Minutes-PC 1951/08/06Oity Ba11
Aneheim, 4alifornie,
su~ueL 6, y9rt
AP;((~tTyAR A 8dgu].ar Maeting oY the City Plsax-iag Com~uieeion wae aslled to order at 2s19 P.M. ~
MEETIRa by Chair~e.za Thompeon~ a qnorum being preeeat. ~
p~3~~' Okrairmaa Thompeon~ Commieeioners &+lgoke~ 8lutcsl, Schumacher, Schutte, Summere ~
aad Muagall. ~
Commiaeioner (~Sner sntered the lAaeting at 2s40 P.Y.
Commiasioner Eapgood eutered the Heeting e# 2t50 P.M. ~;
MINUTDS Ohairmsa Thompaoa opeaed the Meeting by aekiag iP tha Commiaeioa was ready to ap- ~
prove thg Minntae oi the Meetiag oi .,*uly 23~ 1951• Commieaioner Sahntta move3 thst
i ~
saioner 5ummars.
the Miantee ba spproved. This motioa xas eeoonded by Comm ~
man Thompson voiced hia ob~ectioa to the vording of the first para~;raph naQer the a
enb~ect oY pTEIICH TRAF~'ICID ON C~NTEB STF~k`T~ and presented a typed paragraph re- :~
vieing the rrorfliag. This rae read to the Commieaion. Oommiesioner Schutte amended ,~
~!e m9tion aad Commiaeion~re Summere his seoond. to include the revised~ paragraph ;
sa preeeated~ nomelyt- s
"Chairmsa Thompeoa opened the Meating by propoaiag tbst the Plenning "
Co~ieeioa should take iurther stepa to elisnias.te truok tra~fic Yro~ ~
C8L~8P SV~OBY~ He iuTthes ete~ted -~~I kaoM #hst s Committee of P1[tnning ~~
Oommissioa Membere sad otl'ier Members o4 the Plenalag ..mmlasion and the
City Couaail have ber,n giving thought to tbis problem. So I requeet thab
~~y plaaa or enggesti~ns bearing on thia eub~ect be bronght before the ;I
Co~iseioa 4or etndy and apgraieal eo that thie Commiesion may fuaotioa :~
--'-- - -..._..,_.,_ ~~ ~we c~_+~ ...,a r...,..,a..
BB 3II 9a41DOi'y YVtiy tLWt uiE~+~o aovvu`uuo~raorav..v vv r.... rv..rv ....~. ~v .Y
~nginaere for a track by-paea route~~.
The motion oa the amended mim~.tea was oarried.
RE4LASSI- Thie vas the time aet for tho Second Public Hearing on the Heoiassificatioa of the ;
FICATIOIQ area bounded by North Vfeat Street, West L~ Palma Avenue, the west City Limits and. x
N0.51-52--1 Weet North Street. ;~.
Mr. 9. Starr~ 8$$ North Weat Straet~ atatea the~t rather thaa have the land etand ~
idle, ha would not ob~ect to 8ubdivieioa Traa~ Bo. 1460 being developed ae progoaed. ~
Would like.to see the area kept in the R-0 Zone, but in view of the waeh and oth4r
elemente i.nvolved, thia might take yeare. eo that all coaditione beia,3 considered ~,
the lsnd ahould be pr_t to eeme ~~ee ge suon &s posaihle.
Mrs. E. C. Heinae. 1135 Weet North street, statad t1v,E they ~o aot like the eise of :
lots in Traat No. 1460 aud xou~!L prefar to eea the area left in a R-0 ZONE. ~
Mre, Qerald Endiaott~ 120~ ifest North Street, etate8 tl~at the e~.rea a'.ong North West :~
9treet and Mieet North 3treet hae beea cut up by metae and bounde tiiue msking it ez- ~
tremely bard to utilise muoh of this laad. Oa many oY theee l~t~e, althoagh they ~
may aoatain 9000 sqvara ieet or more~ there are man,y ame~il homea built at present.
W~ believe that the proposed Subdivisioa with lote 7200 equaro feet and E-0 aize +
lote on West Nor4h Streat will heip the entire neighborhood. ~
Mr. Jeea Medar'.e~ 433 Weet Ceater Street asked the question -"l~ihy ia it nobody
lrom the eouth side oY NeaE North Street ar the people weat of the proposaQ Sub-
division hava no't eppeared at eithex oP these hearings and voiced their opiaionat"
The lata faaing on V(eat North Street rri].1 be 900v equare feet and thc homes will
probablq be cuatoa bnilt ead aontain agproximately 1500 sqvare feet.
