Minutes-PC 1951/12/10~
City Bsll
Jas3~aia, Califoaais
Deceabor 10, 19¢
ADJOURB'SD Aa Ad~onraed Begnlar Meetiag of the City Plaaaing Co~misdoa ras oalled to
~~~ order by Chairman Thompeoa at 2t35 0~0l001~ P.1{o. s qnorna beiag preseat.-
P~SEHT CEAIRNAA TID!(PSOLT~ Commissioaere fianor, Holyota~ Sahmm~cher aad ]ta~sii.
ASSDHT QO1~Q~IISSIOHEB3 Be,pgood, Bintaol ~ Sahaits aad Snmmers.
4AEIAaOE Yariaaae 1Qo. 159~ held over irom the Keetiag he13 on Decsmber 3~ 19A, rss
~• 159 the first order oi businese.
As rsqnested; Mr. Veir~ tha leaaee, preaentod to tLe Commission s p2At p3ag
of the lat shorring the looatioa of ~ha praposed garage.
Hr. Iteir ststed tbst he l~ad oontacted moat of the ob~eatnrs sad t~t t2~
rera astisiied Lthe looation oi tha gasage as ahova on tha plot plaa,
namely with tha oi tha building iorty (40) Yeet bacl~ oi the properfp
line. He propoaea to black-top to the line oi the Service Statiea on t~
oorner~and the fonce betrroea the t~o pro~erbies rili be reeo*~r
A motioa vaa made by,Commisaioner Sahumaaher. sc~conded b~ Comnisaioner 8anar.
sad csrried, tl~t by Eeeolntiaa Ho. 21 - Ser3es ~951-j2. the petitioa ior t~s
Variaaoe~ So. 159~ be gsanted snb~leot 1w ~Lhb..(isrags Bnf1&ing boing locsted as
ehown on the plot plan.
The v~te oa eaid motion vas as iollo~oss
AYlC5t CONMISS209EBSs Oansr. Bolyoke~ Sahumschsr and 1lungall.
ABS~'Ps COH~1I33IOBffiBSt Eapgood. Bintoel~ Sahntte aad Su~mera.
D:OHBOE E. A propoea7. tihst the Monroe B. Yeilaae Snbdiwiaioa, I~ots 1 and 3~ bs s~ed
XAL7~ACE to the Citq~ Naa preseated to the Commiaeion. fihese'~o lots are naiababitsd
ANNEEATIObT territory~ ead it ie proposad to snbdivide aad bnild boaes as s2~oYa ia Tracts
Hos. 1356 and. 1559. The Lao traota coffiprise spprozia~atslA 2~ acres.
The area lias betxeen ~ast Sycsmora Street_and Es~t 7.e- Pa7,aed bR~, ~~ ~
Bor!h Sast Street.
A motion rae made by Oommissioaar Sc~umacher~ aecoaded by Comiaaioner ![m~all~
and oerried~ that the City Flanaiag Cpmmissioa reconmena to ths CiL~ C~neii
thst actian be takea to snnes 4haee tw lots to the Cit~ aad t,}~ t1~i- ~ar bs
kaowa aad desigaated as the "H08H0~ ~. 1fAbLAO~ wB~SU'Ipg"~
lLDJOIIB~TT Thare being nothing itiuther thst could be tskea np st the .-d3onrad lleelin6~
the Commioaioa ad~ouraed sb 9:08 0~olook P.N.
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