Minutes-PC 1951/10/01... ._._._.NV-. ..,..,:.~x.o~..M.r..:e..sne... ~.~~c..~.r~~.+~:mr;n;iDnv~sM1..mao~ssm..,v.wm...s..~.....---------_ . _ . _ '
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At3L~$111m~ ~OrII~ ~
06~0~l6r ~ ~ l~ji 3
~i~o~os u~ a~vLr-s ~s,x~a oa ~;.~ airY ~r.~iaa coxxissiax °
~~ A 3egnlsr Meeting oi tha City Plannit~ Commisaion +w~s~ aalleil to orber by ~Sce-
NtE6TI1~(F Che.irmsn S'nm~mera at is20 o~clnalc P.N.. a qur~som being presemt.
pg~,~~ VICA-08AIBNAH Summers. Oommieaionera Holy~oD~e, 3ohumsche2~ Schntts aa3 2~a11.
~Chaismsa ~!-4~aPeon asked to bs ezoused~ bsiore Meeting co~cu~ed.
~g~ agdTgNtA~ Thompeca~ Commisaionera Qansr~ 8ap8ooa sad Bintoel.
HI89TE3 0~' i'iae-Ohairman Sammers openscl the F[eeting by oalling tar the app~o~al ar ~ah~a~es
9-24-1.g51 ia tha Minntes o! Sepbember 24~ 1951• ~Po~ a~tion by Commiasi.on~sr 3o3ga3~.
1~TIA6 sacon3ed by 4om~eieeioner Schumaoher, an1 osrried. Lhe Miautes ~ a~Psv~ad ss
T~TATIP~ A Tentative Nap ot Tract Bo. 1542 ~s preseaZed to the Co~isaian. ~is ~rac"s
NI-AP 0~' aompriseo 49 lots vit1~ imatages o~ 60 ta 63 ~ee~ aad trom 6b15 ta 67~ ~
THaCT 1~p. feet Sn srea. and ie locat~d oa Horth Aast Street betvsea Eaat Syeamore aaA 3sst -.
15ty2 Centex StreeE~ ~nst sonth oi Traot No. i3,5~.
U~.+oa a mobion by Oommie~ioner Mnn8a11, ~eaandod by Comminionsr 5~~~~-~*~~, a~
carried~ thie traF~ vas approvea anb~eat to Fn8laeerin8 re4uire~ts.
7~TATIt-~ A Teatiativs Me-p o! Tract Bo. 1546 rae pseeente8 to ~ths 4ommission. lais ~saet _
MRp pF comprises 3.1 lots 1`aving irontagee of $6 iesL aad 638~- s4usr~ ~„~,is~a~ ~ ~ S v
TxAp! 1Q0. loaabed st the eo~tthsut oorner of Horth Oiive Strast aaa Ses~ V
lytF6 ypoa a mtatioa by 4ommissioner Sohumaaher~ secondea ~ Co~ission~r Holae~s. ama
,. ___ ~~~ ~~ h„~,~ eaar thia Trr.ct to the nezt Ee~laz flsetia6 ~o ses
asr'riva~ 1Y .oe =
it the Snbdi~ider caa ~srren8e xit~ the property owaer tc the soath, ral.sti~r. to _
ths deQioation oY bhe aeoessary lam to allor Sabine:Strmet ana s oontismalion ai -
Lhe alleye ~.o be put throv~gh. _
COtA~fI3SI0B~ HIIITC~I+ e,nter~ed th~ mseting at 1t45 P.t4.
MOFtAT,~S A cotion was made by ~mmiasioner :lohatts~ seooadea by Oomnissioner Sc~'. '?
~~TIOR and aarrled, thst hesrings on the r.~o]~ssitice-tioa oi the Ibrales A~asation be '
called !or the nezt tMO Regalnr Mee~iaga o! the Commisa4on. _
It ia proposed to reoltiasiiy the i~sa~ags aa SanL* ~~ eo~a. sQr ~o s~s sa =
depth as C-2. deneral Commeraial Zone~ ana the balaace o! the praper~~ as lt-1,
bight Maantaaturing 2one.