Mrs. A. I+. Rcnneburg~ 821 North Weet Street~ stated that nI believe most oF ua ia
the araa would rather sae 720~ eq. ~i. ic~e tnst are iakea aare oi, yasa iarger
i~ta .+~+.t+ tho ~ruar nortione allooted to ~rr vtildn.
Mre, 8. 0. Heiaze stated tha~~~Me are more iatereeted ia the eise of the homes rather
than 2he area oi the lots. We ezpect that thoeo rrith large lo~a ia the vioiaity
Mill eventuslly enlasge the size o~ their homeeM.
H~. v.~a~.~~; p(;.,_ t ~je ge~i~,ti+L. ~o e?k +~~±n ~e!e~iene o~ the gnnt~ramen +,~+`t n~n~
one n! the lnrgee~ homee oa l~orth Weet StreetTx
Mr. Thompsoat nare.ated~ if the ~entlemaa in queetioa doee aot ob~eat.°
Mr.. H. I,oudons ~2 Qo not ~b~eatn.
Mr. Melariet "Dfl you not have oae of the largeet homes vith e. largo investmeat on
Horth West 8treobfa
Mr. Lovdoa: n2lq home aontains 180(2 ec,, ft. aab representa quite a large inveetmenL".
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~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~
tlr. Medarie: "1lovld yrou bave aRy ob~eotioa
the rear of your pmperEyTM
which wiZl go aloag
Mr. a. Endiaott, 120$ West North StreeC atated that he l~ad owned the property ia
queatioa 16 years and althongh planted to orange trees, for a munber of yeare he
has taken a loes and coasequeatly somethiag muet be done ribh the property.
Mr. u. P. Duve1~ Narrberry. Califorais, etated that the old sand pit was xorth more
maney aov than i~t irai as w sand pit aad that the area shovld be kept in the &-0
Oomm3aeionar aauart
Por thie areaf"
eize of a given nnmber of equara feet be 3pecified
Mr. fiordon Nhitnalit "Ia my opinioa the minimum e~rea cannot be set by the Plann:ing
Commieeion. It is beyoad thc •~rovince of the Planaing Commiesion. !,L'~e State aets
the lave Por minimum cubiwa2 .paci+.y baee8. on health standardo and the at:tiotu..:.1
qnalities of the buildingsp.
At thia time e poasible realassification of the area~ prepared by the staff, was
praee*_t~ ~ C~~.3rm~ t^~omps~a ~esked Adm3nist.ate: t ~oah ~a e~lain the Fiap.
This ltap etas not available £or the Qomm3ss3oa Members before the M~et3.ng, so that
it was the aonseneue of opinion that further atway ahould be made before oom*.ng
to a dec3sioa.
The Eeclassificatioa Heariag wae now closed.
I,ater, upon a motioa by Qommissioaer Sahutte, ~aconded by Csmmiesiuner Hiutcel~ and
~9~w~n~ ~4 ve~ o~~F.nA 1:n wo~~~n~en~i ~~ 1tl~e (!i+.r !!_.,__w11 7~ 9n n~~~~in~ fiL~el+ Of'..~b~-
ance be~gaanted to a11ow Traot go. 1~50 to be~establiehed ~ith lote havingMa front-
age oi 80 feet with a@epth oi 90 feet or a lot area of 7200 sqva,re feet, exaept
the four lote faciag on North Street~ which shall meet the rsquirementa of the &-0
Zoae~ namely, a minimum fxontage of ?5 feet with a lot area o~ 9000 aquare Yaet.
Chairman Thompson iavited Vice-Chairman Stw~mere ~o take the Chair~ whereupon Com-
mianioaer Thompeon, after an eaplaaatioa of h1s view poir~t~ offered a motion ae 'i
Yollovre: nI move that the Anaheim fSity Planninp; Commissida recommend to the 9.na-
heim City Council that an ordinsace be submitted.by referendum to the eleatorate of -~
the Oity oY 6naheim, ~either to authorise the drilling for oil or ~;o prohibit the
dri~.ling for oil i~.a tlie City o~ Anaheim~~. Commisaloaer Thompeon stated that he •`
~eas offeriag the moti~~n vritr.out pre~udice. (+Qorroc~~.loa aoted on Psgs $ hereo!).
