Minutes-PC 1951/11/05~ ~ ~ ~ !
City Hall
Ane,heim~ CaliSesa3a
govember $, 1931
HEOULAR A 8egular Meeting ot the City Planning Commission was called to order at 2:20
bIEETIM(~ o~clock P.M. by Vice-Chairmaa S~~mmera in the sbeenca Yrom the City ot Chaismas
Thoeipson~ a quoram beiag present.
PRES~IQT VICE-QHAiBMAN SUP4dERS, Coauniseioaera aauer, Riutcel~ Schumacher aad ~11.
' Also preeent were Mr. t~ordon Whitaall~ Planniag Coasultant. and Mrs. lAhitasll.
ABSBIQT CHAIBl9.92~ THOI~SON~ Ooimnisaionere Holyoke, Eaggooa snd Schutte.
~SINQTES Vic.;-Chairman Summere opened the Meeting by calling for the approaal o= c~oges
in the Miantea of the Meetinga oY October let. 9r3. and lOth~ 39~1.. Commiasianer
Qauer made a motion, aeconded by Commiaeioa~r 5chumacher~ Kad, carried, the~t aeid
Minutee ue appxoved aa ~.'rittan.
COt+~iISSIONffiB SCHIITT~ entereQ the Meeting at 2:28 o~alock P.M.
VARIA~~ICE The petition of J. H. Mulvey for permieaion tu er6at a Motel at 162}1529 B~s~
N0. 1$2 Center Stree~ ~ rrss a~;aia brovght up for conaideration. This Vsriance vsa 3in7.~
over from the Meetissg of October 1, 1951.
Mr. MuZvey appearad bafore the Co;amise:oa aad at~+.,c+d that he hed nothiag tvrt~er
to add, ezcept that he had contacted the Hahn-St. John Buildera, an3 they lmv~a m
ob~ection to a Motel. Also thst his neighbora to the weet 31d aot ob~ect.
Mr. Ringemill~ 131 Evelya Drive, again appeared before the Comaisaion and pro-
eented an additional. liat of property owners proteeting the erection oi a l~Iotel
. at this locstion. . '
The heaa^±n~g nas closed vrith action to be tcikea later in the Meeting,
PARIANOE This ras the time set Por a hearing on the petitioa o4 Heinhold aad ~lvina
N0. 154 Jeachke, 204 East Broadrray, ior permissioa to uae the tro (2) Srnat rooma on t1~e
lower iloor oY the Sront dwelling for oPficea for o Qoctor or a chirapraeLor.
The property ia now aoned as Hr3~ Multiple Family Essidential, and protr,asi~nal
officee are allowd in a C-1, Neighborhood Buainese P.one.
Mr. Jeachlce apneared before the Commiesioa and atated t1Lt he 3es!±~ 4 gej ~~
income from the property. He purchased it ia 19~7 gor residentisl pnrposes.
OOMMISSIO~HH"~LTO~ ~iTB~D T'D 1~IDTIAa AT 2:47 o'clock P.M. accompanied by
M.r. Murdoch, City Adminiatrator.
Mr. C. P. Tompkina appeared before the Oommieaioa~ as Chairman oi the 3oard a±
Truetees of the First Preebyteriaa Church and preseated a letter stating t~at
their pareonege is neat door aad proteeting the iatrueioa oY bnaiaeas intn ~an
&-9 2oaed Area.
The follo~ring appeare3 bafore the Co~iesion and e=pressed their opi~3ons;
Hr. Johason~ 208 South Clanaina, Street -- Approvea Graa4lag the Varisnce.
Mrs. Sayder~ 218 Ee~et' Brnadway --_---....- ~ e a a
Mrs. Jackaon, 217 Esct Broadr~ ---- n a n •
Mre. Lybarger, 205 Eaet Broadway ------ n e a• a
Mr. H. E. Heiarich~ 212 8ast Broadwag ---.- n' n n a
Mies E. Bate Bea, 224 East BroodMSy I7ot ia :favor of arantiag varisnce.
The Planning Commiseioa also receivea a t.atter from l~isc Adele and Mra. Y.i~ce'~.
n'oxard~ 322 3ouya 1i18LLQ12]8, $6TE9L~ procesting t:.~ ~•YntLg o* s T, ~~e _*or +*a~
Mr. Nhitnall stated that the Planning Co~isefon ~ad tvo conraes it aon2d Sallaar
tw0«'R :.~2.~. ~72t~evSt.:v yTBoS'II:w C
(1) VThe area .:•..~1 be reclazelfied; or
(2) The Ordint-nce eould be ah~tngec? to permi: Protesa_onal Oi4icea ia i3ze
~3 Zone.