~LID s motioa vas mnde by Commissioner Holyoks, aeoonded by Ca~issiaasr I~aa~gall, aaa
AQEN[THi oarried that hesriags on the reolaseitiastioa o! the ~nclib A4enae ~ane~alion ms
AFN~bTIOA oa].led tor the aszt tro Hsgule~r M6etiags oi the Commissioa. ;
I: is proposed to resone Lhe Bobertebawlt~].ton property as 1(-1~ 7~3~t A~~ _
Zone; the nararor stsip aa the Hortih ride o! Nlaachester d~e~ as B~-A, H~~ia~
Agricu],tnrc,l Zoas, aad the strip on ths Sonth siae oz Kancossie~ swmn: a~ :.Y. ~
Qenerel Oommeroial Zone. '
~CdMMI3SI0AmB bb~'F,8 ent•,rad thb mseting at 2tG3 P.M.
pgpFOg~D The proposed Sants Aaa ?reeway as 1t Pe~as~e ~ ~t n the p~os~aible ~
!'UTQBE FBmm- Mr. VPhitne-11 xi21 eheok with the Statie Highve~y ep
VIAY CLS,SSI- aomple~tion. ~
~iCk~rIan g mation xa.a made uy Comm~awiou-s~ P-1~.c :~ a.Ma~:3 w~ r.:,~..~~~ Seh~tts= a~d =
osrried. ir,3~a$ the Claaa:tiaatiou -_* Lh~ l~4~.Effi.es ~resrsv be oonuid~s+sa st the aest 2
Hegular ~[eeLix~,-,.
SO'iTTH I,(?5 T1~~ Oity Couaail reqneetad thst ths Commisai.oa coasider t~hs passibl~ 8~o3ass3t~ ;
1lYtiS~S 6S•i . astioa ai Soath Los AaBelea SEreat betreeu F~set 'fermoaL A~am~ aaa t3~ soat3~ 37it7 ~
g~Cy6ggiti- limits irom E-3. ~%iple l'ami~r RealQeatiai Zone. 3o R-1, Si~gle ~'amil~ ~esi- ;
p~~ip~ dentisl Zone.
IIpon a mation by Commissioner Sohntte~ ssoon4ad b~ Commi~sionsr t~amar, sa~ earri+d. ~
it vee ~otod to seb hssriags for thfo po~~~lbie rw2a~a::3.:.::aa ,~ `~ .~~.. '-~` =
Beanlsr Meetingp.
Ql:HIAFO~ Tltis xas tlto tims so~ !or the hsasiag ot the Y+srisace Petition ae. 1$2,
A0. 152 by Mr. J. 8. Mn].vey. !°r permi~sion 0o erect s Twl~e (12) IIni~t ~fotel st~
1633 ~s~ Oeaber Street. Ths property ie at pr~reat somed as BrA. Bssid~tia~
~. ~T1011~ti11T&1 N1~TrLi 8~ ~y~+'e v~~.~ Livuv+~E1~+ riva~vav~aTili v'+rse's~:aaiw`~r'a~ia~ a''~~` a~i as' a~'s ~;
:, groaLh oi the Oity rsrraat~ the ohsngo. ~
~.y` .y ~~~~~~~~..__ _.._____._..___..__._'___._.._.,._._._.~~_~.. _.~.~____.______ _"__ .~..~...~...~.,:rnt_--'-.~.-.~ ..~
_ 'fSl. ~ ' ~". _
. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-
MI80T~8 OD' B~VLIlB MEETI9a H~LD OCTOBES 1~ 1951 - Continned: (Patse 2)
~5. 15'2
Mr. Mulvey appeared betors ~he Commieeioa anQ szplaiaed hia Q~eires.
Mr. Eobe~'L Eiagsoiil. 131 ~valya Drive. read a petition eigned by the property
o~nera ia the Bonnat Traot. g~ving three (3) reaacn~ for oppoaing Ehe grauting oi
the Varisace.
Kr. 8. 8. Millard. 239 $velyn Drive, e-Leo szpreseed h!s oppoeitioa.
'71ce-Clu-i°*~_:..~ oummers cl.osed the hearing ae 1E ass the coneeneue of ths Commiesioa
that disov~aloa oa the matLer shoula bs held lstar oa in the meeting.
C014IIS3IObTES BAP(i00D eatered the Meeting at 2s30 P.H.
YARIANC~ A Pablic Hear3ng was held on iiarianae Petitica Bo. 153 seqneeLea b~+ Boes Overal2
~. 153 Cleanere ~ 1134 biorth Doclid Avenue, ~o,- 4he eYpat~eioa ot a 8aa-Con2o~ing IIse.
Mr. !'riEz ~oaseene appeared for the 8ose Overall Cleaaers and outlined the addi-
tion that t:.ay proposs to buiid.
It ve~e brought 4ut that ~uclid Avenue ie a Secondary Highvray aa3 as snah ahonld
have a set baok oi forty (40) Yeet irom the osater line of the highvay-.