Commiesioner SchnLte aeconded the motioa., Commiasioner Hxpgood aeked Coneultaat `~
lihitasll to oomment on tho qneation of drilling for oil. ;
Mr. Whitaa:lt "3ome of the ealieat pointa involved aro:
1. Drilitng Par oil at~ ~tho eztraction of oil without regulation hsa damaged ;
aities, counties~ atc.
2. Rather deYinite conclusioae have beer. arrivea at regarding the drilling of ~
oil batied ott ffaditigs by Lne uighes~ Couri oi Lhe Siaie~ ^
3. Conotitutional queetioae are involvedt ;
a. The Conatitutioa o.f, the IInited States and the laws of the Stata oS
CaliYorais deolsre tHat prc+perty aannot be taken witlwut dus process of f
law. 011 is property. The eub-surfaoe area ie owued by the persane who ~
ovn the aurYace aree- or visa verea, uaZ.esa ~hey have d~ed.ed their mineral.r
b. Poth the eurfaae and sub-aurface rights ara guaranteed by the Conetitu- '
4. It is poesible by teohnologiosl anc]. reasonable regulatione to drill the aub- a
eurface property without laterPerring xith the eurfaoe righte. ~
$. Ia view of Court findings, prohibi~ion may not be allowed."
Commioeicner Riutcel: nWe l~nve an Ordinaace to conaider regnrding the Drilling ~
~f 011 We1Zen.
Comm3esioaes Thompeoat nTha 011 Weil Ordiaance hag aothiag to do with my motioa". ~
Commieeioner Thompaons nI e~m inPormed by Mr. Preeton Turner, City Attoraey~ tLat,
if the Ci~y C~uaci? paeeee aa Ordinaaae oalli.nE Yos a reierendum, that euah aa ~
eleetioa couZd be hel~ ia not leee tr.~aa 3o aaye and not more than 60 days."
Mr. Prestan '!`uraera '~The P~anniag Commisaion ie aa a;dvisoryr Y~ady and aaa r9commend ~
to the City Counail that a~ah an e1eo;,iou bm 1~sld. Ths Ci~y C~uncil, may or, may not-:
p~es an or8lnanae calling for a referendum snd, iY eu~h P_n ord~aaace ie paesed cril- ~
in,g for an eleeti.on~ s~.ah aa electian csn be he2d ia uox leas tbaa 3b dta.ve o: m~rs
Lban ti0 dayra." ~•' -
Tha vote taken as QommiseSon9r Thn~peon~s motioa ar.rrlecl. Commissioner He,pgoo~ ~
rel.ra~.medT m v~otgng oa_"Aaaouat oP Speaial Iaterestg^. ,.-
~..._.._ .. ........._... -
-. ~: _- ... _~._..w,;,,
MIPIITES OB BF(~VLAR 1~ETI~ ~LD S~IIST 6, 19~~ - Coatinued: (Pege 3 ~
p~~~ g pn lic hearing rras held on the verified petition oi Da.vid Cardermaa, 1130 North
N0. 247 . Weat Street~ for permieaioa to cut three lots irem hiTa~e r operty in questioa ise ~?
clasai.4ie8. as $ 1, Siagle $ami1Y xeei.dential Zou P ~
the aortheast coraer oi Wast +'.a Pe,7.ma Avenne and Bortht eat ft~~e petitioa. {
~o one app~red at the heariaB for or agaiast the gran inB v
A motion ~res made b~ Commiesioner (3auer, aeconded by Commieaioner l~fungall, and. 'y
asrriea. that the Variaace be granted by Heeoluti.0a No. 1~ Seriee 1951-1952~ 8~' #
~ p~ma svenneeaad North WesthStreet forfnture atreetpwidening~ x~e ~~~ ~est i
'1"tie vote on said Heeolution No. 1- Seriee 1951-1952 ~8 a8 follows:
byFS: COMMISSI09EHS: S~ers~and ~l~ur~all~ke~ aiutcel, Schumachar, Schutte~
a~S~T: sL'*!H3&~IO~t-9; Hoae. ?
pg~pg~ g public hearing vras held on the veri.4led petition of Bernard A. Stoffel, ae ormer, ;:
, ~~ ltyg ~o ~sa the bv.i.lding at the northrre*t cara~r ~f Weet Chestnut Btreot and South
Helena Straet YQr a planti ia whic~ to ~~g~ture parts from plas~ic materiala, ea
M_1~ bight Msaniacturing IIse. '
Thia buildiag would be l.eased ~o the Marao Compa~q, now located at the aortheaet ';
corner oY 3outh Clementine Street aad 3rd South Street. ~;
Mr. Marco appearea beYore t)sa Commisaion aud stated that the plant would employ
g5~ ~tomen workers on a3r-p7.ane parta - very light wrk - on ama11 molded partAe.~_
Only chan~ee in buildin8 Ms~1d be additional officea and toilet facilitiee.
j~~~ ~~i4~g tTnqa T.ieht MrinUfsCtl7r~ v8e8 at r]~eaeat.
