Minutes-PC 1951/10/10~
City Ball
Anaheim~ Oalifornia
October 10. 1951
BOTICS N6S GS7E~ tbat tha City Plaaniag Commiseian xou2d hold a
SP~CIAL OALi~D I~E"PI1R~ ia the City Canacil Cbambers, City Hall~
Aaaheim, Caliiora4s, at 2:00 o~cloclc P. M. oa Kedaesdoy, October
lb. 19,510
SdID AOTIQ MAS QI9SB to the City Planning Commieaioaere on the
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M8~ T~ UBD~BSI1}HED l~IB&85 ~t the Cit1 Planning Commiesioa 2vsraby
certity Lriat aaid H~TICB oi a SFBCIAL C~ALT~ D~TIRa xas 1ad.iviQnally
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oc4ober~la, 1951
MIHlTTE3 0!' SPECII.L CAI~LE~D f~TA~ AZ' '~ ~`t~N+- pr.asvrors ~rrecrna
SPECIIIL S•Special Called Meeting a~ the City piaaning Co~isaion yss ea11e~ by yu~
~~~ Chairman 3nmmers for 2s00 o~clook P.M. on OctoDer i0~ 1957., a qao~ reapond~
~rn:mTxrs La Lhs ~a:Z. Chaf ~maa '.'~a~~,son ~ss acs~i ~raa t.~a Cit~.
f The Secrot
~ ary tried to contiact aach Member bnt yas nasbie to z+each Co~issioasrs
,x; Schntte and Sohumacher.
PRE3E&T 7IG~-CHAIHI~lAN Swnmers. Cc~miseioasra Hspgood, Holyahe. Binteml aa3 ~12.
sBSP'~T r,tr~TRV~ T-,..n,~e~~, se`"~+se+~^.a..-:s L-a..-:, ~::s aa~. .`~' .
T~iTATI9E Vice-Chairman Snmmers called the Mseting to o~er ~s! 2t2O n~eioek p~[~ to e~~
MAP OF aidar the Teatative Map ot Tract Bo. 1~4o held o~er i~a tvs 1[eetiAg of QctoDer
TR~OT N0. 1~ 1951, to oee iS tha 3nbdivi3er conld malro an~ag~ea;s rith f~e px~p~a
1,s4~6 orner bo the sov.th raxative to the connectiag link t,Lst r~n1;Z ~~ ~~
ende of Borth Sabia,a Street. Mr. Dougiae 1i~ gdyaa3s s+~Orted t~ ~~~„
able to make nn~y kind of c~r~ngemeaL xi}.h caSfi azoasrtv a~ ~{~t ~
*'•.!~e Qi ?+ie ~scro~ ~s z~anafzg :~o::.
in viea oi theee taata, a motlon xae meda b~ Cosmi~4foaer ga~-Bood~ ae~ond~d
by Oommieeioner Biutcel~ and ce.rried~ t3~at ths ?entslire 1[em oS *sa~t ~e. 2qi6
be approved av.b~ect to engiaeertvg requiremeats.
ADJOUaNI~NT The Meeting ad~ouraed et 2s40 o~clock P.M.
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B. 1f. . ,_ SeC='etar?