Minutes-PC 1951/05/28~'..
Citi~ ~11
Aaaheim~ Oa1lYoraio
Msy 28. 1951
oY the
gEf}tTLAB A Hegular MeeLiag of the City Plenaing Commission ~rse osllad to orasr by
lI~TIRQ flheirman'mc~eon at 2t06 o~ciook P.M., a qnr 'am be~ng preeent.
PB~3SHT Ohairmaa Thompeo~, Commissionere Boiyoks, $iuto0l, Sahnmaaher, SalnatLe.
Sn~ars and Mnagnll.
• Qom~iOeioaer &+pgood ~ntsred Lhe Meeting e-L 3s00 P.H.
Commissioa~r (ianer weti absaat.
Al~o Qreseat rsre Conanltaat fioi+aoa tifhitasll sad City AdminiatrsCos MurSooh.
cs~saa oa Thfe reo the 8eaon3 Pnbiio Heariag on the petitl.on of ltrs. Msry Sue Brora
ZO1~ ioa a reale~saifiaatioa to C-2, Qeneral 8naiassa 2oas oi the area bonaded by South
195~-1951 Lemoa street, lfest Broadvey~ Sonth Ole~entias Street sad Slm Street.
No. 1 Mr~ p~ g~ yo~~ p20 Mest Sroe~x&q~ arn~eared b~fore ths Commiseion proteatiag
•he r~sosia8 0! thia sree. on the gscnrads t~at it might devalmte hie property.
b[rs. Mary Sne Bra~a appsared belore ths Commiesion sad gave hsr reasons agsia ~
m,h~v ll~e rnnlnaai~ieatien s2~enla be erented.
IIpoa a motioa by Commleaioner Solmmacher. ascoM~d by Co~issioaer Hapgood,
anQ osrried. it rar ~otsd te re:ons the proporty isf qneatioa to C-2~ deaeral Com-
merciai Zone by E~~olation and ova~ogs t~he 2oning Nsp acoordingiy.
The ~ots oa tho 8esolution ~ras ae toliorst }
1l~Ss COMMISSI0~8.4: Holyroke~ Hintcel. Sahumaoher~ sohntte, Summer~~~~1~C~
NOESi CONAII5uI08~BSt Hone. ,
ABSffiiTt OOHMIS~YO~RSt Ga~uer. 3
oABIARCa A Pnblio Hearing ras he3Q oa the verified petitioa ot t~e ~. A. 511sie Cor-
H0. 143 poratioa~ 212 Son~h Atohisoa Street~ !or permi~sioa to bniid and operaL~ a plaat 5
for ths proanotion of ~COW-Y~ED"~ a by~produot froa the drying oi orange rinde. ;
Nrs. Silals agpesrsd bsiors Lhs Commiasion aad introduced Mr. C. H. Pe~ssr
oi the P d~ b Meldi•sg e~ad Naohin~ Morks ~ 519 $ae~ I~s Pslms Avsmie. 3nal~eim, ~rho
ezpisiaed tiha-4 vith the eqaipmeat they proposcd to Fnralah for thia operation~ no
smoke. odor or noiss ~rould be prodnaal. f
~imilar eqnipmsat is being need ior a iieh dryiag operstioa st Terminal Ieland i
by tha Caliioraia 1+Iaria~ Curiag and Paaking Compas~y~ s~d this opsratfon haa bssa i
gi~sa a ol~sranos by th~ Air Polintioa Coatrol Di~trio~ of the Couaty oi Los Angelea+,
Ohsirmaa Thampeon rrill vieit thie p1aa~L ~rith Nr. Pelssr , s
Another iastellatioa oi this eqn3gmenL i~ nsed b~ t~he Mim~ts HaiQ Corporstioa ;
st Plymonth. Florids. Mr. Nhitnsll ~rill get in tonoh Mith this cortoera and rill S
obtain 3sta on Lhsir opsretioa. The Searetary of tha Plaaning Oom~iaaioa ~rill coa- :~
tact the ConAOy Air Poilntion Oontrol. ~
The snccese o! thio operatioa ae ontliaed by Mr. Pelaer~ ie the laat 4hst de- '
b~rntiion is done at lor tsmperatnre~ in oonaectioa ~rith large ~pZvs,~r o! air. '?