Commieaioaer Schutte made a motion, aeaanded by Commissics~er Schumacher~ and _
Qarri~d,~ tl~at the Variance be granted by Eeeolution No. ~- Seriea 1951-52• _
The vote on saia. Beeolutioa No. 2- Series 1951-52 ~8 ae follorret ;
ayDSt CONII+IISSIOH~HS: ({auer. BaPgocd. Ho19og°. ~utcel, Sckumacher, Schutte~ s
Summers and Mungall.
90ESs COMMI~SIO~S: None. ~
Vgglll~CD A pnblic hearing r-ae held oa the verified petition of Mrs. Erma ~. Peterson, `
N0. 149 Nebraeka City, &ebrseka, ae owner, fo~ pera3esion to usa ~he Apartmeat over the T
garage in the rear of the property at 500 Borth Bush Street~ as a Eental. ~
~ Mr. Q.ndi.n8, 526 Borth Bueh Street, ead Mr. Chieholm, b00 North Sush Street~ n
appsared before the Commiesioa prnbestiag the granting oi the Qariaace asthey a
wiM,hed to he~ve the Neighborhood kept aa E-1, Single Bami19 aesideatial Zoae. ,
~M.r. 1-1Lert Launer, 8~i].lertoa, representiag the ovraer~ atated that he hed nothing ~
further to add. ~
b ~__~a ~±~,. Gn~~.~¢ion tbat a Maahine Shop wae operating ~
It MaB C~Ll~ ~iO V~G lLVVVYV~v~ v
at preseat at the northeast corner of Rorth Yiae esd Enat 3ycamore Streete. ;,
II pon a m o t i o n b y C o m m i e e i o a e r H o l y o k e, aeconded.b y Commiseioner S~mmers~ and carriedl
it xas vote-~ to denY the Qas'~~A by Resolution No. 3- Seriee 1951-5z, for t he ,
refsao~ t,bat no ezaeFtional or eztraox~diaary ci:•cnmeteaces or coaditlons ~pplicable s
to this property ob its iatended use '~i.ch do a°t aFPty to ~bher property in the ;;
asme viciri:.ty, therefore~ a apscial privileg0 Koald t. ~;ranted 13 tk~e Yariaace he,a '~
beea npprooed• 'Ea8 B~ting ot the propoaea Yariaace uould permit an intrusion ;}
~ iaLO ara ~? ~ g'~^-~1° ?M~i1g Heeidential Zone. ~
The vota on ssid kesolntioa Ho. 3- Series 1951-52 wae ae follors: __~ ~
AYES; v^OtdMISSIOHEBSt, (ianer~ Hapgood, Holyoke, Scnuma.caer, 5auui;:e~ o~:~,~+e:e a..~. ~
Mungsll. ~
gpg,S ; OpMK' "' IO~,BS s Hiutc el. a
AESE6T: COM" _SQ~ER3: Efone. ~
Tliis trsat ie ~
TEg4.ATIpE A Te.~tative : Tract Ho. 1356 was preseated tu t~e Cn~iasion.
M6P OF' Aoaated beae :he 3rnnt lats at the eoutheast corner oY hlarth Fa~t Street and
0 ~8t ~ y8?c,w ~aemie e~. coasiats o4 9~' lotcs. Tha easterls 56 lota are in Couaty ~~'
1'&aC•T N . ~
'~ 1356 texritory ahich ia prapoaed ~'or anneaat3on. . , ~
~~. The proporty owaers along 13orth East Screet and. ~aet La Palzaa Aveaue hr~3 been ao~ '~
a taateil to asaertain if taeg ~ou1~[ be intersesed ia st1l~ ~~e raw. ~or~tion as
~~ their deep lota. The ms.iority oY ovaers along Hosth ~ast Street were ».ot intereated'~
~, Tha iovs proPexty ovrnera to the oa..` of Y,ota 77 and. 78 were intereeteb. .I~
~ =
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3. The entire 3ubdivieion be sub~eot to Engineering approval.
