Minutes-PC 1951/12/26/ `'.
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City Hall
~naheim. Oalifornia
Decemb~r 26, 1951
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~OR'IC~ y1A9 (}IV~T tt~at tlu Oity Plannin6 u'ommfiB~o~ ~-v~~ ......
SPSCIAI, OALL~D 1~'PINa in ths Oitp Couacil Chambers, City Hall.
Anaheim. Oalifornia~ at 1Qt30 o~clock n. M. on Wednesday. Decem~er
26~ 1951.
SAID NOTICE wA3 QIQEN to the City Planning Commiseionere on Lhe 21et
dsy of December. ',y5i.
q~ ~ Ut~IDAgi~l~ -~1BffiS of the City Plaaning Oommieeion hsreby
certify that eaid NOTIC,ID of e 3PECEAL CALL&'D H~ID'PI1Qa waa individuslly
CSLy a,. "_ ~
Jl~nir,:~•:~~:r ,.:~;, ~„:~:ti~
Decemi.:,_ ,.~, ;.~~;.
11I3U'2i4 O? ~i ~l-L C~•T,~Q I~L~pIA~ 0! THa CIT7 P~iINNINb GOMNISSIOB
~~ 1 9pecial Called llsetin6 of ths !+its Planniag Commission ~ras calle8 to ordsr
~ at 20:95 o~cloeti A.K. by CLsirrnn Tho~ ~on. a qnornm b~ing preseat.
P~'1` Cbeiraan 'lhosp~oa, Commissioners (ian~r, Hnpaood. Holyake. Buitcel, Sclainsoher~
~chntte and ltnn6a11.
g'~1~GE ShiR Kesti~ Kas cailed primariby t~ ~ive tnrther coneideraEion to oarianae No.
HFf• 2~'9 159. a! the reqnsat oi the Cit~ QonaCil. to ths variaace granted at the A~onrned
4~~..7.• ~~~{~ .sI t~0 Cfl•L3•~~~:3II .~iS2~ CZ .r.v'.:C~~3oi Zv~ i~jji~ w2'aoa2vy ~otau8'siCiaZ
v~s ai~en te sreot e~araae tor the repair of antomobilea oa the eontherly one
lmadred (100) feet of ths property s` 1940 ~st Centmr 8treet. Seoeral proteet-
e3ts bad appsared at the City Council Naeting held oa December 11. 1951 and
staied tbat tl~es bed not baen notiii~d of tha Oommissiop~E Meeting.
'1'~s iolloving tacte rere eatabliahed.
1. ' Ho action upoa 9ariance No. iy9 xa. teken at the 8egul~r Meeting held on
December 3. 195f dne to the fact thst no xQsquate p1oC plan xas eubmitted pith
'sae ps~~iion. Petitioas ~or and against the graating of the Yariance rsre pre-
sented at Lhi• AIeeting: All prseent vere informea thst sa Ad~ourneQ Begnler
Heeting ronld be called at a later date, dne aotice of which rould appear in the
ne~repap~r~. It ase agres8 by all prsseat that this von1Q be eufficient noLice.
7_ - lt tlu 4i1nn ~aA Aaanlnw Y~~t1r~ h~ld ~n 71~w~~l~~w 7A~ 70C7 =1~~ ~~~
s~ring ~r the 18ad ronld be ased and shoxiag the loaatioa of the ~ullding rar
preaent~d aad the Yariance ras granted.
3. 6t tha CiLy Council Kscting held oa December ll. 1951, esveral proLeeLsnts
appeared and stated tLat they bad not recei,vnd aotioes oi the Ad~ouraed Meetiag
oi Che Planning Commieeion. It xee not the intent ot ~ths P1Aaning Comioieeion to
aen8 individual aoticea oi this Meeting. The City Couacil at thie MeeLing aan~
tLs Pariance back to the P],aaning Commisaion`Lo raconei8ar the Variaace.
Batore ths opening of Lhe Special Called Meeting held trday. the lsasee of the
propesty. D[r. Bov2anQ Meir~ etated Lhat he xonld like to have aay sotioa deferred
aatil the Begalar ri~eting of the Oommieeion to bs held oa Jannar~ ~, i9K2~ at
rhich ti~ he ~ronld present plane for a neK bnilding to be ereoted on the premiees•
thsrsfors. no action ras takea by ths Co~iseion tod~q.
2t i~ Lhe opinion o! the Commi~eioa thst an Deasmber 10. 1951. the Land Veo xse
aranted and thet b~ Ordinaace Bo. 774, no nppeal hae been made in writing to the
City Conncil nithia th~ reqnir0d twsnty (20)'dq~s sad E2aat ths Parieaoe ia now
ia ers.ct.
~IP~ L SenLaSi~e 11ap oi Tract Bo. 1965 ~-ae praeented to the Commiseion. Thie tract
D~E}8 4'.~EC4 ~raa re2erred to tha 1~ahaim Co~i~eion by the Oounty Planning Qowmiasion aad
~• 2565 vbil~ so~! of Lhe tract is 3n Conaty Eerritory it coabaine the pro~eoted esteneion
oi ~ast Broadray aad is ia~ln~ed Sa the psopoeed eanezation to the City.
Attsr di~ca~~ion a sotioa vae mad~ by Commia~ioae~ Holyoke. ~econ~ed by Commieaoae
Hintcsi. and enrriad. t1~at ths Commiseion ask the Oonaty Oommieeion to deler actio.
oa tt~is~9r:~di~ision for the follorina reasoaei
i ~~ a~us~r~1~= L~ 4~I~ J~ L ~~
• :.w ~uwa~e.r ri'y i.GSiv~ t~.eq aVP s~2Pb`+19P £Ib'~ ~Y^ ~m8.1?i CTlLQ4CSOgCQ
porlioa to ths wo~t noM rithin the aitp limita.
2. 'Po condder rhat may Ds done with the eontberly portion of ths Lincoln
ScBool propsrty. .
~. To stnd~v tbat por4loc oi the 9nDdivisioa lronting oa the Stste Highw;y noar
Pluentia A~eime. xhich portion ie e'ideatly lntentled for bntiness uee oa
a~couat ef Lhs alley e~lsoeva ia the rear. 8eiag on L•he 3tat• Highw~q. Lhe
rfght-of-ra~ shonld be lifty (KO) f~e~, neeeeeitatfng a ra~orki.ng oS the asp.
~ ~ i'he Qo~i~sion ad~onrasd at 11:30 o~clock A. M.
1'7IS~/ -
' ~ ~ 8. M. Iinnge~j Secretary
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