The hearing ve~s cloaed after all per3ona preeeat, vho so desired~ lm3 #,e~LiSis3.
Action to be tsken later in the Meeting atter discnsaioa by the Commission,
CoMh;I~~~4N~R Aepnnr±n ~~+,~,•~ +,,ha u~c~,__ . ~. ~ _ ` „
+++g av J+.~S 6 C].ti~ia r• ii~
~\~_._._____. _..._.
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1tI8tiT8s o~ B~fiULeB 1~TI~iO ~LD NOY~IB]~ 5. 1951 - Contianeds fpeB~ 2~
~. 1~S
'1'his vaa l,h~ Oim~ set tor tihe hearing on Lhe pstitioa oi H. if. iost !or per- ~
mission to ntilia~a ~ lo~ at 804 NeeR ~s~e;~ a*±M, ~~ += ;.*e ~~ Saas, ~'~„~;,s
Las s iroatage o! 50 ieet and noe sam~ ior the 1ooaLioa o! s Siagle Pamii~ Dvelliaa.
Itra. 8. b. B~aeon,•repre~wliag Nr. Yost, appsared bstore the @ommission and ststed `
tbs` ~hi~ paroel ot laad bss ~zist~d as s~epasats psroei for eome t1s~ ~ad thi~ is ;
ths onl~ ~ o! ntilisiag ths laad.
~To protests v~r~ reoei~ed b~ ed3oiaieg property onasrs.
IIpoa a aotioa by Coamissioaer (iansr~ aeoon~ded b~ Commis~ioaer Schntts, aad o~rried~ .
it vas ~oted by 8~solatioa aoa 13 - 9~rise 1951-52. to 8reats thia 9ariaac~ anb~ecL i
!o the lolloriag reqnir~ssntst '
i. Y'he loi ~hail ooatsin 6.A00 sqasre leeL. ~
2. Tsn (10) feet additiot~al aast bs allored !or !'n4nr~ ~trset vidsniag.
rns ~ie oa fcfis a~osioa va~ r~oord~l ss tollerat
•mSs QO1~II88Y03ZBSt f~-n~r. Be~Pgood. Hal~ke~ Biatosl, Seha~aoher, 3ohntte snd {
HO=Ss OOMFtIS3I01~BSt Bone. ~~
~SS~'Ps Qg-I~I~'ADI~SOB.
HOT YdTIIOS 1-IA-CBdIB11~Y SDltt~BS on aocona4 0! ooonpsiag the Ohair. _
~OL~SSD'i- Thi~ xs~ ths tis~ ~et for the lir~t pnb1Y~ hesria~ oa ths l~orale~ Aan~satioa where- 3
Q-!'IOa 0! b~ it vss propo~,d !o son~ !he 150 leet baot fros t~he trontag~ oa 3onth SpaQra a~
IID8~3 A8- C-2~ Gsa~ral Conmerciat Zoas aad Ehs baiaaoe ot t~u proprot~ ezteading 40 ~orth ~
YS-SIQZ 90. L~moa SOreet as ![-1, bight Manufaalusiag Zon~. ;
? yI"52"Z ~o ob~aoloss ~pp~as~d before th~ Qommi~sioa. r
Kr. H~iass. a prop~rt~ oxaer, iaanired i! t~~ C-2 Uee conl~ ~teffi iata :ha !i-1 :i
Clsssiti~estion. ;
Mr. ![Q 9~11 atst~d thsL h~ ~Q no ob~~otion Lo th~ r~olssaiiiostion.
The seoond pnbiia hearin~ nill b• hdd oa 1[oady~ D~o~aber 3~ 1951. ~5
BZCL-SSI?i- i'hi• vss :h. :1~~ s~t tor bh~ rirst pnbiio heariaa oa the reelsssitiontion ot th~
QATIaB 0? 'oolid l~emu ~aawtioa rher~by iL i~ propo~ed tbat th~ por~loa oa tYis aorth •ide
i~C~ID A1~. ot th~ p:bpo~~d !'~ysva~ bs soaed ss $.j~ Sesideatiel ~grionitnral Zons~ the por-
11~4TIOa tion oa ths sonth •id~ ot ~a~id B~DA~~ ~n'ee+n~ be :oae~ aQ p-2~ (~aae,al, C~~r~~
1P0.~51-52--3 Zoa~ aa~t thst the Bo1~rt~aM-!nlloa propert~ b• son~d ss lI-1~ blgh~Hannieotnsiag
Zoas. Bo ons qppesred tor or egaiaot ths propc~~d seolas~itioation.