TB~iT~TI9E A Tentative Map oP Tract No. 1451 vlaa presentad to tha Commiasion. Said Tract
, Mgp OF being located east of the Anaheim Cemetery on the south aide ot ~ast Syoamore
, T$ACT 1~0. 3Ereet. comprieing 191 lots.
1451 A motion ~as made by Commieeioner Sckumacher. seconded by Commisaioner Sahutte, .
and carried, that the Subdivieioa be approved aub3ect to the folloxing ahaagest
iI i. i~$ +~~6 ::Co. ~»l ~..~'0 ~?? hw r.~r~E$il9re~ as ~na lot.
! 2~ That Lots Nos. 106 to 110~ inclusive~ be mede largar.
~ 3. AZtsra~tive ~ou18 be to move Almoad Arive to the weet aad thna erlarge
~ Lota Noe. 121 sad 122 and Lota 106 to lio, inclnaive.
~ 4. Provision ahovld be maaa Yor a dedicated etrip aYong Horth Placentia Avenue.
gMALi, Dr. C. It, Deaa~ 8201 Pentura Street~ Freevay Park, appeared at the meeting ot Jnlq ;
ANIMAI, 23, 1951, regardi.ag the bailding of a Smal.l Aaima7. Soepital acroea from i,a Palms
HOSPITAL Park. At that time~ it vae suggeated that he try to Yiad another location as the
property in queation was zoaed ae &-3. It vae the conseneus oY opiaioa that in
gg ~uch ae Henaels are perm3tted in the C-2~ 0eneral Commercial Zone~ a Small
Animal Hoepital rovld analiiy. in as much ae the doga vroni4 oe paLieaLa and for ~
the moat gasE~ not active.
Dr. Dean seaure3 an ogtioa on a portion oY tha property oY B. J. Heing, specifi-
ca21y thd north 59 feet ot the lot at bhe aorthrest corner of Hmm~eya Drive and
South Spt~A.ra BasQ.
g n~~ ~ pppQpg~~ ~ermit ~rae isaued by the Engineering ofYiae.
b pebition rr~a preeea-ted at thia Moeting, containing 37 eigaaturee~ of which ?
are those oi aatval property oxners~ protesting the proposad uae of this property.
Previous to thie Meating, the protestantst repreaeatatlve liad. contaated Mr. Preston
Turner, City bttoraey, vho ruled that Small 8nima7. HosPitals would be governed
under Ordinanae No. 77~ by Seotion 14~ A,5. "~BPitale, Sanicariums and i~entel
IIoapitale" and therefore be sub~ect to revieK aa3 reqnisea a S~ecial IIae Permit.
b motion rrae made by Commiesioaer Summers. aeconded by Commieaioner Sahutte. and
aarried~ tbat in as much as the "IISD A9D OCC[lP1sNCY" permit had been isaued ia error,
the City Attoraey notiiy the Applicant aa~. the Admiaistrative Of4lcer o4 the City
o~ Aneheim, tYrst the permit vras voiQed.
It vi?Y b• on the 9geada Yor the nast Meetiag~ Yor the Commiseioa to make a r6com-
~ ID8IIa8J1013 ~i0 $~tle ri'lai.y ~i3i7.7C:3 8S ~.^. ~6 0....:: :.^. •a,~w1~ +h~a nRa ahmt~ti hw ~sa'12aPX1~
T,k:?T~NOD A pubiio hearia6 we,e held on the petition of the Stoele Petroleum Compan~ oS Phoen:.a~
A~. 190 Arizona~ ae Leases, Yoa permieaioa ~o drill for oil oa t~ro parcels o~ Oity property~
nsmelq~ (1) The northxeet ooraer oi Patt sad Juliaana Streeta; (2) Part ol the Ut}
o~ the 9~} of Seation 9. Towaship 4 9outh~ Ran~e 3.0 bieat, S: .H.& M. It reqnires "
a revier by the Planning Oommission and the iaevaaca o~ a Speciel Permit es per
Ozdiaanae No. 77~+~ Seation 14~ slthough thie pertiaulaa ~.ae may be permitted in
ttt~ M-2 ; Heaw Msausaoturing Zoae.
