Minutes-PC 1951/06/11-,:~: ~.;,. , i r ~ ;xS T, ~ '~' ~ ~~ ~`~ ?~ 80TIC~ 1J!-S QI9LH tkst the City Planning Commiasioa rottld hold s Spg~CISL CAyI~D M~TINQ in the City Conacil Chambers~ City Ball~ ynahei,m~ ~al~to*niao at 2s00 o~clock P. M. oa MonQay. Jnae 11. 1951. SAID AOTIC~ WAS QItIEIQ to ~Lhe City Pleaning Commiseionere oa the 9th ~ day oi Jnne and on the ].lth day o! Jnne, 1951. Ii$~ the underaigi:e~d Members ot the Citg Planning Commissioa hereby certity t2~at aaid BOTICS oi a SPECIAL C9LL~D MBETII~Q xae indivfdnb-ily recei~edt yor ~t ~: ~ , r ~`~..~~:~ . , ~ =; ~.s . . ' ~:l~. .', ,. r~ -.. ,.... _ . ., _-,_. ~-~..--. .r,,.,-- , . . . . . .. . . .. . . _... . . .,.. . _ _ . . . _ r"s---x;•,vssc: n_,..~:n . _..... . . _ . . . ~ ~~ ~ ,~, ~ CiLy Hall Aae~heim~ Cslitoraia dnae 11~ 1951 ~[IBUTSS 0! A SPECIAI, CALLED I~ETIBti o! the CITY PLABBIHti COMMISSIOH. ;I '.i I .~ j I >~ s~ ~ :~:~ :c!~ ~ ;~i ;-I '.~ I ~ •~ i , ;+ ~~ '.t SPECIAL A Specisl Called Heeting oY the City Plaaning Commiseion ras called to ~D order by Chairman Thompeon at 2:15 o~clock P.M.~ a qnornm baiag praeeat. t~TIH6 PBESE6T Chafrman Thompeoa, Commisaionsrs Hapgoc3. Holyoke~.8luton2, Schua~aoher and Muagall. Also Ci'ty Adminiatrator Hurdoch together with Mr, genneth Sampaoa and Mr. B. Meeller. TBACTS AOS. The Meetiag vae celted to coneider the Teatative Tract Maps o~ Snb- 1428 Be 142g divieioaei Hos. i428 aad 1=s29~ preeea~ed by Mr. Sennoth Saapaoa~ Bolling Hilla, ~~rauna~iag na:a - S~. Ja:,a, ~ildsrs, Haxthorne~ California. A preliminar~ map Lad already beer~ preseated to the Engineering Departmeat and a aumbsr oi eLa~,ea onggested vere incorporated Sato the Ssate~tive ifiape~ All al2eys xese removed ezcept ths oae to the rear of t6e lots ironting an East re„±e~ g~,.m~ ~,.~...e,± r_~-~., w....~ ~ r L . ~--- ~:o ~-~o.wa uuriev. iL ~fa5 olOV~t!Ia~L ouL at - the meeting that thie alley ehonld be moved 5 Seet ia a reaterly 4lreztion to sllow ths lota ironting oa East Centsr Streeb to ~v~ aa area of 6000 aquare feet. . Oa4c Street vae cl~anged to I,arch Street aad tha iaterior road namsd as S~racs Dri~e. Tha oas~nent oi the ~nahsim IInion iTater Compa~p should be ch~oked. Sasemeata ior ntil!'Lies mast be incla8ed along lots 63, 8~F aad 17. Nr. Moeller 9ras introducea by Mr. Ssmpeoa. Mho d~acribed the typa oi homes that t;hey propoaed to build. The }bedroom homee vonld rua approzimately 1160 equsre feeS sad the 2-bedroom I~oneeB aronad 980 eqraars ~eet. It vae qnestiened by Mr, 1lnraoeh as to ~h~ther there vere a~y r~etria±ione in thie area. Beeolntion Bo. ~60 apeciiiee t~at homes in this area mnat havs s minimnm ar~a o4 1100 aqnare faet. Mr. ~oeller egreed that they wuld maks all their homes to coatorm vith this restriction. IIpon a motion by Conmiseioner Bapgooa, aeconded by Commiasioner Sohumaoher~ affi carried, it vsa :roted to approve the Teatativs Ytapa oi Tracte Ho. 1428 and No. 142y, anb~ect to eagiaeering reqniremsnts. BDJOVBNMF~BT Ths Heeting ad~ouraed at 3:15 o~ciock P.Nt. ,~;e(.Q,~ . C. t,~unga7.1 ~~o:ei~ary