Mr. 4ooseeas upreesed himsalf ae willing to stay ferty (40) Yeet back Yron the
asater 11ne and etate~ LhaE at eome ltiture time they wovld te~ke ten (10) feet oif
the preeeat bnildiag rhiah is oaly approzimately thirty (30) leet Yrom the oeaLer
line. ~ ~
T,he Commi~ei.on deferred lnrther disonssion natil ister in tha Maeting as the City
Attorney va~ ia aLLendanoe ta prseent his Orainsncse for the Coatroi oi 011 Driii- ;
ing xi4hin the City limits.
P~S~T dT TAIS TIt~ xare i+ir. uordon ~niinaii~ rianning ~oa+suiyaa~~/rresLOa znraer, ;
Oity Attorney aad Ma. 8eith Murdoah~ Cxty Administrator.
OI~ DBILLINQ Mr. PYeeton '11~rner~ City asttoraey, }w~i prasentsd Por disCributioa to the Qammi~eion ;
ORDIaABC~3 Member~~oopiea of t~ro Ordinaaoee on 011 Drilling. All Membare oY Lhs Co~mniasion
raoeive~ these aopiee oa SaEurdsy, 3eptember 29tb. ~
Ao. 1. - The tiret OrQinaaae co~erea Ooatrol oi Drilling bass3 oa the estsblish~- ~
mezt oi DISTRICTS.
No. 2. - The aeaoa8 Ordinaace covered the Qontrol ot Dri111ng buE aat by the ~
sstabliehmsat oi epsaizia dis~riate. a
Mr. Turaer prslerred Ordinanoa 80. 2, and ~aaorpo~ted in Ehie O~inanoo were maav :
oi the provielons provideFl ~or in the Origiaal Ordiaaaoe prepesred bo Mr. Mhitne~.l. a
Esch seation vae takea up ia detail an$ thorongh].y diecuseeG, oYianges xere enggeetedg
to aover every poeeible ooailition t~at might oaanr within the thidcing oi a:l ?
present at the meeting. j
CELIBMAS T@01~.'SOB eatered the Meeting at ~6s32 P.M.~ bnt dia aot taks tLe Chair.
~t+~w s A1am~aAlen n4 thw Ordltva~ae te S~CTIOH 7- nCOBbITIQHS QONTEDLLI80 DBILLIB(1 '__
AHD PEODtTCTION", rhioh la lsrgely the me~haaice o? tha operation, Commise.loner ~
2duagnll made a motioa the~t the Control O~Miaaace e~ preaentea e-nd xith the ohsagee ~
iaoorporated by the OSty ALtorney~ the Oxdiaance be otlered aa sa Intarim Ordinaaoe .~~
Zo tha Oity Conaoil. This moLioa vas seooadad by Commissioaer Bintcel. Co~Lssion-~
ar Thompeon thea ottered an em4aSmeat to this motioa as follorei ~Our etudy of this~
Ordiaanae ehall not be oonaidered ae aa eaelareemeat of L~is Ordiaanoa by the Plan- ;
afng Conimiseion." Co~mieeianer Schntte eea~oaded the emendmeat. The ameadnen~ did ~
aot carn'y. i
riaevuiro~vu v: v.~".v v:ro~w~~wr1 .+n:~D.w. ~.w.~K.7~ ~l~w~ we0^~ ~~~*C~~ C~ ~!1~~ (~'w~w~_~.~yir,~n vrw~.1~~
liko ;to apen4 more time oa ~2se ooneidsration of the Orllnsaae befora enbmiaeiaa to ~
tba C3Ly Connoil. Kr. fil-itn~xll eapreased himoolf ia faeor of thie proceanre~ so
tlie orig~aal motion ras wi;hdrarn b~ Commissianer Nungsll. ~
CC~MMISSIOHEB QAII~H ~T~BEf1 irom thm Maeting at ~t26 P.M. ~
8e~~auee oi the 1s~Eeness ~rf bhe honr~ aation on be tao 9~ris~oes Hoe. 152 ~ 153 ~
xe~s aald o•rer nntil the OcLober 3~1 Heeting. ~
ADJOO~T Upon a motioa by Oommissioaer 9ohatte, aeoonded by Oommieeioaer Sintoel~ aad oarried;~
it rmd voted ae 5e59 p.M. to ad,joura the D(eating until Msdnbsdetiy, Ootober 3, 1951 ~
at g:oo o+alock a.kt. ^
/ ~ r
A ~!I°~J~ / ~
B. . MOHaALL, retary a
~ `
~~-_ ---.._. ._.___ _ _. _._ .__ . ..._ _ _ _._.._ ... .. .. .
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