Ths ~ecoad .p~ablio hesring ~eill be h~id oa Moady, Deommber 3, 19,s1.
B~CL~SSIpI- Thie rss 4h~ tite set !or ths tir~t pobiio hearing oa the reqws~ oi th~ Cit~
CA'PIOS Oa Oonnoii thst the Planniag Coamis~ion oonsiQsr !h~ rssoalag of Sonth 7ros ~ag~ei~~
SoD'1~ LOS Strast troa ~ss8 termont ~~snn~ ~onth ~o the astT Ls~t. rrom ar.3. Mnltipi~ lamil~
~H(~~S 8T. Bssidentisl Zo~a~ to B~-1, siaals lamil~ ~e~~d~ntinl Zoae.
HOsP-Sb 52--4 ietisrs wsr~ reosi~d lrom Rra. I+oais H. 8o'ria~~ Dr. 110~ J. 8arrons~ an~t ![rs
itilii~n 0. Tolcsr. reqnsating ths obe~age i'roo &.3 to R-1 Zon~.
Alr, I,onia &oa~ins sppeared in pareos aad, ~tst~d t~LsO h~ voalQ prster maltipl~
darellings lanetesQ oi ~aosat laad~ bn! woy0,d pr~isr Singls 7'aaily Som~s.
flr. Holsboiin. ss th~ origin~l parobassr of t2~la psopert~r iroa ;?~.'8nrropa. rtsted
~ha~ it res the nad~rataadiag t1~at:.S~e doep lo4s alona 1,ai ~ngileb,S4reeL ronld b•
nsed iv= ~n14ip1~ !'amil~ Dr~lliag~ eaQ t}~t Dr~ gnr~ow bss on~ oi th~rs lota in
~soror ab »r~s~nd :*+gh ho i~ o!l~ris~ tar lhittipl~ IIae.
1[r, lfnvbo~.~ lpn3 st~n*1+ r./~..a~;. as..:..~. ~r~ae.ei. ve.'6se $ad uom~il{sion e1LQ aLate3
that dna to s oLorteg~ of B-3 lo4s`ia`the City~ this wres cl~oald be Yept in g,.3~
Dr. Bnrrors. 956 Sonth Los ~agels~ Straet. spp~rad b~for~ the Oommie~ion an4 re-
qtu~t~d tbst ths soaiug be eAsagea trom B,-3 to Brl.
d let~s^ vas r~osl,~ed troa ths lar lir~n o! I(nslat aad Bnrseil, yo~ A~g~,es. repre-
oanLing ths pr~aeat oan~sa dt Lhs.BroPer4~ imoli~d. na~el~~ the Soesm~sd.-~ire~loae
gomse. Ino., ~te-blag ~1! !la~OIIa 1~ bhs pl~Op*!$? ~l.pRld be 10Z4 Sa ~he Br~ ZoAAe
`B~e seao~t pnblic h~rin6 ~rf~l bs held on ltondy~ Deo~obsr 3~ 1951. •
8iC1~83I1a0M This xaa the tim~ relc tor Ohs tir~t rnu+±ie h.~rina on ~s ~:•::,-, __...,--
~iw~ w~ ww ~ y~~arapa OY D3'•
•~a y, La. .i. w. srassx aad 0. 7~onis~ Trussr~ 889 3oa4h ~oe !~e2~a Streat, req~testiiig s Cbaag~
'~i bi PROPDB af Zoa~ a¢;;thecprop~rt~ ia Lo1c lo oi ~'s~wt Ho. 1054. ~dP~},aC th~ morth 1Z6 l~st.
TT aY Sti~~ ?hs propar0~ is looa2ed at 860 - 900 gonth ye~oa 3~rsat affi !s nor soae~ sr BPI,
~.~~ 3!~1' Sing].e 7'emily Besidential Zoas and it le pxopmaed ~o obaage ~eae to E-3~ l~tultipie
51-52--5 aasil~ Bs~id~atiwl Zoas,
~ ~ ~, •~ ~ ,,~~
~s os ~8 ~~a s~n aova~as 5. x95~ - coassnnea: (~e 3).
t p~0ltios vas reo~ived ~rom y4 Propert~ o~rasrs in ths ~iciai0~ protestia~ ~he
'J~ 3 ~jl- ohaage.
