Minutes-PC 1950/12/12~
i~ity Hall
~naheim, Calitorais
Deaember 12~ 1950
MIBO'~S 0! ~DJOUB~BD BS~t~UI~AB 1+~TI~i~
o! ths
CI'1? PLANAffif~ 00l~IIdI33I08
~p~ ,n Ad,lo~raed Begnlsr Meetiag o! the City Planaing Commission was caliad
BfbIILAB to order st 2tlfl P.Dt. by Clsairmsa ai'at~on~ s qwornm beiag pre~snt.
pgag~T Cl~e-irma Qraitoa. Commissionerr Gauer, Siatcsi, $nmmere~ Thompson and Nuagall.
Commis~ioasr Hnngsll ea4ed ae 3eoretary Pro-t~.
,ggg~(~p Co~ai~sionsrs Be~pgood anQ 3oba~mschsr.
lIIAUT83 Nimites oi Ad~ou.,aed BeBnlar Meetiag ot 1Pov. ~0, 1990 reaa and approved
Opg~g(~ A ms,~ority oi the Commisaioa had visited the lemeatsr Chialcen Benah sad
B0. 135 ath~rs ia the viaiaity since the laet mesting aad :t ras the coaa~nsue o! opinioa
that ii oae ranoh va~ eliminst~d, a11 within the City limite ahonld also be rt
qniraL ~o give up oommsraial raisiag of pon7.0a~r.
The report oa the Chiol~ea Bsaches nss aot tavosabie d~ne ba odors an~3 ths
g~,t nnmber of ilies.
Aiter mnch disausaion~ it vse felt thst actioa shonld be takea agaiaet sll
oi Lhs ranches~ Nhicl~ conld be doae uader the aex soning oMine~noe rh~n e~Qopted.
A motiun wse made by Commiesioner Oauer, seaonded by Oommiesioner Thompsoa~
and a~rried. tl~ts
l. The 9e-rianoe Bo. 195 be referred Dack tio the City Counail ~rith the recommea-
d.ation tLat the City Coaacil zefer to the provisionc oY t,he HeM Comprehensi~~
ZoziaB OrQiarnc~ regsrbing the a~atsmeat ot Boar-Coatorning IIee~~ Seotion 15,
SnD Pwssgnph 4 (o). PeB~ ~5.
2. Sanitnr~ Conditioa. srs cnah t2ist the health o! the ~e-st saotioa oi Lhe Rity
is end~n8sred not oaly b~ odora Dnt by th~ gr~at wcan~alatioa of riie~.
Th~~s aonditioas hsve b~~n ~eriti~d by e~idwc~ snbmitted st the h~sring and
b~ p~rsoasl ~ri~itatioa by neabera o! ths Commi~sion.
3. Attsation oi the City Conaail ehonld be aslied to the xord "8trnclare" ia
aosae~stion vith ohia~aa aaopa. rabbit hntchea. etc.~ 3n 8eatlon 15~ Sab-
tisa6raph 4-c. pags 45 oi the :~e~c Or3laanoe. ao W~at theas rili not be co~
. iti~ed xith perman~at typ~s oi bniiding~ under ~bstsmsnt olanee in the aex
angineer Holynl~~ sntered 4~e Meetiag at 3e28 P.M.
B3SObUTIOB Ia order ta ~limiasL~ all chiaks~ ranch~~ rithin the City bimita~ it vas
?~ATI~& TO agr~ed to eliminaE• ~nb-paragrsph 9^ e. a~ shoxa in Plannlag Co~issioa Heso-
YEM ZOBIBQ latioa lfo. 5. $~ris~ oi 195~. I= ~ie rere le4t ia~ it rould have allowed theae~
O~I~CB 1! ths paresi,nader oonai8eratioa oontainsd more tLaa fonr (4) aar~s.
There aleo appea~rs ia S~ction S, ~~-0, Oae l'ami].p Snburban Zone" , a referenas
ander enb paragrsph 5, eatitisd "Ponltsy aaa Aaimals"s The ]~sepiag of pponltry*
~ras aetiaed. bnt no pro~isioa ~ras made tor ~animals". therefore a ner an~-paragraph
5(t) nas added. reaaing a. lolloxst Animis shsll ~• pernii;ted ia the pB~-0" Zone
on2v iafCer revis~e and sp~oisl-nee perml~t as provided ia SBCTIC~f 16. J~ IR A1~C .S.
pe-ra8raph m - B~PIf'~P
SaCTIOH 16• aeau-ac~s
$. B~P~. iPee ahan8~d ee shoxa in Plaaning Commission EesolnLtoa
]fo. 4. Serios oi 195~.
Thsss tw ahang0~ are inoorporated in Pianaing Commiseion EsaolnEioa No. 6~
serie~ ot 1950~ a oopy of Mhiah is st~aahed ~o ~he Minnt~o.
-~ 1U~TOIISBFffiiT Ths 1(~sting w3,iourned at 4t14 P.11. ;
i • .
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i ~1 ~_. ,~ L, ~ . e
~ ~~~ ~~ l~ 8. W. Mua~tail ~ S etary,Pro-tem ~
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