll _ .ri ~1 ~ly/ ~TD~~7~ rr
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City Ea.ll
AnRheim, Ca].ifornis
october 15, 195Q
~~ of the
gE(}DZpg Hegnlar Meeting of the City Pla.nning Commi.saion was cal2ed to ord.er at
MIDETINa 2:12 P.M~ by Chairman f3raftoa, a quorum belag preseat.
~ Ghairmaa GraYton~ Commiasionera Riutcel~ Summers~ Schumacher~ Mua~all and
~j Engineer Holy*oke.
LLQ Absent were Commissioaers f~auer and Thompeon.
~1 Comm3.eaioner Hapgood entexed the Meeting at 2:30 P.M.
. Commieaioner Muagall acted as Searetary Pro-tem.
The Minutee oP the Hegalar Meeting oF September 18~ 1950~ rrere read and
;;; VAEIAAGE :~. gublic hearing wae held oa the verified petition oY Harold Berlin, as leasee.
~~ N0. 132 Crcrrn Motel~ 1i36 l~orth Los .angeies Stree~, Por peraiseion to uae the sacond iloor
at 110 East CeutQr Street for the Manufacture of I,adfee~ darmeate~ aa M-2~ Light
Manufscturiag IIse. This property is I,ot 6 of Block 6, of the Center Tract and ia
• aow ia C-3~ f~eaeral Bueiaesa Zone.
. Air. E. W. Moeller spoke for tre granting of thie vari.ance. He stated that
~ Mr. Berlin had not realized that a varianae wo~il.d be requixed in as much as a
`! aimiler line of manufacturing had beon carried on previously ia this building.
He also atated that the busiaesa would employ approxlmately fifty people with a
`~ payrall of $2~500.U0 per xeek.
~ Mr. Pine, owner of ehe building~ purctiased same two y~,ars ago rrith the ez-
I pecta~Cioa that the Ol~ve Se~ing (~u.ila, garment menuYacturc:rs, would contiaue to
~~ occupy the epace. Hoaevsr~ they terminated bualaeea on Narch 27, 1950. Ia as
'' much ae the preseat leeaee has a aimilar bueiaeee~ Mr. Pine feels that the vari-
~ uace ahould be gra~ted.
Mr. geseler~ ormer of the Teatile Store~ and Mr. Shuman, MAT,..~ pper of the
Applisace Store~ both oocupqing the ~ira~ Plo~;r of the bnS:ding~ asaured the
Commiasioa that 2he manuYacture oY I,adiee~ Gaz~ments, i.e.~ suits and coata,
vrould not create enongh noiae to bother them.
.~ Caasultaat Go:don Wn3tz~°.21 ~d advised tre Cosmiss±oa preg+_ous~g L~t e
:'; variance would be aecessary in ordor to uae the sub~ect property as a eite for
J:~ aarment Mauufacture ia accordance ~rith the presenb Ordinance No. 609~ Section 3
;~ (b) uader r-hich r~ are atill operating.
:°` Mr. Sbartle~ Planning Teohaioiau, prepsred a Str~.ff Re~ort outliaing the fecta
~ in the cese xithout making aay reaommendationa.
~"~ After coaeiderable diecusaion~ pro aad aoa~ CommieaSoaer Sohumacher made a ,
~'~ motion tha~ the variance be granted. Thie motion wae seconded by Commiasioaer
~~J Muagall, and carric~i~ xith the recommeadation ~?~at the ?ariance be graated for
one year and bo sub3ect to review at the end o~' thia perio3.
CO2AMISSIONEH Mr. E. P. Eapgood ~vas inetalled as a regular member of the Coamiieaion ia ~
'~j HAP(i00D 6P- place oY hie former etatne ae Ex-0Yficio Meaibe~, Thie appointmeat had been made
POIRTEC ?iF7GII- by the City Council at their regalar meeting : Ootober 10~ ].9$0. Commissioaer
:; LA& MEM~ER Hapgood ~ri31 Y111 the unezpired term of Mr. Y~ or a. 1+oly~ ending Jsauary 31,1952.`.
The Secretary Pra-tem annaunced th~t a Joiat Meeting xith the City Connail
'i MEETINa will be held at 2:00 P.M. oa Monday~ November 6~ 1950~ to diecuea the prepoeed
„ Zoning Oxdinance and the bccompanying Map. The City Conncil ie scheduled to hold
COIINCIL a Public fiearing on eaid propoaed Zoniag Ordinanae and Map oa November 8~ 1950 at
`{ 8:00 o~clock P.M. ' '
°• SOIIT~ The Southera Califoraia Plannir~g Coagrega will meet at 'Elainor on Thnrsday,
.~ GAI,I!'OHHIA October 19. 195Q. It ie ezpeated t3~at Bn~eim will. ]~ave represantatives at th4s ;
P7~A1Q~iINQ ting • _
CQH43:}3~ ~
1'he Meeting ad~ourned at 3:4~ P,M. until ovember 6. 1950, at 2:00 ~'.M ~
i '
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~ Se-r ta P
" ~ S. W. Mungal ~ r5' ro-tem
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