57-'S ~tsa` 1[r. Leo !. Ostdialc. 121 1[idveyr Ilano!= Mr. $. go NoOdrnfi. 120 llidMay lfaaop~ s~p~ared
~ Ddos~ th~ Qnanissian affi atated 4ns~~!! this ohemge rers sllo~red. thxy wnld l~s~e
~~arager isoa the Italtipis Dreliiags direotl~ opposits th~tr lroat ~ard~.
1(rs. tRyrtl~ 8eed~ 113 1lid'Ma,Y Dri.s, ~oiae~ ob~~otion~ to the propoeeil ohaage.
xr. Bo~~rtson. ~altor. ~tatsd tlu-! t1ur~ ras ~, grest -~o~rsst~ oi Br3 Lota in the
Cit~. aad tbat sLtraotiih llnl~ip~~ ~elliags shots~l~t :r~ detraat labm ~zisLlx~ pro-
psrt~ ~alws.
ltr. 6. ?. 3orvia~~ 101 Midva44 llanor~ aad 811s 5. Msr41n. 109 Midray }(anor~ aloo
regleteawa th~ir px~~e~ts to s reolsssitiostion.
~ p~titioa vss st~o reoei~~d irom 12 ro~id~ats oi llid~ Naaor roqnset3ag W~st t~ha
Cft~ eonsader ezsend'aag shaa ~~r.e~ "sham~,h 'so Sonfia ~emoa S~reet. ~n3s uequs~~,
rar tara~d oesr ta th~ Citif Plaaniag Qommi~eion Stait b~ Yioe-Chairmsa Sniomar,
!or stad~.
~ s~oaa pnDlia hs~rina oa thi~ 88~lsssitioatioa ~riil b• held oa Moadeyr.
Dec~ober 3. 1931.
o0i~[ISSIO~B SOH6'1'~Jt ~IB~D lron the Rsating st 3s55 0~01001~ p.1t.
~IOY Da4es o! Dt~amber 3. 1951 aad dsaasr~ 7, 1952. mr~ rsL for h~arlmgs on ths enend-
n. 9~-S~BII~' a~nt to Ordiaanoe Uo. ??4~ absn6lag ths a~.a..sisoation or pa~r,s~ rrom 0-2~
1s51-5Z @~noYa]. Busiae.. Zoae~ te x-i, bsahe xeausaotnrsaa zon..
4~7alTlSZ l~l~~~w ~~. ~.ls fi~ Rn'~~1~a1nn~~w !lnl~naewi~~w ...rf~ 1. ~~~~~~~.. ~~~..:~~~
~a Zd'-~ '~ Cw.:30'1. ~¢~ ~C Ttr~OL Oa ~Pa~6 ~G• ~~ ~SP'iB'1 r 1• " vva~
. p r ~ ~v~ P~~~asr af
19A-S2 y.otii~ias Prop~ Orn~rs a! th~ Iaten4 0! Lhe Cit~r P1anaSag Commi~eiou aad t1n~
Cit~ Qoaaail !o ]~oid ~oDiio S~ariag~ oa asttsr~ r~latit~ to l~nd Use, Ue ohsnaed
D~ Se~oln4ion to BOTUIQ~TIO1f ST M-IL TO T~ PEOP78T! aNIRiBB MI'~8 900 !~T Ot
'ffi ~OT PBOP,~'1't TO A~ B~C7JSSIlIm OB rOB YSIt18 A ~A8L90$ IS ~q',~STDD.
Th~ eote on the abo~e B~~ointioa vas ss foilowe
A?89s COI~lIBSIOY~St (Iwsr~ Bap~ood~ 8olyol~s~ Bintosl, Sohueaoher eu~d l~nagal,i.
sbS~Tt 001~V!lISSI0~8SS $bhntti sad 2ho~~on. .
i~BY~i~ Sh~ p~ti4ion o! J. ~., Mnlvq tor tIIa 1[otsl va~ bronght np ior disovusion.
m• ISZ II,~oa a aotioa bT Coa~nisaioaer Sintonl. eeoond~d b~ Coaissioasr Ge~nsr~ and osrried~
it yso ~ot~d b~ 8eao=ntion Xo. 11-Ssriea iqsl-52~ to ds~ the p~titia~a to ereot s
lloti~l ior the lolloMiai re~soa~s
1. Th~ ths~ee ooadi4loas ~nstitying ssiQ Ysriaaos ba~e aot been a4oqnstsly
2. ~tela a.-a s3.2:.:a~~e Sa a C-2. G~serai Co~msroial 7,0:..~~ ont ~ae t~ommissioa
qus~tion~l rhatlwr it i~ ~nstii~abl~ at Lhis iis~ to sta~rt a pa'hos-string»
'~tuia~~s ara- aloug ~s~t C~nt~r Strest. it •*.i~ wr~ gr-aated~ the Qommission
ronld bs~ 40 6satnt othsr Q-2 IIes~ ia t~h~ oe~me e~res.