Mr. Cook~ repreeeatative of the Steele Petrolanm Co.. ontlined brietly rhat they- ~
proposea to do. ~
On aocouat of the latenese oi the L.our, Commiasioner Soh{~tte made a motion. aqan~e8
by Oo:smieeioner Suamers~ as~ carrieci~ ttiat the applioatioa be aarriecl over to the
.aezt meeting.
dD~70URNRtF~T The ~ieeting ad~',ourned ati 7 t25 0~clook P.M. Y
~r ti ~
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~V 3, ~. kua~ll acrebasy
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K~s oa~ ~ a~rffi~ ~.r,r sa+~us2 6, 1951 - OoaLianed: (Pege 5)
•OOR~CTIOH ~in onr nev Orainsaae Ho. 77~ p~ePeating for oil is aa nnolsssified in~rt~triai
'1'a MIHIITES ogsratl.on rhioh r~qairse tvo publia 1-esrings betor~ s 8oard o! Havier. Ths iizyt
dS ffiDIGA'1"~ h~ariag !oa 4he Plsaaing 0ommfesion and tho seaond Sor fi~ ~ity Connail.
ON PAfi~ 2.
I8 B~'~Br Th~ proepectiag ior oil ie ualike a~ other nnclaeeifi~d SnQns0aial operatloa ia
~ACD TO I~SB. the-4 it ha~e no iized loaation. Tha dev~lopm~at oi aa oil fi~ld may am'braos th~
T~2~'SOA~S r&ole oiCy.
SiJHJ~CTt- Th3s ie Lh~ tims est for th~ lirst h~sriag on Eh~ spplioatioa i~+r eona~nt !o drill
~DBILLIAa the iiret xeli ia Anaheim. 'Phe ~-ppiioaat is the Sts~l• Patrolrum Corp. Th~ lirst
TOS OIL^ loaatioa embraoee an indnetri.el ares aorth of :,e- Pslma Ave~~ aaa aa srq bonada~3
by Pa1m on Lhe Kest ~ Orange oa ths sas~ aad 8orth 34rest oa Lhs sonth~ In this
ar~a E-1, E-2~ &-9 and C-2 sones aro repr~asatsd. Lege-1 notics ras given to aii
ora~re of pzop~rty ia ths azsa aad a contigaons sr~a o! a 300 toot radins. It an
sn~r~r is giv~n st this h~ring oa ths svid~nce prs~ent~d~ thsa ths !er peppl~ in
Eni9 fiioy~idSc ri3i ds £a s po~iyion 'r,o ms"te tns ~scision for ths rhol~ city. !br
who caa say tl~st tbis oil atrna4nrn do~s not un4~r21s the +rbols City oi Ansh~immt
Hr. Cook o! BLesle letrol~nm Corp. tslis ar t,~u-t Lhere is aa oil stsaatnre uaaer
the rhol,a oitv, These~e*e, ?~ ~^6 ~e2isvo t2sab a~~aan:ng Cp~iasioa ~d~ase
membere ar~ appoiated for s tonr ysar term shonld aake a daoision for the loaatioa
o! a hesvy iadnetry that msy bav~ to b• ia e~ery ~oa~ 4a ths citg 4soa h~aiy i~
Qustry to our liaest rosideatiai distriet.
Ths hietory oi oil fisids in Calitorala iadioates ths4 th~y 2~,;~~ a~ongw~ity oi
30 to 50 ~aara~ rhioh is eu-other reason rhg the p~opa~ oi ~nshsimm ehonld dsaide
rhe4her thay Maat this type o! 1a4astrial opera:~oa.
I! this a~tion Le paeoed by this Co~niseioa ~ad the Cit~ Couaoil approrea onr
reoommend.stioa~ fhsa in th~ sixty de~ys before ~l~etion th~ people eould b~ in-
formed so thst bhsy oould intsilig~n~ly es,press their nish~~. Ii liasi Qetermi-
natioa is mad~ by th~ people or b~ tha Cit' Couaoil thea iL immedietei~ becom~e
the dnty oi Ehis Plsnning Oommiasioa to prsosnt aa Or~iiaaaoe ot ooatrol snah ss
the Ordinancs propo~ed by Mr. Mhitasli.~
T~ ASd9~ 6~8&8CR'I08 Oa"D~B~Ii Y~aB~BA~ 0~ 1~~'ION B7 COI~4SISQI0~8 SCHIIT?8~
eeconded b~ Commisaion~r Eiutoe~l, and aarri~d. that Lh~ Minntes o! Anga~t 6~
1951~ be ~mea4td to inolud~ s afraot qnotatioa o! Oommission~r Shompson; snid
motion mad~~ eecoaded an~1 aarried at an l,d~oura~d Begtilsr Meetfag hald Ssptemb~r
24~ 2951.
~ ~~, ~~
~ ~
_,~ p -~ .
. . N. s~H~,
~ ~ ~ ~ ~