Kr. Che~s. A. Crisa. 512 ffi~st Oenter Streat. appesrea before the Oommiseion '
aacl preeen~ed a petib€oa irom property ovacre oppo~ing the gt~ntiag nf th~ Yari-
snos. Ha etated tLat ha ielt tbst Citrae Proceaslr~ snd By-pronvata ehonld oaly j
be a1loMed ia a Heav,y MsautacCnriag Zone aad thst the proper4y o~rasrs l~ave tar ~
- eoma t4me beea eoaaideriag protesting the opsratioa oi a oimilar plant by the '
Miaokler~Smith Citrus Prodnots Corporu~4loa. ~
Mr. 9~ea Barberg, 912 Se.st Sroadxa4p, atated tLat rith the b00 tons o! rret ;
msterial thm Silzle Cor~wration inbended to proosee snah day and sn(! vp rith 100 ;
boae of dried msteriee].. thst 500 ton~ o! moieture mast be bisposed o!, a lsrg~ ;
peroeategs o! rhich xill be put iato th0 air. ~
.'her~ were patition~ pr~s~ntsd to the Oommisaioa coutaining 14L~ ai~astnrea a
p~4eeting ths gzaatiag oi this `~ariaaoe. ~
IS ~:~E deoided bv the Commieoioa ~Le-t no aation vcald b~ taken nabil s31 Qats ~
re~srd~ng the opsraSioa oL this aev 4ype o! plant, rhSoh uight ta11 in#o an 1{_1 ~
Claa~l31as41on~ be,a been secnrsd. •
.~~ ~..-------r- ----- _--- ._..__ ----- ------~---. .._ ----- -.Ifs __- - --- -.__. -
~ ~~ ~ ~ ~
Mu~u~rss oa $~ur~as r.c~T~e ~ xa~r 2e f 1951 - con~ianea.: (p~se z.>
9eHIA8C8 A Publio Heariag ~ra-s hald on ths veriiied petition o3 Mr. Clawde a. Crosby~
iQO. 144 to buillt a]'ood Narket at the northrsst corner of Horth Palm Street aad Weet Le,
Palms Avemie.
Ab presont there ia oa the snbsect property a fiaeoliae Billiag Ste.Lioa vhioh
rill be remove8. '
Mr. ithl.tnall etabed that the pre~ant $oning oi the property ae &~8, Heei-
deatisi ABrionitural is a traneitioaal olaasitiostioa and sa such caa be granted
s 9arlrsce ier good cauee.
Mr. ifilkiasoa Appearad before tha Cemmisaioa and ~tated t~at he oppoeeQ the
granting o~ the 9srir~..~~ oa the grou~iB bkia~ thars are enough storee ia the vioin-
ity at pr~sent. it nas brougkiE out tbat he is the o~raer o! Nilkinsoa~~ Som~ (iro-
oery sE the sonthweet aoraer oi Le. Vern~ and bTorth Palm Streeta.
Lattere opposing ths granting oY th~ Vsridnce rsre reeseivea tram A4r. ~ Nre.
E. 8rialm~n. 944 North Palm S~reet. aad Joseph M. Aatoa. 950 North Palm Straeb.
Mr. Aatoa ie the omaer o! n(irocery Store a4 ths northvsst aorner o! ~orth bemoa
Street snd 7os ~elea Straet.
A mobie-a vae mada by Oommissia :.:: I~luagall that the 9s:ianoe be graaEed. Thi:
motioa vas seaonded by Oommissionur Sahntte. Upoa di~oueei~n on the mo0lon~ it
d~relopea tha4 the graating ot eame migh~ be ia oonfliot Nf,tu a Oity Ord,insace
relating to the estsbliehmeat ot bnaiasesee o~posite to tY,-e City~s parke. The
notion ~ras rithdraxn aad a neK motioa by O~~mib~loa Sahnmaoher. ~xonded by Com..
oiDOiV40\' OVMNYYO~ OY,- VCfaai~LL~ lYYC~V V~ tAi"+pYVO VO Y6V1VLL niNi V-6ACL MjJ M6LliL 6Y
the aezb meetiag.
This Mss tihe tim~ set for ths Firet Publio Heuring ot Eha Change of Zoae
petition o~ Mr.Sarve~ C. 8oliiagevorth Yor s reolaasitioatioa lrom E-1, Single
Family BesidsaLial Zone. :o M-1, Light Maantactnring Zoas, o~' the rear 100 teet
ot loar lota bouaded by Sonth Palm Strest oa the xeet~ ~che Couatq lead oa ths sonth ;,
aad ~aeE aad 124 ieet from Wsst Yermont Aveane on the north.
Mr. Hollingexorth appesred beiore the Commiesioa and. et~0ed that ha wiehed to ~
operat• s oas-mas Maohias Shop. makiag rubber di~s Lor defease nork.
'1'here wnld ba no entranae from Sonth Palm 3treet an~d ths oalq eatraaoe to
this propoeed bneiaees rouid be throvgh the ornsr~s ora driveway. • ~
Mr. Mhitnsli poinLed ont tl~at ia aaah aaeea the Qonrfa ooneider tbat the
proper~y vontsiniag the aaoeas roeul is a ooatinvanos of tb~ Meautaatnring Zons.
if so reolassittsd.
There app~ared 3eiore the Oommiesioa~ Mrs. aray, 218 Weet Santh Street, Nlr.