3. Prot~st~ agsinst OL~e graatiag o! th1~ oariaao~ ~rsre r~oeii~ed lrom 39 proBer~~
ovasn ia the nearby vicinitq.
~F. It is bW.ieve~ by the Oommitsio~s t,k~at b~• tnrthsr otuQi~o o! this sr~s~ s
betL~r ns~ ot.thie anfl.the ~urrouadiag prpp~rty might re~n7.~.
The tot~ oa ths a~o~e ootinn rsa ea ioilo~res -
i35~: 003~7ISSIOF~8.9: tisasr. Hspgood. B~i~olre~ Biotosl, sahnmsoher a~ l9unga1l.
&~: C63DtI88I0~&S: Sone.
~ffi~Ts OOIIMISSIOEiBSs Somn4ts aad ~ho~s~oa.
~ 4tter ~ison~sioa on ~sriaaoe No. 15++~ a mo0ioa vsa ~sdm by ~io~i~eic~a~l9bhmabh~;,
~t1. 1~ second~3 b~ Oo~iesioaer Espgvod, a,nb oarri~d~ it v~s~ ~oted by 8eso]:ntion go. 12-
Series 1951-~2, to de~y tha petition tor the iolloring rea~onet
1. she Lhrae oaffiibaoa;~ ~ustity~iag ~he po~sibl~ granti~g of es oe~rls~o~oe he-n
sot besn propsrl~ wnrwrat.
~c. ane 'si9e ass aoy cn~ie as y~s~~ ia oree's dora'asss nroadNa~y~ eaai oY ~lsadllal-
Sfseo~. iato a Bsuia~~s Zoas.
~. ~hs grantiag oY the Is~isaoe wnld gi~e the ~pplioants a privll~ge aot
bT the other pi~op~rC~ oMaer~ ia 4hs saas ~loinit~.
~! ~OLO AII ~! BbOT! BOLSOII Y8p }~ ~n17,3w~
~Tf$: OOIQ~l38~S01~Si (i~-ne
~a~c~d ,
~i9 s 00l~tESSI0n88 t Aonsr• ~PB~od~ 8olyol~s, 8inta~. ~ Aohumacher ~„+ g~Ba11.
~_.~~.,~_ ~...~...s~~e__._---~-•----- -----_-___-- ----------_.~~.
----- ~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~-
~ ~ ~e~a$ ^~ ~ ~~ ~. ~ - c~ss~a.: c~a. a~ •
!~T` ~r ~i=`~~ ~~ir =~F ~~ 1~s ~;~ it ~ORth 01178 and'sst aiihelmiae- SLrests~
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ad~ios. ~s traat aoag~risss 11 lots and ia ~reit~ a"~°
~a~ i~fisi'~ ~s ~~ ~• ~s of B~xd~a aron.
~~ a iii3~a ~f Cis~io~' ~r• ~~ooad~d b~ Qo~issionsr Bap~ood. aa3 carried.
i~ ~ s~i ~ a~s~ ~+s li~osL lf~P ot tb~ia traat. as Pr~~ea~Lecl.
~'~L ~'! ~!!~I ~P d'~a; Ze. 15~ ~ P~~nt~d to the Co~miesian. This traet S~
~R~! ~. ~ ~!~ ss~ si~~e ~d3tidsr ~s ths Ysl ~alarestnent 60~. rrot ee~erl~
7~ a~ ~ ~'91r~.'
~~m s~~4t' ~~30m~ ~- ~ecoffied b~ Commissionsr Hnagsll. snd
~s it ws wt~ ~r app~-~ t~ss 3`iaal itsP o! ~sid TrsaL as Preaentsd.
~,~~ ~,~ ~~~st~ ia t~s 8abdi~isioa Ordinsaae ress preeented t,o ths
~ ~~eu ~eswt ai t~ S~tt rss iasZsoaLea to brietl~ otttlias the ont-
~~~e,~ ~s~a imr ~stin` Os~diaavas sad ths pro~osed new Or~linaace.
~~^es Jili ~e tixoo~-t np tar df~anssioa st Lhs ttpeoial Call~ Meeting
~~~~ d~~ ~r !~, Iy3i~ at 2t00 o~alo~sl~ P.i(.
,~,~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ [t#S s*aloel~ P.D[.
~ ~
~' ~
~ ~~~
g. 1f. 1laogai S~retaty
--- --~ ------- _ _ _
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