Lee De9art~ 843 Sonth Pslm 9tnet~ Mr. Boyd, 3a9 Keat Vermont.~vemxe~ alt opposing ;~
the gra~nting oY the reclassifioatioa. Mr. DeBsrt state8 tbst if the 8earing !=ad
been held ia th~ o~eniag~ he xonld l~sve l~ad st lea~ti thirty pereons preseat to
~o~ce Eheir opposition.
Mr. Hollingeworth~ aiter the msatia~~ etated '!~a-t ia Lhe faoe ot so much
oppositioa he xoald ask permiseion to rritbdra-v hi. petition.
OHl~~ oF
Ho. 2
DH. BVBflONS The 4o~leeSon ao~nMledged the reoeipt of n leiter irom Dr. 7rloyd d. Bnrro~re :
preteatlsg ~.~he .e:ls.as!iloatioa oi Sonth Lor, n~e3es S`~eet to t*a aonhh city ;
liadt line oa the eaet side of, ths street t'rom Rri~ 3laglo tsmli,p 8eeidentisl to ~
8-9~ Hnltiple ]'amily Haaldentisl Zone. The Ssors~sry wae inetruoted to ac~oxl~dge !
the letter.
MOTQAL CITHIIS Ths Commi~sioa so~orl~lfged 4hs r~o8ipt oA a letter from the Hntnal CiOrur :
PR~DUO'P8. 00. Prodnota Co., relstive to ths oloeing of Sonth 8roeger 8tree~`•from Ssnta 6as Str~eti
~onth to ~sst Nster Strest. IS Mss preeamed b~ Lhem tba0 BNIES~T IACHB. IBC. had
reqnested thi• ahange.
l~o commnaioation l~as beea reoeive0. rith regsrb to this ~Ereeb closing, aad
the i~bter vas aaoe~ted ior iiliag.
~. .~e~ ~; ,~ . +~
x~ oa ~avr,~a,~Ttaa ~ HsT 28~ 1951 - Coa~inueds (Page 3.~
_ ~.
g-0 Z0~ Commiasioner Schntt~ me~de a motion~ seaonded by Commiasioner Sahumnoher.
HaCLASSI- aad osrried, t,bst btr. Mhitnall be saked to prepare s R~solntioa for pressntslioa
FICATIOH to the City Oonaail. Said Hesolntion fs to ooTer laitiating proaeedings aithar
ior the reolsasiticstica oi certain properLiee to the pr•eeent Eoniag or the
crestioa ot a aex :oar+ or sones aad the reolae4lficdtioa o! propertiee thsrenader
or any ooa-biaatioa oY reolavaifioation oY lOZ1,A4 t~a4 aLsil aoaform to ths pnrpoeee
as defined b~ thw City Council and tl~ab the propert4ss covered by Traat Hos. 1404
and 1460 b• so coasidered.
This prooodnre sppesrs iw oe aece~eary ia as maah ss the City Cauaail hau
appro~ed the Teata,tiee Hspe ni Traats Hos. 1~04 and 1460 and xhinh do aot coaiorm
~~o tha soae in rhioh they are p2aaed.
Mr: Csrdsa, 850 Horth Nest Stree~~ eppeared befora the Commieeioa, aad ststed
t~at he beiieves tbat all the onasrs e,long the east sids oi North l~est StreeL be-
treaa tleet Morth Street ead ths aouth eide of bhs xsah eonth of 7+s Palma Avean~e,
Moold iiks a atrset aloag the baok liae of their propertiee. mor~ eepacislly the
ovaers xbass Yead is 295 teet deep. rhiah is the porti.oa aaarer Weet l~orth Street.
Thss :auld pa~ :o: all. stseet i~:~z~ea:: a.a!! nril:tiaa.
TBACTS A08. A redesign of tb.e Tsatatide Maps o! Traoxrr Hos. 1428 aad 1451 vas preeeated
1428 8+ 14$1 to ths Commi~aioa for genaral aommeats~ betore aa aoonrate d~msaeionsd msp vas
presmnCed. '1'hose Tracts aompr4~~ an sree~ ee~et from tha Came~ery Boad to the
~onnat Tract aad esteading northerly to EasL Sycamore Street xith oao portioa
lgis~ aesr Edet Ssoemors Street but a2en~ Pisaeatis Avem~e. Theae ~mttn ae
ontliaed ~rili coatain 294 lots.
'd'be Commieeion xae favorably impreseed wiC~ the geaaral ley~ont, emoept !or
a!er ver,- obvion~ fault~ xhiah oarn be eseily aorreated.
ADJOIIB~![?~9'P The Meetiag ad~onraed at 5t48 P.M.~ anb~act to the call of the Ohsirmaa to
,~sat eithaa on Nonday~ Juas 4th or oa ]'riday, June 8th, 195]., at an h~nr yet to
De determiaed.
B. N. Rpagsll e~retary
~ ~ ~ ~